Doormaze Drage The Colourless World Arc Part Three

 The Fall Of The Giants

Over the course of the next three weeks the girls planned the attack. They visited the cattle every two days and soon they had the cattle well mapped out. Once they did, they did,  they found a fair few more pools that they could swim in. All was good.

They soon had their plan of attack. Yet they found that they had one problem, they needed waterproof material to keep the equipment dry. After all,  the water would stop them from lighting a fire.

"How about oil?" Uncle Candenmace asked.

"What about out?" The girls both asked.

He smiled as he walked outside. He poured out a small puddle. He lit a spark and there was a small fire on the ground. He then took out a bucket of water and flicked it at the flames. This caused them to rise and increase in a flash!

"That's amazing!" Both girls exclaimed.

He smirked pridefully. He stood and looked like, for the first time, a hopeful and strong man. It was as if he looked young again, as if he was back in his prime.

Soon, before they knew it, the day came. The day that they had all been preparing for. The day that the giants would finally fall. That all knew their rolls and once they were on the ship it had started to sail. Wives were able to avant their husbands, husbands their wives and families. They all looked ahead with the determination to either win this fight or die trying.

Coalmine and Doormaze lead them along with a small group they jumped into the water, leaving Uncle Candenmace to lead the ship and its crew to lead to the distraction. They swam deeper and deeper until they all came to the tunnels. They swam in and Sean as fast as they could through the tunnels they then swam up only to be greeted by two blades. There were two giants above.


"I knew that there were people sneaking into the castle! But no! You wouldn't believe me! Yet I must admit, never would've guessed that there were two coloured ones here!"

"Looks like you showed me! I mean, thought the last one was killed ages ago!"

The girls looked at each other and smiled. They jumped up and took out one of their flasks of oil. They flung the oil at them. Then Coalmine let fire out of her mouth and the oil combusted. The others were able to get out as the giants tried to put out the fire.

"Didn't know you could breathe fire!"

"Neither did I!"

Then the giants scooped up the fire and splashed the fire but that caused the fire to spread further and further and soon their arms were covered in flames. Then Coalmine flew up and breathed a small first full of fire in their faces. Soon the fire spread across their faces as the fat in their face combusted and fed the fire and soon their heads were all on fire. They soon fell down dead.

Doormaze raised her hand and she hit the hand, high-fiving her. They soon ran on and came to a closed wooden door. Coalmine then turned the door into a pile of ash. They picked up their weapons and Coalmine jumped up and then set two more giant heads on fire. She then spayed their face with oil making the fire spread.

Good, that's four down, twenty seven more to go.

They ran on. A group of them took out a set of bows and arrows. They dipped their arrows in the oil and fired at one at the giant. Then Coalmine breathed a ball of fire at them, setting them on fire as they flew into the eyes of three giants. This soon set their heads on fire. 

Seven down, twenty four more to go!

Yet another group was pouring dips of oil around and used small sticks and used the fire already lit to light the sticks and then threw them at the oil. They then ran on. They did all they could to set more and more areas of the castle on fire. Soon that part of the castle was on fire with a rapidly growing fire. 

There was no turning back now. They could not turn back. So the only way was forward. Where the rest of the giants were. The only thing that lay ahead was either their deaths or the deaths of the giants.

Then all raced until one of them looked up as they ran. Then something rained down and the group stopped dead in their tracks and they fell. They were dead.

Doormaze looked down at the dead with shock. This was the first time she had seen anyone dead. She just stood there, frozen in place. She did not even notice who had grabbed her and yanked her away. She felt her back being slammed against the wall. Then a punch broke her back into reality.

"Are you alright?"

"He's dead." Was all she could say.

"Yes, I know. Why? Did you think there would not be deaths on our team?"

She looked at Coalmine, completely shocked.


Coalmine pointed a finger at her.

"No! We mouth them once all the giants are defeated. Alright?"

Doormaze looked at her pleadingly.


She nodded.


She then looked momentarily at the dead bodies.

Come on Doormaze! Focus! Don't look at the dead.

She looked up at the giants, trying not to look at the dead. She then pointed at them.

"There." She said.

"Right." Coalmine said as she hit one with a flame tipped arrow.

It did nothing. Doormaze opened her mouth hey mouth to question this. Yet Coalmine put her finger up. She looked back at the arrow. There was smoke rising from the arrow. Then suddenly, the fire blasted out and travelled up the body. Doormaze then fired another and Coalmine at it alright and those hit another and another until the giant archers were nothing but an infirno. With the flames confining more and more of the giant's body.

They then raced on and soon moved on. Once they were through the fire. They then quickly hid.

"How many was that?"


Twelve down. Nineteen more to go!

Confidently she looked up for more giants. They soon found some. Three, she could count. They both took out their arrows and then lit the tips and fired. The arrows had only just been released, when they heard a great explosion behind them. Their eyes met a pile of fire and rubble behind them.

"D-did you do that?"

"Seems so."


"I think that we need to move on."

Doormaze nodded.

She's right. After all, just 'cause we made that doesn't mean we can control that.

She then fired shot after shot, she soon noticed the wind blew in and helped carry the fire further. Once the giants were set alight they moved on. However just as they did one jumped off their ledge and blocked the exit as he died. That was when they heard another explosion, they knew that they would have to do something to get the body out of the way.

They looked back to see a wall of fire at their tails!

They flipped out a sword and chopped the dead giant again and again but it seemed like they made no progress. They soon felt their fingers burning as they had to drop their swords as they started to melt. However they had to continue. They had to pick the swords back up and chop away. Then they saw the opening. They felt a flood of hope flood them. They stopped the swords and tore through the rest of the flesh and pushed themselves through the gap.

Doormaze cried out in pain as she felt the fire touch her hands. She retracted her hands as she looked down and saw the blood coming from them. She heard ringing in her ears as time seemed to slow down. All her mind could focus upon was the pain coming from this pain. Sure she had felt punches and had been egged down the loo, but nothing was even close to this pain. She could barely hear Coalmine calling her name.

Then an explosion sprung next to her and she was flung over and landed upon her shoulder. She looked down at it. She was snapped back into reality.

This place is coming down around us!

She then had to push through the pain as she forced herself upon her feet. She pushed herself forward and winced as she knew that, as she travelled on, she would feel more and more of that pain. Yet the only thing that pushed her on was the very fact that if she stayed, she would die. She looked forward only to find that she had a wall of fire in front of her. She let out a cry as she ran on and dived through and rolled to put the flames out.

Coalmine pulled her up. Then they raced on and soon at the top. Only to be cut off by none other than the Colourless Giant King. He was huge, much later than all the giants that came before him. In fact he was so tall that his head almost touched the roof above him! His head was the size of a house with his body the size of a small skyscraper. His eyes were the size of a wrecking ball and his hair was long and curly. He looked pirate-like but without a single drop of jewellery on his body.

"How are we gonna take that down!?"

"Oh, so you're the ones that have started these silly little fires! You have costed me quite a few good giants."

"Really?" Coalmine said, putting on a facade of confidence.


She placed her hand to her mouth. She nodded.

"What are you going to do?"

The King Giant bellowed out laughing.

"What do you think?"

"Oh, I don't know, kill us?"

"Yeah, I see you're not as dumb as you look." He said as he pulled out a small jewellery box the size of a good sized room.

He then turned it around to see a small girl that could only be a year younger than them behind a row of bars. She was on the left leaning against a set of draws that were having them with a drawing on them. With a plant with a single flower in a pot on top. Above was another drawing and above that was a shelf with a set of books on. In the centre was a door with a large drawing above. There was a bed on the right wall with a low coffee table with an open book and a father in some ink next to it. With a good in between. In front of that was a single leather backpack in front of the fire.

"Now you come over here before I end the life of this little girl!"

"Oh, and how do we know that there is even a girl in there?"

He smiled as he pulled out a key and pulled out the young girl. She had jet black hair with skin as pale as death. Her eyes were bright red, orange and yellow eyes with black where the white should be. This told them that, one she was not of this world and two, somehow she was able to find herself in this world.

"Who's she?"

"What!? She ain't one of yours?"

"No. She is not."


She looked at her already knowing what she was about to say.

"Then I see no reason to keep her alive then." He shrugged.

She then looked up at her as he rose her up and Coalmine flew up and he let go. She dived down and then flew back up and let out a small fireball into the giants mouth. Then Doormaze loaded hey arrow and fired at the giants eye and it hit the center of them. He started back as Coalmine set fire to the arrow. This caused the arrow to become completely enticed in flames. He pulled the arrow out and as he did Doormaze fired another arrow and it came in front of his mouth. Coalmine set the arrow alight. The arrow entered his nostral as he bent over coughing again and again. She then fired at the giants right eye and then to the left eye. Coalmine set it alight. That was when Doormaze fired at the forehead and it dug into his head. She fired another at the head. Then smoke rose from the arrows and cleaned came out. The giant roasted out in pain. The whole castle seemed to rubble at her did.

Yet this seemed to do nothing.

"Coalmine! Can you get me to the neck?" Asked Doormaze.

"Yeah, why?"

She then dived down to her and grabbed hey. They flew in a spiral to the back of his neck. She then gave the girl a sword.

"Do as I do!" She shouted.

She grabbed hold of the hairs at the back of the neck. She pulled took Coalmine's sword and same stabbed. The other girl looked at this she then plunged her sword into the back of his neck. They stabbed the bend of the neck again and again. Then blood exploded from the bend almost like a small volcano. She then nodded to Coalmine to let her go. She did and she climbed higher and higher. She then stabbed the head again and again then she heard a crack. Fire exploded next to her. She could feel the giant falling and she was pulled off the dead giant.

"We did it! Be proud!"

"My hands hurt."

They all walked out and soon the buried the dead as the castle became nothing but rubble. Doormaze and Coalmine had their injuries attended to.

"So, I take it that you are not from this world?" Coalmine asked, suspiciously.


"So, what's your name?" Asked Doormaze asked speaking her hand on her shoulder. "Aw!"

She pulled away as her hands stung.



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