Bounty Hunter Bash Jones Lock Arc Final Part

 Finally Land

Cerpheres carried Bash, who weaved in and out of consciousness as they walked on and on. Chashathrophogh took a few concerned glances at her. Sometimes checking her temperature to ensure that it was steady. He noticed that she had started sweating and shivering.

"Here you go!" Cerpheres said, taking off his coat and wrapping it around her revealing a slender but well built frame. "Wouldn't want you to die just yet!"

Chashathrophog posed a blade to his throat.

"Don't worry. I don't want you both to die until I have seen your full greatness. Although,  you are further along than the lovely lady."

He put the blade away.

"We need to gather the rest."

"No. I will gather everyone. You start here with Cerpheres and rest. After what you have done,  you deserve it my dear niece."

"Then good luck my dear uncle!"

He smiled as he looked up at Cerpheres.

"Make sure you watch her. And don't do anything questionable!"

He smiled playfully.


He soon left and had all gathered.

"We are being out of here. Do not fear, the sea death god is dead!" He declared.

"You what?"

"Don't make me repeat myself. I am far from in the mood."

"Prove it!" 

Chashathrophogh huffed and threw the head at them. They all looked at it and screamed and others looked in awe.

"But I have to admit,  I did not kill him. It was the girl, my dear niece. "Which is why she is in the shape that she is in the shape she is now. This means that we can leave. For all of you that do not take this offer up. I remind you that water is coming down. If you do not want to come, that's on your own heads!"

"Now come on. Time to go."

"Yes sir!" Cerpheres sang.

They then turned and walked away. They then made their way back to the Black Glass Cave. Seeing this they followed. Mainly out of curiosity. Meanwhile outlets looked up to see just how low the seabed was and ran off after him, picking up as many children as they could carry. This gave others the courage to follow. Yet, for some they were too scared or too attached to Jones Lock to leave, regardless of what others said. Yet  some tried to grab their children as they ran off after the crowd but failed. Some followed their children, but seeing that there was no point in running back,  they continued. 

However a good group of people stayed.

The ones that followed them to the Black Glass Cave, they soon made it. However they could see that the seabed was gripping lower and lower. Their hearts sank knowing that by the end of the day,  everything would be under water. They quickly ran into the cave and all ran through the doors that were being held open by a group of men. Once all wetter through the men ran through after them. They then team on past the decomposing corpse of the snake man. Then they ran up a wide flight of stairs. 

They soon saw the rapidly decomposing corpse of the sea death god. Some took a moment to look at it and others had to poke it, just to make sure that it was even real. They all looked at it in complete disbelief as they all looked at it, checking that it was not a fake. Seeing that it was not they looked at Bash in even more awe.

Yet they, remembering that there was a time limit ran off after them. They came to a set of blue black double doors. Chains bound the doors together, held in place by a padlock with three holes for a keyhole. Chashathrophogh looked at the trident and then shoved it in. Then spun out stone and the chains fell and the doors opened.

They then ran on and the others followed. They ran up a hallway and they could feel by the bend in their legs that they were ascending up a long and gentle ramp that appeared to be flat. They did not want to stop and fathers carried their sons and daughters in each arm, meanwhile women carried other children that were not theirs. So the others helped the elderly along. Some caught them on their back. As they ran on and on they could feel the temp getting steeper and steeper. Yet none dared stop.

Then they came to a day of stairs. They soon ran and climbed up them. Fathers gave the children to all the other women and helped carry the rest of the elderly on their backs. They climbed and climbed. As they did they could feel their muscles starting to ache. Yet they all pushed on and on with all their will. They climbed and climbed and they rose higher and higher. None of them still dared to take a break. However, some soon fell, completely exhausted.

Chashathrophogh noticed this, however he was about to do nothing until he took a glance at Bash. He then willed them all to their feet and to clutch onto the ones that they were carrying. Then he willed them all to continue. Yet as they ran on and on, he noticed more and more dropping, causing him to use more and more magic to make them go on. 

At first, he was able to handle this. It was as easy as breathing, but as he ran on and on, and as more and more fell, he had to use more and more magic to keep them going. He kept this up for a long time before he could feel an internal strain. Yet he was able to push on and on. He had become used to this strain as he ran on and on. Yet he could feel it getting worse and worse and soon it was theming to get to him. He could feel the sweat that he was caked in fall from him like water. Yet he still continued but he soon knew that there was so long that he would be able to hold on.

Then, finally they came to the top. They reached a large room that, once they were all at the top, could easily hold them. Soon the townsfolk collapsed and they all were rendered completely unconscious.

"Who said you could leave?"

A man walked infinity of the way of large double doors hard of them. He was dressed in ink blue robes with green lining. He had skin so pale that one wondered if he had even a touch of sun in his life. His brown eyes were almost eclipsed by his pupils.

"The sea death god is dead." Chashathrophogh panted.

"No! I do not believe you. My god can not be defeated by the likes of you."

He threw both the head and trident at his feet. He looked at it with fury in his eyes.

"How did I get these?"

"They were stolen. Give them break. And the rest of you either return it die, now!"

Nothing we say will convince this fool.

You know what, I don't have gone for this and I'm far too tired for this.

"Cerpheres, take this. You can deal with this one!"

He smirked, walking to him and, gently rested Bash down next to him?


He grabbed the trident. He jumped to him. The man moved to the left. Cerpheres flicked to the right and this caused a shallow cut into his side. He then drew a knife and went to stab him, but he spun and hit his side with the side of the trident. He went to fall forward and and he went to stab him in the back but he raised his foot and spotted upon his stomach as fast as one could blink. He fell and rolled as he landed. He then was in his feet. He then looked up to see the trident flick up, slicing his face. He was thrust back and he was able to land a kick upon Cerpheres's groin.

He fell and the man drove down the dagger. Cerpheres looked up and flicked his hand out and grabbed him by his throat. He the thrust up and lifted the man of the ground, keeping his legs bent. He then let out a giggle as the man struggled in his hand. He punched the man in the stomach again and again. Making the blood flow more and more as the shallow cuts were split further and further.

The man then drove the dagger up. He then pulled back and his eyes widened. He looked at Cerpheres. Cerpheres licked his lips as he smirked. His lips parted as he pulled the man in. He picked up the trident and then door the bend of his neck and blood squirted out his neck. He let the man go. He backed away as his body trembled. He then hit him again and again, cutting his cheeks, again and again.

"Get up."

The man rose to his feet and Cerpheres then hit him in the groin and blood followed from it. Cerpheres tensed his eyes slightly.

"So men really do share that pain." He moaned. "No matter."

He then drove the trident down and cut more wounds into the man's chest. He then struck his chest again. He then kicked him in the chest again and again draining more and more of the man's blood. He got up again but his legs were shaking as his pale skin started to become grey.

He ran forward and then clutched the man by his jaw. His body was getting colder and colder.

"Tell me. Who are your parents?" He asked.

"I-I-I don't know."

"Shame. Do you know where you're from?"

"I don't know."

"Seems you don't know many things. Do you even know your name?"


"Shame, you're going to die not knowing who you are our where you came from. All because you refuse to acknowledge that the sea death god is dead." He moaned.

"No! I will- I will-"

Cerpheres let out a high pitched sigh. He walked over to the stairs, where the water had flooded he threw the man in and held him under the water. He struggled and shook and worked under the water. He then pulled the head up. He gasped and he plunged him back in. He worked again and again. He pulled him out and he gasped. He was thrust back in but longer. He pulled him out and just as he gasped. He was back in and he stayed in. He did this again and again. The man became cooler and colder.

He then pulled him back out. His face became blue and he threw him down, letting out a sigh. He then looked down, looking calm. He saw all the light died in the nameless man's eyes. He let go, all the blood was drained from him. He then kicked him in the pool.

"Better." He panted.

He then looked on and the doors opened and they were able to leave the room only to find that they were back on the Island Of Coral. They soon loaded all the treasure and burried all that had died there. They all looked up as the town saw the sky for the first time in their lives.


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