The Sorrowful Rebel Rise Of The Rebel Part One

 Back To Shore

The ice cold water surrounded her. Shock entered her body. Yes she knew that she could not give herself the moment to let her body adjust. She had to get to safety, but first, she needed to get to land. So she swam as fast as she could. She swam and swam. She saw a large wave that made her look like a tiny dwarf that rose over her. She was hit and tossed over her under the water.

She looked up and went to swim up when she was hit by something light brown. She then looked back to see a large creature. It was the size of a large ship and the shape of several joined houses and the fins the shape of a shark's only thrice as long. It had a horny spine with glowing yellow eyes. It had a head the shape of a bullet with a large and wide mouth. With sharp teeth the shape of giant arrowheads the colour of red.

It looked at her and swam at her faster than a creature of that size should have. She swam up. Yet she could not get away. She looked down to see the head beneath her. She swam down and then swam to the eyes. She then punched one and it closed both eyes. Knowing that she did not have long, she swam up as far as she could. When she reached the water's surface she gasped for air. Then she swam on and on.

She could not stop. Yet she felt her arms and legs start to ache. Yet she could not give them the break that they yearned for. She had to swim on and on. Yet she knew that it would not be long until she would feel her arms and legs start to seize up. She knew that by that time she would be at the mercy of the ocean. So she swam and swam. She did all that she could to force her arms and legs on and on. Then she felt the painful aching in her forearms.

Then she saw teeth above and below her. She noticed that she was already in the creature's mouth. She then felt her body seize up. Then the mouth snapped shut and she felt herself being dragged back. She rolled in the water backwards. She then fell into the stomach of the creature.

She whined in pain as she felt the stomach acid hit her. She could not do anything but twitch in the acid. She has lost all ability to control her body. She tried to stop herself from twitching but she could not and soon her hands started to twitch too 

Come on! Get a hold of yourself. I have survived worse. I need to get out of here.

Well at least it is not like that strange liquid that was under that pathway.

Nah, this is worse.

Still, I have to get out of here. I need to get out of here. I need by body to rest and then regather my strength.

So she has to wait until the twitching stopped before she swam up to the top of the stomach. She then grabbed the bottom of the oesophagus. She then forced herself forward and punched it. She punched it again and again. She forced herself higher before punching it again and again. Soon she was forced on and out of the mouth.

Now, get to the surface.

She swam up and up. She could feel her lungs cry out for air. Yet she knew that she could not answer just yet. She had to go on and on. Soon she felt her throat tighten! Yet she swam on and on. She felt her head pounding as she did. She felt the pressure of the water weighing down upon her. However she knew that she would have to do all to resist it. She had to push herself on and on. She then saw the light of the surface above her.

She felt her energy and her will to survive return to her. She was able to swim faster too. She felt her body push through the water faster than before! She felt herself hanging onto the desperate hope of finally getting to the surface.

She finally broke through and gasped for the air. She panted and panted. Yet she felt the cold of the sea sink deeper and deeper. She felt herself shivering, yet still shivering, she swam on. She swam and swam with her arms shaking as she was getting colder and colder.

She could feel her heart racing as she could not longer control her body and all that she could do was shiver. She felt her teeth tapping against each other. She could not see herself but she knew that her body was turning blue.

Come on! Come on! Get on with it!

I can't. I'm too cold!

Use your power.

I can't. I don't have any firecrys.

She had to force herself to go on and on. She then spotted an orange bush ahead. She looked closer and spotted that it was not a bush but a group of trees.


She swam on and on and on. She then felt pain in her arm. She looked down and felt more pain. She soon spotted small silver fish in the shape of daggers five to her and took a chunk out of her arm!

She then spotted more and more dive to her. She felt the salt in the water intensifying the pain as the flesh repaired itself. She tried to push past the pain, but it did nothing. No, this caused more to dive at her! 

So she dived at one and crushed it. One dived at her and she went to grab it but it bit her thumb clean off! She pulled back and hooked it's body then crushed it. She saw some gather around her legs and she kicked and kicked. She hit the heads of some and others bit off her shoes, feet and toes. She had to let out a cry of pain. Then she punched one that was diving at her. 

She knew that her energy levels were running low. Yet she had to swim on and on. She did all that she could to push through the pain.

I'm immortal! I don't need to focus upon fighting these fish. I need to focus on getting to land!

She swam on and on. Then she felt one bite into her stomach. Then she felt more and more swarm to her stomach. They bit and ripped into her flesh. The pain was torturesome as she felt them gorging upon her insides. She had to force herself on as she started to cry. Through her tears and pain she continued. 

Then she felt the ice cold water inside her body, which caused her body temperature to drop. This made it feel less ke she was breathing in and out ice. She could feel her heartbeat start to drop. Then this was followed by the fish. This hurt her more than the bites in her arms and legs.

I'm not going to make it! I'm not going to make it! I can't do this. I can't do this! I just can't do this.

It hurts too much. Help! Help me! Please, someone, help me!

She felt herself weeping. Then her eyes rested upon the land. Pushing on and on she forced everything into focusing upon getting to land. She shook as she could no longer bear the pain. Her body finally went limp. Her eyes closed. The tide swept her to the shore. There, she lay unconscious in a pool of her own, thinning blood.


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