Bounty Hunter Bash Jones Lock Arc Part Five

The Black Glass Cave

They walked in and, as they walked on, it became far too clear that Cerpheres was enjoying this far too much. He took glances at them, in a way that made them feel uncomfortable. They could not help but feel that feeling of nakedness as he looked at them. They could feel all their hairs stand completely on end. They could see him looking up and down. Hardly taking them long to figure out what he was doing.

"Cerpheres, keep your eyes on what's ahead." They both said, sternly.

"I am! And I can't wait!" He sang, licking his lips.

"That's not what I meant!"

"I know!"

Their fingertips touched their weapons. Both wondering if they should kill him right here and now. However, what spotted them was the simple fact he was the only lead they had on the sorcerer that put the spell on them. Making him the only step forward in breaking it. Thinking about this stedied their anger.

"Just try not. It will distract us from our goal." Chashathrophogh said, taking a step closer to him.

"After all, how can our greatness be out on display if we have little distractions in our way?" He whispered into his ear.

His smile widened as he looked at him in awe. He started to look drunk as his cheeks became reddened.

"Alright. I'll try not to."

He nodded.

"You better. Or you will have a terribly boring time. Also you are our prisoner, but you need to ensure you do not become dead weight. Alright?"


They turned around and walked on. They soon came to a large chamber. There was a set of weighing scales in front of them. Beside it was a cup of water and the other was a pile of stones. Opposite were a set of double doors.

Chashathrophogh walked up to the weighing scales and looked around. He put the stones in one. He scored up the cup of water and poured it in. He did this again and again and again. Until both plates were parallel. 

Then the scales dropped and were covered by a set of sliding doors. Then the stone beneath them spun and spun. Then seven beams quickly flicked out of the tube-like structure. Bash, Chashathrophogh and Cerpheres took three of them. They pushed forward causing the stone pillar to twist and twist.

Then the doors opened. Once they were, the three of them ran as fast as they could to the doors. Yet they spotted that the doors were slowly closing as they heard the pillar turning automatically. Yet they could not afford to stop. They ran and ran. The doors were moving, getting closer and closer to choosing. Yet they only just made it as the doors closed behind them.

"That was easy!"

"Do not make comments like that."

"Oh? And why not?"

"Because the chances are that when people make statements like that at the start, it would become increasingly difficult later."

He smiled wider at that.

"Oh good! I hope so."

He rolled his eyes.

They came to another room. There were three tiles in front of them. One had a heart, one had a moon on it and the last had a face carved into it. They looked up and spotted that there was a stone slab above a door. It had three engravings that seemed to match each of the stone tiles. The stone slab had writing beneath it.

The path ahead can only be opened

By one thing that that one can

Never live without

That which makes the blood flow

"You were saying?"

He rolled his eyes as he reached out and picked up the stone. The one that contained the heart. Cerpheres then walked up to him and took the other side. They walked on and he helped raise it and they gently slid it in.

"There we go!" 

"Come on!" 

Chashathrophogh was suddenly hit by something and flew into the doors and out of view. Bash took out her bow and ran in after him.

She looked to the side to see a large snake coming right at her. She ducked and then went to load her bow, but then she saw the tail again coming at her. She had to drive back and she felt a hand upon her. She loaded her bow and pointed it at whatever was behind her.

She soon saw a handsome man with green eyes and long black hair.

She almost dropped her guard when she saw the black serpentine tail coming from his hip. She then jumped back as she was a sprey of venom came from his mouth. She went to load her bow again, but again, the tail came right at her. She slammed the arrow to the bow. Drew it back and fired at him.

He let out a hiss at it hit. He then dived at her. She dived out of the way as several small blades flew at the creature. He looked back and dived out of the way as she did the same. She was able to punch him in the face, causing him to roar out. She saw several more coming at him. Knowing who was throwing them, and the creature would drive out of the way once he saw them, she plunged hey foot into the chest of the creature. This caused him to be drawn back and they all hit him in the back.

He soon hit Chashathrophogh with his tail. He was hit back and landed. He then jumped back upon his feet as soon as he landed. He soon spotted the tail coming at him. He jumped back and pulled out another dagger and drove it into the tail. He then twisted it making the creature let out a cry of pain.

He pulled the tail away. He then drove his claws down, brining them to Chashathrophogh's chest. He dodged out of the way, but the clear skimmed his chin. He then ducked and drove forward and the out his hand. He wrapped his hand around the creature's throat.

"I'm going to enjoy this!" He declared.

Fire sprouted from his hand. The scrape screamed and screamed out in pain. He then let go, leaving the creature to writhe in pain. He then summoned a ball of fire and threw it at the tail, seeing it alright. This caused the creature to roar out in even more pain. Then the fire spread throughout the body. He then put the fire out. He drew out a dagger and as she creature slivered away from him he the it. The creature was dead before it could get too far from him.

He did there, panting. He then heard clapping coming from behind. He rolled his eyes as he looked back. Only to see Cerpheres smiling, red in the face with that slept drunken look on his face.

"That was good!"

He let out a huff.

"We have no time for that. We still have one last battle too fight before we get out of here."

Then the doors opened.

"Speaking of, let's get this over with!"


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