Doormaze Drage Water Land Part Three

 Water City

They soon arrived at Water City. It was made up of many different domes on many different levels connected by many different tunnels. The buildings were the same as the town but larger. Yet there were once that looked like they were made up of old broken ships that were held in place by the coral.

She spotted several rivers running throughout the domes. Some of the sea creatures dived into the rivers. Others came out with a bucket full of fish. They then moved onto the market place. Where a group of them gutted and skinned the fish. 

It was quite beautiful.

They climbed off and looked around. They soon made their way to the shops. They knew that they needed more intelligence on the stronghold here and they needed more food. They soon bought more fish and, after Coalmine cooked them, they ate it. They then looked at the people and then they soon spotted one of the fish men being approached by a group of soldiers. His eyes looked pleadingly at them. Yet they took his bucket and looked down and he collapsed. The moment that they did he cried silently. Other soldiers came and punched him before dragging him away.

Doormaze was about to run after him.

“Don't. You should not do anything until we know what is going on.”

She was still unconvinced.

“Coalmine’s right. You may be able to do something for him, but later on you will. Look at the bigger picture.”

Doormaze looked down and nodded. She bit her lip as she used all her self control not to go after the group.

“Tell me, do you three work?” Asked a soldier.

“Not at the moment.”

He clicked his fingers and they were approached by a group of soldiers.

“Then we will follow you until you find work.”

“At least let us finish our meal first.”

“Sure, if you can finish that within ten minutes.”

They nodded as they finished as fast as they could. They then flipped onto their feet.

“Tell me. Who invented this?”

“Where have you been?  Under a rock?”



They nodded as they spotted a group of people throwing stairs at the one that the soldiers had taken away.

Doormaze could no longer tolerate this and ran to them.

“STOP IT! STOP IT! What did he do?”

“’E go’ ‘oo much fish. So ’e ’as ’o die!”

“Are you joking? He doesn’t deserve to-”

She felt something hit her in the back of her head. The next moment, she was waking up in a call.

“Alrigh’ you ’avr a new chance. You three will work ’ere. You are ’o make three shirts. No more no less and no arguments!” He boomed as they were all dragged to a table of cloth.

“Do you know how to make any shirts?” Doormaze asked.

“Yes. I will show you.” Burn said.

She soon taught her how to make a shirt and they soon finished three. Then the guards came in and collected the shirts. They all looked at them. They then looked at Doormaze and then back at the shirts.

“Good. Now come.” He said as he then collected the three.

They were then led at gunpoint out. They walked to a large room. They were led to a chair and forced to sit down.


They did and they had to make more shirts. They did this until their fingers hurt and thentips were starting to bleed. Yet this gave Doormaze one thing that she had been developing her whole life. Yet this thing was not on the scale as it was at this point. This was indrurance. She felt a fire rise within her and she knew that she could not let it out just yet. Though she knew that they had to get out of this place. Yet she knew that she would have to be wise when she would make her move.

She looked to the others and noticed that the rest had glazed depressed look in their eyes. She looked back and heard someone coughing as she worked. She wanted to help them but she has learnt her lesson. She had to force herself on as she heard her coughing again. She took a glance back to see the blood in the cloth. She then noticed the guards take out a whip and struck her again and again and again. She had to bite her lip as she forced herself to work on and ignore the screaming. Yet she suddenly stopped the screaming and yet they continued. She looked to see the horror that was ahead of her.

She looked back. There was nothing but fury running her veins. She had never wanted to kill anyone in her life! She wanted to kill everyone in this place. Yet she forced herself to continue working. When the night came she could barely sleep. She could feel the rage pound in her mind like a bass drum with the pedals beating her skull. This built up within her all night. The following day the night left her feeling the strong rage and urge to kill all the soldiers and guards.

Her eyes turned black and there was a scarlet slit in the centre with the whites of the eyes turned bright royal purple.

Yet, when the guards saw this, they walked over to her. The moment their eyes met they fell. Then she looked at all of the other guards and they all died too. She did not know what was going on nor did she care. She just wanted them all dead.

She walked up to everyone and freed them. 

“We’re getting out of here.”

When she saw the guards she looked at them in the eyes and they fell down dead. Then she saw the guards outside and looked at them in the eyes and they fell down dead. She did this to all the soldiers and guards in Water City and soon left Water City.

“What was that?”

Doormaze suddenly felt afraid. She was suddenly afraid that if she looked at them in their eyes that she would kill them too.

“I don’t know.”


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