The Anti-Fairy Tales The Giant's Battle Arc Final Part

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That night Engleman and Pheoshan both prepared a feast. He took out both Egoso and Cimus. He tested them, gently upon a table and this up a table and chairs. Even though the table was the size of two long single beds, in his hand it looked like a table from a doll's house. The chairs also looked that size in his hands, even though they were the size of a normal day of chairs. 

He chopped the vegetables and meat to their size. They put down the plates in front of them and then filled up a goblet of their size with wine. He then placed down his own plate in front of them and Pheoshan sat next to Egoso as Engleman gave her her prob, which was bigger.

"Thank you!"

"What's going on?" Asked Cimus.

Engleman bellowed out a laugh.

"I will tell thee Cimus!" He enthusiastically told them all that Pheoshan did. "And as she did that, I thought that a celebration was in order!"

"Oh.. Thank you!"

"Quick dog in. Don't worry girl, the meat's duck and chicken." He laughed.

"Right, thank you, my master." Said she.

She soon took and ate the meat. To her surprise, she found it the most delicious food that she had ever tasted. She has never tasted such juicy and tender chicken and duck. She tasted the vegetables only to find that they too tasted rich and well.

I should cook more often! She thought.

She then dug in completely. Yet as she did, she kept her magnets in mind. The Kin siblings did the same.

"So, Alex, I can see that you know your manners. Where did you learn them?"

"While I was traveling on the road."

"And where were you going?"

"To a kingdom great away. I don't really know where, but my friends have made it clear that I should go there."

"Doth thou think that they were lying."

"Well, it would not matter if they were, to be honest. After all, I really don't have anywhere else to go." She said, hoping to gain herself some false simpathey.

"Then why not here? I have already decided to put thee in charge of the other servant and slaves here."

At the sound of this, she almost choked on her food. She coughed and coughed. She felt Egoso hit her back, to help her. She reached out for the wine and drank it, helping her clear her throat. Soon her coughing fit was over, leaving her with a slightly sore throat.

"Are-are you sure l"

I did not expect to be here this soon!

"Yes. After all, thou have proved thineself. I also expect that thee do thine job and do it well. After all, let's face it we both know what happens if thou doth not." 

She smiled to cover up her disgust. She looked down at the meat.

"Yes, yes I do." Said she as she ate it.

She then looked back up at him.

"I hope that I do well in this regard." She said, trying to keep her fear from her voice.

"When do I start?"

"Tomorrow. So enjoy thine feast and get a good night's sleep. So all raise thine cup!"

They all did.

"To the servant Alex Cinder!"

"To Alex Cinder!" They repeated as they all drank.

They soon ate all their food and nothing was left!

"Right, are you all finished?"


"Then give me your plates."

She soon took them all.

"No! Hold on. I will doth the washing up."

"How about we both do the washing up. Maybe you could help me know what my new duties are while we do it?"

His eyes widened as he looked at her stunned and smiled.

"Alright, I wash, thee dry."

They were soon in the kitchen and she was soon in her mini giant form. He quickly washed and she dried all that he gave her.

"Well, all that I expect of thou is to ensure that the slaves and seventeen are all doing what they are supposed to. Then do everything on time. And once thou excel in all that I expect of thee to earn my full trust. Yet I expect that thou keep all my secrets. Should even one secret be uttered…well I am sure that thee already know."

"Yes I know. So I will do all my best."

"Good girl."

"Thank you master!"


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