The Sorrowful Rebel Rise Of The Rebel Part Eighteen

 The Ship

"Sea Circle, Nobody." Said the Captain of the ship.

He had royal blue skin, Olympic blue horns and turquoise eyes.

Loc shook his hands as she nodded. She could see that there were cannons at either end of the ship. The cabin at the top has one inog canon. All were silver.

"Well that's a good ship. How many can you carry in that?"

"Over five hundred."

She nodded.

"Then it's a good job that's the majority of this island. So that's all we're going to bring. However, I have to ask, what is your story, Captain Sea Circle Nobody?"

He looked at the horizon and his eyes narrowed as he let out a long and deep breath.

"In my youth when I was no older than eleven I joined one rebellion and that fell. I was captured and taken here. Yet I was able to escape by hiding in a ship. When I was found by the captain, Captain Sea Fort, who recognized me. But instead of giving me up, he gave me a job. He was part of the rebellion before mine. Yet he was never caught and kept to the shadows. Learning all about the sea and had a map in his head. He taught me everything I know. I even helped other Captains turn a blind eye to the last rebellion. And let me tell you that the majority of us did. But not all ships on our side. Believe me I know the captains that have pledged wholeheartedly to the Evil Emperor, Wolf Raven." He explained. 

"Then, once I find someone to take over here, we will be off."

Loc then looked around and looked at the list. She wondered who would be best to be put in charge. Yet she knew that it would not be Noble Wolf as he was her escort. First Son seemed to be good, but there was only one person that came to mind and that was Sword.

But who will take her place in my inner circle?

Man Warrior? He may have the experience that I need. Also he would be doing all that he has been doing.

She then walked up to both Sword and Warrior, who were holding hands.


"Me and four hundred and ninety eight will be leaving to Concerdeat. I want to leave you two to keep Dawnfree safe."

She nodded.

"Are you sure that's a good idea? I mean, are you ready for that?"

"Yes, or at least, we are as ready as we can be."

She nodded.

"And who will-"

"Man Warrior."


"We will be leaving. I will be leaving Sword here to take over here. Also, I think Warrior should be your second in command." She said with a sly smile, yet as she remembered her team and how they all coupled up, it became sad.

She felt her throat tighten.

No. Mourn them later.

Sword smiled relieved and nodded.

Thought she'd like that.

"So train him in all that he needs to. Consult with Wiser Sister with which medics need to stay."


They all spent the rest of the day getting ready and in the early hours of the following day they all set off. Leaving three hundred behind and taking two hundred, who were willing to go.


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