The Sorrowful Rebel Rise Of The Rebel Part Seventeen

 The New Recruits

Loc looked around as three men walked in. One had bright green skin, yellow eyes and bronze horns. One had reddish pink skin, silver eyes and brownish green horns. The last had bright yellow skin, silver horns and pink eyes.

"Who are you?"

"Elf Army." Said the bright green one.

"Man, Warrior." Said the reddish pink one. 

" Army Man." Said the last.

"I was a child when I arrived here. All my life I have been watched and controlled by the soldiers of the Evil Emperor. They worked me hard and before I could even speak I knew how to work. Man Warrior helped me speak, read and write. They are all my skills. BurbI would like to be free. I would like to be able to go to the toilet without someone watching. I would like to have a home without a soldier looking at me. Making sure I don't get close to anyone. So that is why I'm here." Said Elf Army.

"I was part of a rebellion before the last one fell, before you. I had wondered how we all fell and were caught. However when I saw your decoration the other day, it all made sense." Said Man Warrior. 

" I'm Man Warrior's brother. I was not part of the rebellion. I was too young as I was only a baby. I was taken once his rebellion fell. I was raised by him. Then I educate people who were not being educated." Said Army Man.

She nodded.

"Come with me." She told them, gesturing for them to follow.

They followed her to where Sword and Warrior were. Who were laughing as they were checking out a group of guns 

"Sword. I would like to introduce you to Elf Army, Man Warrior and Army Man. They just arrived and, from their stories, I think that they are better off with you."

She nodded looking at them smiling. She then left them with her and walked back to the entrance when three women came in.

One had pink skin, blue eyes and pale blue horns. One has silver skin, gold horns and white eyes. The last had red skin, orange eyes and yellow horns.

"Are you Sorrowful?"

"Yes. You?"

"Candle Lamp." Said the one with the pink skin.

"To Sow." Said the one with the silver skin.

"Hope." Said the last.

"I was taken from my parents at a young age. I was told to work but I did not know how. They had to teach me. After I was set to work. But I had a friend. The only one I knew. She was beaten but she died because her injuries got infected. So I learned all that I could to know all about those things. So at the end of each day I would ensure that the wounds were attended to. Yet this led me to being beaten."

"Then you don't need to worry. You won't be beaten doing that." She told her.

She nodded and smiled.

"Good. Well I did it again and again, and, again and again I would be beaten. Yet I still continued until I lashed out at one of them that beat me. So they-they-they took me for the first time in my entire life since I was a child. They left me with them. I told them everything that-that-that they did. And-and-and then-then-then they killed them!" She wept.

She just wept and wept. Loc walked up to her and hugged her tightly and let her just weep and weep. It did not matter if her shoulder was wet, what mattered was giving this poor woman some comfort. She waited as she calmed down.

"It's not alright what happened to you, but here you will never be punished for helping everyone here."

She nodded, wiping away the tears.


"I was part of the rebellion led by Light Bringer. I was the seamstress there. I was captured and taken to the factory to work on the soldier's clothes. That is all."

"Do you have more seamstresses?"


"Then I'm putting you in charge of the clothes here."

She smiled.

"Thank you."


"Simple. It's similar to Candle Lamp here, but I was forced to attend to the wounds of some of the injured soldiers. Only for those that I aided to be shot once they were well. It angered me. So, after your decoration, I stole a gun and killed the soldiers. I then aided other prisoners and brought more medics. But right now, all I want is to help the wounded. I also think that all medics learn to fight."

"I will take it on board."

She soon took Candle Lamp and Hope to Wiser Sister.

"This is Candle Lamp and Hope. I will leave them in your care. Hope suggested that all medics should know how to fight so I think that you should do that."

She smiled.

"Do you know how to fight?" Hope asked.


"Do the other medics?"

"Not yet."

"I'll help teach them."

Wiser Sister smiled.

"Glad to have the help."

Hope smiled back, a sad melancholic smile.

"Thank you."

Loc walked to the entrance as other people were divided. Then two walked in and she recognized both of them.

"Urm… Are you Sorrowful?" Asked Little Heart.

"Yes, I see that you found someone!"

She frowned.

"How did you know that's what I wanted?"

She smiled and pressed her finger to her finger to her lip.

"Oh! Secret. I see!"

"Also here, you can have your book back." Loc said, giving him the book. 

"Thank you, Sorrowful." Said Noble Guard.

"That's not all."


"I have a friend that has been on our side for many years but could not act upon it."


"We have a ship."


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