The Sorrowful Rebel Rise Of The Rebel Part Twenty Four

 The Taken Stronghold

Loc was approached by First Son.

"We have found Light Bringer." 

Her eyes widened in shock. She looked down. She could feel a smile behind her mask. She knew that the moment that they had him they would be able to use him to get to Wolf Raven. This would be a great step towards freeing this world.

"Where is he?"

"He is in the mansion on the island. Apparently, he has been living there since before we arrived."

Her eyes became wider.



"Then I'm taking one hundred to make him."

"We have four hundred."


Wow! Looks like we have a lot more now. That's just amazing!

"Then two hundred. How many are guarding him?"

"Three hundred and two."

She nodded.

"Then we will need to take out at least two each."

He nodded.

"At what time do you think that we should leave?"

"As soon as we can."

"Then why not this afternoon?"


She soon gathered them. She soon was in a car with Noble Wolf. She could feel her body elated with a strange excitement. Yet herind could not help but go over all the memories of her team. She remembered all the orders that she gave them and how each of them had their own thing going on too. She remembered all the missions that they all took together. Then how he welcomed her and helped her throughout the whole ordeal.

She also remembered her time with Wolf Raven. She remembered their missions together. She remembered all the times that they had fought and spent time together. She, with shame, recalled how she asked him out. She felt this shame turn into disgust as she remembered this. Yet this turned to anger as she knew that all of those times they were doing this, he was doing nothing more than leading the lambs to the slaughter.

She felt her body full with nothing but rage. She was being used the entire time. She was only a tool for rebels to rally behind. But now. Now, she was the one calling the shots. She was the one that they were being led by. Now the rebellion was real.

They soon arrived. She got out and quickly spotted that there were men walking to and fro. All of them had guns. She took out her gun and, before they could even see or react, shot at each and every one of them.

She then turned back.

"I'll draw them here. You go and surround the back. Then all of you strike."


She ran on and fired at more and more. This caused more and more to come at her. She quickly fired at them. She ran on and on. She pulled out her sword and slashed the nearest one in half. She felt bullets dig into her side. This caused more and more of the men to become distracted as they were hit by her bullets. Yet she could not allow herself to focus upon the shock. After all, she knew that this was do or die and if they did not die by her and the rebel's hands then it would be by their own. She knew that it would have been more honourable to be killed by an enemy than a comrade.

She fired at the ones that were firing at her. She then ran on. Slicing them once she was close enough. 

She ran on and on but she was soon hit. She saw in front of her was a massive man with burnt orange shin. Bright yellow eyes and dark grey horns.

He hit his gun down. She dived out of the way but he was able to hit her in the cheek. Causing her to spin as she landed. She was about to get to her feet until she felt a thrust of a foot in her side. She felt him kick her again and again. She hit the trunk of a tree behind her. She was gripped by the throat and was pulled up. As he squeezed her he hit her again and again she could do nothing but grip his wrist. He threw her away.

She was about to pull herself off the ground. She picked up the sword. She saw him racing at her. Quickly she pointed the tip at him. She ran to him and, before he could do anything, slashed deeply into his gut. She pulled it out.

She ran on and on. She could feel her whole body hurt and itch as she could feel it healing. She could feel her sweat build as she panted. She knew that she had to go on as fast as she could. She ran on and on and saw more and more swarming towards her. She had to take out a handful of firecrys and light them before throwing them at them. Once they were distracted she fired, she quickly fired at multiple soldiers. Talking out more with one with one single bullet. She ran closer and closer firing as she did. She flicked her sword out a line as she broke through the flames. She scooped upore firecrys and threw them lit at another group and fired at them. She scooped and lit up more and fired at more and more.

During this time she ran on and on. Soon she made it through the forest. She took out more firecrys. She lit it and put it in the nearest tree. She did this again and again until she got a good fire going.

She ran on and on. She came to the fence. She saw the field ahead. Then she saw some people clearing as they ran behind the mansion. She ran to the fence and the moment that she placed her hand upon it, she felt an electrical current run throughout her body. She took her hand off the fence. She kicked it and it bounced back. 

Right. How do I?

Push through the pain.

She then ran. She pulled herself up and she felt the electricity and her body flooded with pain. She tried to push on but she could not. She tried to force her body to climb but it would not listen to her. So she let go.

She looked around at the trees and saw the nearest one. She then ran up to it. She climbed up the tree. Then ran along one of the branches and jumped over the fence. She wanted to land but she tripped as she landed breaking something as she hit the ground. Pain inflamed her ankle. She could see that the left ankle had started to swell up and looked purple. She bit her lip as she felt torturous itching flared up the whole foot as the pain of the bones spotting back into place. Then the pain of the splinters of bones slot themselves into her muscle. She had to take out a small dagger. She had to push past even more torturous pain as she had to cut out the splinters of bone. Once she had healed, she climbed to her feet. 

"That was painful." She commented as she looked ahead.

She ran on and came to the door. She kicked the door in and dived to the wall. She looked back to see what was waiting for her. She then spotted a rain of bullets. She plucked some firecrys and lit them. She threw them at them. Once she knew that they were distracted, she ran in. She slashed from left to right, trying to deliver a death as painless as she could. She charged on doing this again and again.

She reached the end of the floor. She then spotted the other rebels running in. She ran on and came to the stairs. She ran on and the others fired ahead of her. She took out her own gun and fired ahead.

They came to the first floor. There were less here than she thought. She charged in and then fired at them. She moved in. They all ran and ran clearing floor after floor, until, finally, they came to Light Bringer.

"Long time no see!" He said looking at her.

"Light Bringer."

"I guess that you're here to kill me?"

"No. We are here to capture you. After all, once we have you, we will be able to get your father." Loc explained.

He then burst out laughing. He collapsed to his knees and he covered his eyes like he was crying rather than laughing. His body convulsed as he continued to laugh.


"Do you think that he cares for me? I have done all to earn his love. But we could only be described at best in our father son relationship. I was never a son to him. Still you would never be able to use me. Soon you will know just how evil that man is. It is times like this that I wish I had paid attention to what my brother had said. But no, I had to be father's golden boy and my brother might be dead for all I know."

"What? You have no power here. I can take you right here and right now and there is nothing you can do about that!"

His eyebrow raised.

"Oh? Is that so? Well I will show you what my father told me to do if this situation were to arise. This will show you just how evil my father is!" He shouted as he bit.

He swallowed. She ran to him but he was dead the moment her arms touched him.


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