The Blue Rock And I The Tower Witch Part Three

Fighting The Will

Of The Witch

We arrived at a large field and we finally landed. I looked at her long white hair and saw her white face with high cheekbones. Her eyebrows and eyelashes were barely visible and I was finally able to see her eyes. They were red in the centre but as the iris met the white of the eyes the colour became green. She carried the ice cold beauty of the incarnations of her spell in the rocks.

She looked onwards and raised her hands and the grass shook. I fell as I could only look in shock as a tower rose from the ground. It was made of purple crystal and had a flat roof with high merlons and narrow crevices. The machicolations were narrow but wide enough to fit three arrows one on top of the other. I could see that there was a staircase spiralling to the top leading to the roof. I would have wished to appreciate the beauty of the Tower if I had not been so scared. 

Towitch then pointed to the sky. A purple light shot from her finger. Then a purple dome stretched across the sky and down the field. She looked back at me with a smirk.

"There. I think I would like a little privacy. Do you not?"

I struggled to get to my feet. I then turned to the dome and, for a moment, I wanted to run away. I then heard her chuckle. I then looked back 

" Alright, here is the chance. If you can escape then you can go home. If you do not then I will be able to do to you whatever I wish to. Now go! "

I legged it. I did not think, I did not even speak. All I could do was run. I ran as fast as I could. I did not stop. I did not dare stop. I could feel my lungs cry out for air, yet regardless of how much I panted, they could not be satisfied. I started to sweat as my legs raced. I soon reached the edge of the dome and the moment I hit it, I flew back! I then ran at it again and I was back on the ground. I then ran along the edge of the dome. Yet I dared to look back to see that Towitch was walking towards me. I could feel my desperation force me on and caused me to not think of anything but getting away from her. I then ran the whole parameters of the dome. Then, with a cry of despair, I realised that there was no way out.

I felt tears fall down my cheeks. I felt my knees shake and my fear increased. I fell onto the grass. There was no escape. There was no stopping what was about to happen.

Hold on, she did this to give me hope! Hope to find a way out. Hope to escape her!


So that she would be able to crush it! If that's true then-

I felt a chill run down my spine.

The torture has already begun!

At this, I felt anger and that anger flooded my heart and overwhelmed my fear. I wanted to hurt her. I didn't care how. I wanted to make her feel the pain that I felt, the pain I was going to feel.

I raced to my feet and ran to her and our eyes met. I went to give her a punch with all my power but she stopped my fist in the air. I tried to move it but I could not! I felt frustration build within me and I tried to throw a kick but that too was stopped in mid air. I want to punch her with the other fist and this too stopped.

Why? Why can't I hit her.?

She has magic, remember?

At this I felt my tears start to come. I felt trapped in my body. No, I was trapped in my own body. I could not hit her and I was helpless to stop her.

She curled her finger up and I felt my body rise. I followed her as she walked slowly to the tower. I knew that was deliberate. She wanted to prolong this as long as possible. So I forced myself to calm down. I knew that I could not let myself play into her games.

We arrived at the tower and she gripped my neck. We moved closer and closer to the bricks. I could feel her grip on my neck getting tighter and tighter. I tried to move my body to stop her but I could not. I could feel my head pounding as my heart beat uncomfortably. I could feel her grip getting tighter and tighter. Soon I was feeling weak and my pounding head became light. My arms fell and I was being held there as the word was darkening.

Then we walked through the bricks and she threw me into a chair. Then cuffs grew from the chair and wrapped tightly around my wrists and ankles. She then took out a knife. My eyes widened in shock and fear ran over me. Again eclipsing all else. She smiled as she started to stroke my arm with the blunt side of the knife. It was cold and yet it moved so slowly that it was almost soothing. I could feel my body relaxing against my will. Then she pressed in and blood was drawn. Pain engulfed me and I screamed. Then she dug in further and further, drawing more blood and bringing more pain. I screamed and screamed. I pulled and pulled against the cuffs. I wanted the pain to stop as I screamed and screamed and screamed. Yet the cutting went on and on and on.  Then she pulled away.

I wept as the shock entered my mind. Yet as my body started to rest, I felt her start to stroke the other arm. I felt despair enter my mind as she moved the blade. She did it again and again and I screamed again and again. I felt hot tears stream down my eyes.

Then after hours of agony she put the blade away and I passed out. Yet even my dreams did not spare me, for I found myself in a pool of blood and as I noticed that my legs were covered in leeches. I could feel them, sucking all the blood out of them. I then swam to shore and climbed into the land, only to feel my body as being gripped by countless venus fly traps! They bit me again and again. Tearing out my flesh. 

When I woke I saw that we were in the room above. I saw the sun rising. Then I saw the marks in my arm and the previous day's events flooded my mind. I then realised they were not part of the nightmare. Aunt Blue was dead, Cho was dead and none could call me and save me. I felt my tears come. All of this was all for the witch to get permission to cast the curse that I broke. So that she could get more children to feed her life force.

No. I have to be stronger. I can not let that happen. I must do all that I can to resist everything that she throws at me.

"Oh? Are you awake?" She mumbled as she took out a full English breakfast.

The moment the scent of the food entered my nose my stomach rumbled. Yet I dared not look at her. Then I felt her touch my chin gently. She nudged my head to her. She opened my mouth. She then put the food in my mouth and forced me to eat. She did it again and again until the meal was done. I felt satisfied, yet she produced another. Then she opened my mouth and forced me to eat until I was done. Yet then she produced another and she forced me to eat that too. My stomach started to ache as she produced another then forced me to eat that too. I started to feel nauseous as she produced another. Soon I finished that, then I felt the acidic taste in my mouth. Then I puked and puked. Then when my stomach settled she did this again and again until I puked again. It did not stop until the sun came down and I passed out, completely covered in my own vomit.

In my next dream I was at the edge of a pit. It was filled with all types of spiders, centipedes, millipedes and scorpions. I then felt a hand push me in and I fell. I landed in and I could feel them all around me. I felt them in my ears and upy nose and hair. I screamed. Then they crawled in my mouth and bit me all over. The scorpions punched and stung me. I felt their venom in my veins, setting them on fire!

When I woke I felt a painful hunger. Then I spotted another level. I looked all around me and spotted that my arms were covered in scabs and blisters with pus infecting them. I then could feel like I was burning. I also noticed that I was taller than I normally was and my chest was flat. I was wearing green overalls and a gun in my hand. I ran and saw a blond haired kid and shot him. I then looked in his eyes. He must have been no older than seventeen. Yet to my shock I saw my father's face. He had a scar on his left cheek and another scar on his eyebrow.

I then raced on and saw a Japanese man.

"Garu? What are you doing here?" He asked as he shot him.

Then I felt a sense of dread build in my empty stomach as I heard the whistling of a bomb before I heard the explosion. I then ran on only to see another man in front of me who looked identical to me!

"Get out of my way Haru!" I said in Japanese. 

"No. Nor will I be having a traitor like you bringing more dishonour to our family name!"

" You would have done the same if you were in my position!"

" No, I would not! " He said, as he fired.

I then noticed that I was back in the tower again. I felt myself crying.

"Oh! So, you have traitor's blood in you! If you were in my world you would have been hanged! Now let me see some more! "

" No!"

But it was too late, soon I was looking at Aunt Blue. She was holding my hand. I could feely energy draining from my body. My vision became blurry.

"Is Aqua home?" I asked in a shaky voice.

"No. I don't think that she's alive."

I closed my eyes.

"I thought so..They took heg and there was nothing that we could do. Now she's dead! I'm a failure of a mother!"

I felt tears fall down my cheeks. 

"I wish that I knew! I wish I knew. I wish that someone would send something to tell me that she was alive!"

I soon broke into tears as I snapped back into reality. 

"I'm alive mum! I'm alive! Please let me tell her, I'm alive! Can you do that?"

She smiled as she whipped the tears from my eyes.

"I could do! But where would the fun in that be?" She said leaning close to my ear. "Little orphan, all alone and nobody that could save you."

She then pressed her finger back onto my head. Suddenly I saw myself as Towitch to the back of my neck. I could see my face becoming pale and I was panting. I was sweating and I looked as if I was about to faint.

Oh no! Not this again! Please, not this again! Stop! Please stop, not this!

I then rushed up to Towitch but I suddenly felt fire engulf me and I was back in the tower there, tears streamed down my cheeks as I passed out.

I was at the edge of another pit. I looked down to see snakes of all species. Again I felt a hand push me down and I fell into it. I felt their coils around me, getting tighter and tighter until I could barely breathe. Then I felt them bite me. Then I felt fire in my arms. I felt spasms all over my body. I could do nothing as they constricted more and more. 

I woke up shaking and painfully hungry. Then I felt it. Towitch gripped the back of my neck. I felt the pain as she pushed herself in my mind. I could feel her soul pressing against mine. I could feel her hand around the neck of my soul. Then she crushed it. I saw a blade in her hand. Then it cut into the arm of my soul. I could have screamed out in pain which was much more intense than the pain of my flesh. I could feel myself getting colder too.

She then bit into my neck and then tore a chunk out of it. I then elbowed her and she let go. Then all went black. 

In my dreams I was back in the chair. She pulled out a whip and she hit me again and again. Yet I could do nothing to stop her. She then pulled out a knife and stabbed my arms again and again. Then she plunged it into my chest again and again. Then she stabbed me in the gut again and again and again until I cried out in pain. Then she slit my throat and I woke up. Tired, hungry and angry. The first thing I felt was the breeze and knew that I was at the top of the tower.

"Kill me!" I cried. "Just kill me!"

"No. Not until I gave what I came for."

"No." I muttered.

"I could throw you off."

"Then at least you can never curse those rocks."

"Good point."

"Now kill me."


" You better kill me."

" No."

" Then I will die being tortured by you. As you will never have what you want."

She swung the chair to her.

"How about after you give me your permission, I make you my daughter."

I spat at her.


She slapped me.


She slapped me again.


She slapped me again.


Then she scratched me. Pain erupted from my cheeks.


She scratched me again.


She slapped my arms causing the wounds.


She slapped the other one.


She slapped my face again.


She punched me in the gut.

"Let me finish witch."

This stopped her. I looked at her with such rage as I panted.

"How about this, we have a duel. If you win, you have my permission. Including having me as a daughter or whatever you want to do with me. If I win then you let me go and the rocks too. Then take me back to Uncle Haru."

"And no tricks?"


"Alright. Then, I think I ought to tell you something, before we duel. Before I resurrected, I was able to sustain myself on one person for the longest. One person gave me the power I needed when I was divided. And that was your Aunt Blue. Then you sustained me for a while until you started breaking my curse. So I searched elsewhere. Do you want to know who that was?"

"Who? "

"Your mother. But I guess she was just too weak to handle it. Poor thing!"

This caused nothing but rage to fill my heart.

"Scratch that! If I win I will kill you!" I declared.


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