Doormaze Drage Water Land Part Two

 Water Town

It was a good walk until they arrived at Water Town. It was under a large dome with homes made of coral all manipulated and shaped into the shape of a house with sea shells for the roof tiles. They all had doors that were wooden with the door knob made of a pink and white sea shell that looked like a snail shell. They all had identical gardens with pale blue grass and trees with bright turquoise apples growing from them. 

The people were tall and skinny. They had blue scales like fish. Their hands and feet were webbed with claws for nails. With ears like fins and their eyes were like large black beads and a ring of black or blue in the centre. One looked at them with a blank tired expression on his face for a moment before he moved on.

“Now, where do we start?”

“With the nearest one, I guess.” Doormaze said, scratching her head.

She walked to the nearest one.


“’Lo.” He spoke, his voice sounded like a passionate whisper.

“Tell me. What is this place called?”

“’Lan’ice. Why?”

“Right. Is there a stronghold of soursts that needs to be taken down?”

“Ye’! Bu’ you need ’o ge’ a Wa’er Ci’y. ’Ave ye go’ any money?”

“No, why?”

“Ye need i’. Ye can't ge’ there withou’ i’!”

“Is there a place where we can find work?” Burn asked.

“The ’o’el. They ’ire anyone.” He told them, pointing to a lethe building made of coral. Above the door was a plaque.


“Right. Thank you, sir.”

“Come on.”

They walked to the door and opened the door. 

They were greeted by a woman of the sea creatures with turquoise scales. 

“Oo are you?”

“People looking for a way to make money.”

“Oh good. You can work ’ere!” Sbw barked. “Wha’ are ye names?”

“Doormaze Drage.”

“Coalmine Drake.”

“Burn Rose.”

“Can ye clean?”

“I can!” Both Doormaze and Burn said.

“Can ye cook?”

“Yes.” Coalmine spoke.

“Me too. Though I don’t know if I can cook well.” Burn spoke, shyly.

“Then I’ll see.”

She guided them from the entrance to the kitchen.

“Cook somme’!”

Both Burn and Coalmine started cooking. Both made sure that they cooked the best dish that they knew that they could cook. Burn cooked beans on toast, meanwhile Coalmine cooked fish and seaweed. Then gave it to her.

She took a bite out of the beans on toast.

“Burn, y’ll work ‘ere!”

Thwn she took a bit out of both the fish and then the seaweed.

“Coalmine, y’ll need ’elp.”

They nodded.

“Doormaze, wash the dishes.”

She nodded and started to clean them. She did this as fast and as thorough as she could. She felt the woman bare her hawk-like eyes on her. After she cleaned the rest of the kitchen.

“A’righ: ye work ’ere.’ She stated. “Ye work ’til ye ge’ ad much money as ye need.”

“Thank you!”

That was when the guests came flooding in. They soon found themselves cooking for all of them. Then Doormaze cleaned the plates once they had finished. Once the mealtime was over she went onto cleaning the kitchen.

“Good. Ge’ some sleep. Ye all look like ye need i’!”

They nodded as they left the kitchen and cleaned their hands.


“’Op floor.”

She nodded.

“Pick a room.”

They walked up stairs and agreed on their rooms. They soon took a bath and dried themselves all over. They all put a new set of clothes on. Then they flopped into their beds. Their eyes closed the moment that their heads touched the pillow.

They were woken up at an early hour. They made their way to the kitchen. Where they worked for over three hours before all the guests started to make their way down to the kitchen. At the end of this all they ate their breakfast and cleaned up everything that they needed before they cleaned the kitchen. Doormaze taught Coalmine how to clean as they did.

That was when the woman walked in.

“Good work. Ye go on a break now. ’Ere! Ye first salary. Use ’em well.” She said, giving them a handful of jewels.

They made their way to the shops. There, they bought some new clothes as their old clothes were all ragged. They all got a blue shirt like the ones that peasants of mediaeval Britain wore. And they put on a pair of ink blue trousers. They looked at the clock. It was time to get back to work again.

So they returned to the hotel. They still had a few jewels of their salary remaining. They put it all away. They went on working. Doormaze then went throughout the hotel and cleaned all the rooms. She did not leave a speck of dirt. 

Then they all went on to have their lunch. They then moved onto cleaning the dingy hall and stairs.

“Good work!”

“Thank you.”

Then soon tea time came and they cooked their meals and did everything that their job commanded of them. Once they ate their tea and cleaned all over they put on their new clothes. Then they slept better than a baby.

When they woke up the next morning they cooked the meals that they needed to and cleaned too. That was when the hotel manager walked in and gave them their jewels.

“Go no. I wasn't ye ’o go ’o the Ci’y.” She said, slightly depressed. “Ye ‘ave enough, now.”

They nodded and took it.

“Thank you!”

She smiled.

“Jus’ free us.”


“Ye no’ from this world. Wasn’ ’ard. Noe go!”

“We will not forget this!”

“Please do. I’ was nothin’!”

They soon looked at the map that she had given them and took off. They ate their lunch before they walked to the edge of the dome. Where they were greeted by a water man, sitting on a creature that looked like a giant underwater snail. They gave him their jewels and left behind Water Town.


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