The Blue Rock And I The Tower Witch Final Part

Free Rocks

I looked back and saw that Uncle Haru was alright and I smiled yet it was immediately wiped off upon seeing Charles, Merry and Eve's bodies lying still. I placed my fingers to their cold necks. There was no pulse. This told me exactly what happened. Upon seeing the electoral ball coming to them, they ran and the ball hit them and not Uncle Haru.

I wanted a spade. I wanted to bury them. Then I felt a crystal tube in my hand. I looked down at it to see a purple crystal pole growing from my hand. I looked at it shocked as a square structure grew at the end. Then it stopped growing.

Did I do that?

"Yes. It seems as if you did."

"Well she is now one of us. So it is hardly surprising."

I smiled weakly. I could feel myself shaking as I walked to a plot of land and started digging.

"What are you doing?" Elsa asked.

"Yeah! And how did you do that, you freak?" Johanna sneered.

"I am part whatever Inanis and Stellam are " I muttered through my sore throat.

I continued to dig.

" And why are you digging?" Alexander and Henry asked. 

"They're dead." 

They all look at me shocked at what I just said. No, I think that it was the way I said it. It was calm and cold. My words were ice cold.

"What? We can not have a proper funeral for them. After all, how are going to explain who they are and how they were and where and when they come from? And who'll believe us anyway?" I asked, finishing the first hole.

"Alexander, do you want to get Eve and help me put her to rest? I don't think that I will be able to do that along with finishing the holes. Also I would like to dig these holes while my adrenaline is high." 

He nodded as he picked her up and laid her down in the deep hole. I then started to dig the next one.

"Well I think that they will when they look at-"

Uncle Haru put his hand on her mouth.

"Are you alright"

"I am now." I said as I continued to dig 

"What did she-"

"She tortured me. By the way, how long did it take you to come here?" I asked out of curiosity.

"Three days. We spent two breaking the shield."

I looked at them and nodded. Then I looked down to see Uncle Haru, Alexander, 1354, Henry and the other boys had bandages around their hands.

"Will they heal in time?"

"Yes, they should." Henry said, picking up Merry.

I then moved onto the next one.

"How is the mansion?"

"It is nothing but a pile of ash now, sorry." 1354 said, comforting.

"That's alright. I have no use of it anyway."

"And what about us? You can't expect us to live on the streets, do you?"

"No, but I do not think that your life is my concern anymore."

"What? Why you!" 

" Johanna, do control yourself. After all, you make it out that you are so helpless, well you are not and you are going to have to learn to help yourself. Although I do wish the best of you." I said as I finished.

" Let me." 1354 said  as he picked up Charles and put him in.

I then walked back to Eve and was about to bury her only for Alexander to take my spade. He buried the rest in silence. Then I picked up the sack of rocks and pulled them out. 

"Is-is thaty ship?"

"No yours was red mine was blue remember?"

"Then how can I sense my shop in that tower?"

Maybe it's both your ships?

"How? How is it both our ships?"

Maybe the witch combined your ships into one with her magic.

"Yes, was that magic you used back there? I wish to know."

I don't know. Maybe but how did I get it?

"It was the result of the events that happened in the fight."

It seems so. However whatever the case is-

"You have fulfilled our deal. Thank you, Aqua Aoshiné."

You don't need to. By the way, what are you two?


Crystleists… pretty name.

"Now what?" Johanna asked.

"I'm going to go."

"Go where?"

"I'm going to go with Stellam and Inanis"

"What, why?"

"I want to fight in their war. Hopefully bring it to an end."

"What!" They all snapped.

"You heard. After all, there is nothing for me here. You can do whatever you wish. Come withe if you like or stay. I hardly care. 1354, I hope that you find your name. Upon my return I hope to hear it."

"You are not going to go. Have you not been through enough?"

"I need to do this Uncle Haru. I am going to go."

"Then I am coming too! I made my vow and, the ver my dead body, will I dishonor it!"

"Then I will come too!" Alexander and Henry said together.

"Even if it kills you?"


"Then if you are going so will I!" Declared Johanna. "1354, you have to come too."

"Doesn't he have a choice?" Handling asked.

"it seems not, but I think that Miss Johanna is right, I do want to go."

"Is that all of you then?"


"But what will we do for food and water and cleaning?"

I looked at the rocks.

"Will we be able to go into your worlds?"

" Yes! And the water is clean too! Also I know which planets which you can get supplies too. But Towitch did leave a good amount of supplies too. "

" Then there we go then." I said walking back to the tower.

The crystal grew over the windows and the merlons collapsed inwards. The moment that I set foot in the tower I could feel every part of the tower as if it was part of me. I could feel everything that was happening in the tower and it's changes. I could feel the top becoming a cone and the air outside being sealed off. Now the only oxygen was coming from the worlds in the rocks.

I then could tell that we had enough supplies that would last us a good long while. Then the ship shook and there was no turning back now. Once we were on board the door sealed up, and we soon left the ground and shot into the sky and we left Earth and the dead behind. 


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