Lasta Coop Forged By The Fay Part Two

 Cruel Sessions

Lasta had hardly spent three days in her cell and had not only stopped sulking but crying herself to sleep every night. She had never known how lonely she was there, but longed desperately for home and for all of this to end.

Salynara walked in. She had a sword in one hand and a dagger in the other. She put them away and uncuffed her. 

"You seem to be wasting away." She commented.

She looked away. She did not want to look at her nor did she even want to focus on her. She just wanted her to disappear and never to see her again. Also she did not want to cry either.

At this she let out a lyrical laugh.

"I see… Tell me, how would you like to sleep in a proper bed?"

Far too much. But I know what you're doing and I will not let you do it. I will not cry, I won't!

Yet her curiosity could not help but be peaked. She did not wish to show it but she knew that it would have been obvious.

"I promise you. This is no trick. See, if you can beat me in a sparring match then you can sleep in a nice soft warm bed." She said in a tone that was to put her at ease and lower her guard.

"And if I lose?"

She let out a sigh.

"Then you must agree to let me do, to you, whatever I wish for the next three days."

She was still unconvinced that she was not telling her the truth.

"And if you still do not believe or trust me then I will bind the agreement with magic so that none of the parties involved will ever deny what was promised to the other. How does that sound?"

"Prove it!"

She smiled.

"Then you're just going to have to trust me."

"As if!"

Her face dropped slightly but she did not lose her composure. She then moved aside as a full English breakfast was brought in.

What is all this about?

"See, this is a full English breakfast! You can have it if you answer the question."

She raised her eyebrow.

"Why did you hug me the other day?"

Lasta looked aside. She did not want to answer that, yet the moment the aroma of the food hit her, her stomach growled. She felt a lump in her throat and knew that she was about to cry.

"Because-because-because I wanted one! I miss mum! I miss my bed! I miss my home and you've been nothing but mean to me! I just wanted some comfort! So there!" She said as she broke into weeping.

She tried to stop herself from crying but she could not stop herself from releasing those years. She was about to wipe her tears away but Salynara caught them all in a test tube. She gripped the girl's head as she kept it there until she was done, by that time the test tube was filled half way. She put the cork on and put it away in her purse.

She put the plate next to her and wrapped her arms around her and stroked her hair.

"Eat up dear, you will be much better off!" She said in a loving tone. "You have been such a good girl. Thank you for the tears."

She pulled away and gave her a knife and fork.

"I will come back later." She said as she left. 

Lasta turned to the food and took a bite. To her surprise it tasted exactly like it was supposed to be. She tasted everything else and noticed that they were what they were supposed to be too. Nothing here was fake. Yet there was something else that she noticed too, this was the first full English breakfast that she ever had! After all, back home she always had cereal.

After this she took her blade in her hand. She looked at the blade and examined every detail.

That was when she felt like she should start building her body. So she started to do some push ups and sit ups. She jogged on the spot and went on to do some squats. After she took a break, suddenly she felt ready.

This was when Salynara walked in.

"Did you enjoy that?"

"Yes. Tell me, will you teach me how to cook like that?" 

She let out a lyrical laugh.

"Sure, are you ready?" She asked with a motherly tone.

She nodded. They walked up the stairs and came to the ground floor. Then they walked out of the doors and walked outside. Lasta let in a long and deep breath. She never knew that fresh air was so thin and clear. It felt so good to breathe it in. She never knew that the light breeze could be so soothing. She did all that she could to enjoy the moment.

"Are you alright?"


She smiled.

"Are you ready?"


"Then get to your position."

She nodded. She looked around and noticed that there was a field with deep purple grass. She then looked at Salynara and they took their positions. She lowered herself into her fighting position. She looked up and spotted that Salynara was nowhere to be seen. She looked left and right. Then she remembered that she was a fairy. So she looked up and just in time too. She. Quickly moved out of the way and ran as she sent magic blast after magic blast at her. She spotted a rock and quickly picked it up. She threw it at her. It gave her an opening as she picked up another rock and threw it at her. She did this again and again until one hit. She ran to where she was going to land and slashed her blade up but this was blocked by her dagger in the air. 

Their blades scraped as she landed. She felt her body go to the side. She spun and met the other blade again. She tried to put her whole weight on to the blade, yet she could feel that Salynara was way stronger than her. She noticed that her arms were shaking as she felt the blade come closer and closer to her.

She kicked her in the shin which gave her an opening. She was about to kick the other but she noticed that there was a root around her ankle. She then pulled and pulled but she could not get it free. She looked up and spotted a splat of blood as her hands let go of the boat. She barely had time to understand when she felt a punch in the face.

The next moment she woke up in the cell. She sat up. She saw Salynara reading a book in a corner next to her. Yet she noticed that there was something over her. She looked down to see that there was a rag all over her. 

"You were quite good on the battlefield."


"You are supposed to say thank you."

"Thank you?"

She smiled as she closed the book. She got to her feet and put the cuffs back on. This told her that she was not going to like whatever she was about to do to her. She then felt the cuffs at her ankles. She closed her eyes in fear and dread.

She took out a test tube with purple liquid in it. She pressed her finger and thumb on her upper and lower eyelid. She opened them and placed a drop in her eye. She felt like her eye was on fire! She then pulled her hand away and she closed her eyes as she screamed out in pain. She pulled again and again at the cuffs. She then felt the other eye being forced open. She was about to beg her to stop but then she remembered the deal. Soon she felt the other eye feeling like it was on fire. She screamed and screamed. 

She found herself weaving in and out of conciseness. When she woke up she looked around and was relieved to find that she could still see. She also spotted that she could not only see but see in great detail. She looked around and as her eyes dropped to the keyhole, shebcoyld see the keyhole in great detail but also inside the keyhole clearly. It was at that moment that she saw that the cell was dark! She was seeing clearly in the dark!

Wow, that's cool!

Then the light came on. She squinted slightly.

"You are awake! Good. Can you still see?"


"Good." She said as she came to her. She took out a vile of red liquid. "By the way those tears tasted so sweet."

She then opened her mouth and dropped a drop into her mouth. She soon felt like her tongue had thousands of needles in it. She could feel like the pain was getting too painful and she screamed and screamed. She soon found that she could not feel her tongue. She opened her mouth and smiled.

"Don't worry. Your tongue is still there. Tell me, do you want me to stop?"


She smiled as she took out a test tube with black liquid in it. She took out a needle. She pulled the liquid in. Then she gripped her arm.

"No! Please, no! Don't do it!"

She put it in her arm. It was not the needle that hurt, it was what came after. She soon felt like there was fire in her vanes. She then spotted another needle and took some of her own blood and injected her blood into the girl. She felt like there were needles in her vanes, trying to force their way out of her and burst out of her body. She screamed and screamed until she could not. She felt her face and mouth cover in red foam.

Suddenly she was released and the pain died down. She cleaned and dressed her. She put her in a black robe with purple cuffs. She brushed her hair almost like a mother.  She then held her hand.

Lasta looked down and noticed that her skin was white! As in not a pale shade of creamy peach but as white as snow. Her nails were thicker and more like claws.

She looked up. Her guard was up. Salynara opened the door. She walked up to the highest level and in the centre of the castle. She opened the door to a bedroom. As she looked around to see that she was in none other than Salynara's bedroom. She then guided her to a mirror.

She saw that her skin was white as paper. Her eyes were still mismatched but one the left was purple and the right red. Both looked like that of a cat with a slit. She noticed that her blond brown hair has become cosmic blue. She hardly recognized herself. Yet she screamed and she looked like a monster. She took a step back.

"What did you do to me?"

She smiled.

"I changed you. Tell me, do you like it?" 

She looked at in horror and confused. Was she supposed to like it? No she was not. Yet she looked at it. She could not help but notice that she did. She may have looked scary, but she looked beautiful too. However she knew that there was more to it.

"Yes I do."

Hold on, why did I say that? 

She smiled.

"Good. Now come."

She followed.

They left the room and they walked back to the tower. She soon saw Otb chained to the wall. Next to him was a man that was in chains. Next to him was a small knife.

"Now, tell me, where is the white orb?"

"Like I will tell the likes of you."

"Lasta, pass me the knife."

She found her body walking over to the knife and took it in her hands. Her eyes widened in shock as she noticed that she was being very obedient right now.

Why? Why am I obeying her?

"What? Are you really going to use this child to hurt me?"

That was when she saw a flicker of a smile on her lips.

"Tell me, would you say if you knew that this would hurt the child more?"


"Cut him in the arm."

Before she knew it she flicked the blade across the arm. Both screamed at what had just happened.


She looked around with a moment of shock. She could not believe what she had just done. She let out an ear piercing scream. She wanted to drop the blade but she knew that Salynara would not let it be that easy. She looked at her with pleading eyes.


She smiled.

"Do it again."


She was too late. She struck. He did not cry out. She knew that was for her sake.

"Again. This time do it until he either says what I want to know or screams."

She felt her arm flick to his arms again and again. She had to close her eyes as she felt tears fall from her eyes. She did not want to see what she was doing. She felt her powerlessness stinging her. She did not want to have any knowledge of what her hands and arms were doing. Then she felt the blood. At this she screamed.

"Make it stop! Make it stop! Please make me stop!"

"Open your eyes you foolish girl!"

Her eyes opened. She saw that she had taken chunks out of his arms. He looked at her as she took more out.

"Stop! It is found on Earth in a place called. .."

He passed out.

"Drop the blade.'

She did. Hee hand shook uncontrollably. She collapsed. Salynara looked at the work she did. She smiled.

" Good work! Maybe… "

She looked down at the girl that was too deep in shock to register anything that she had said. She crouched in front of her. She took a tear and licked it.

"Those tears tasted good yet strange."


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