The Sorrowful Rebel Rise Of The Rebel Part Twenty Three

 Banner Of The Rebel 

Loc looked at the piece of cloth in front of her. 

"We wish to make a flag." Said To Sow.

She frowned.

"A flag?"

"Yes. One that would mark our territories."

Her eyebrow raised.


"It would be good if the flag has the same symbol as your mask." 

"Sure, I don't mind nor do I see why not. Yeah it sounds like a good idea."

She thought about it more and the more she thought about it the more that she liked the concept. In truth, she wanted a symbol of the rebellion for a while. Yet, part of her, because that the R X and L were imperfect, did not want that to be the symbol of the rebellion. However, she saw no other alternative, unless she replaced the mask. Which was something that she could not be bothered nor had the time to do.

So she gave To Sow all the materials she needed for the creation of the flag. It was purple with the R X and L in crimson. Once it was done she picked it up. She moved it left to right. She looped it left and right. She waved it above her head and then down. She spread it out and waved it from left to right making the flag become horizontal. She then hit the bottom of the flag down.

"That is a good flag. It is thick and thin enough to move well! Well done."

"Do you want us to make more?"

"If that is what you want. After all, all this is about you so you should have a word in."

They smiled and went back to work.

She walked on.

"What is that?"

"A banner."

First Son looked at it.

"It's beautiful."

"Anyway. Have you got anything in the slave camp here?"

"Yes. It's in the east in Concerdeat. There are one hundred and thirty guards and fifty one soldiers."

She nodded.

So that's one hundred and eighty in all. So we will need to bring at least one hundred.

"How many do we have?"

"Right now, three hundred."

"What? When did we get three hundred?"

"Over the past couple of days."

This is going to be a piece of cake!

She had to push through the momentary shock and focus upon the task at hand 

"Alright, we will leave one hundred herr and take the rest. We also need to prepare for taking the rest on the island." 

"All of it?"

" Yes. After all, we are in this for the rest of this world. I would like to leave you here to manage this place. Once it is time to move on."

"What? Do-do you think that I can do that?"

"Yes. After all, I can tell that you can do more than you think."

"No one's ever told me that before."

"Well someone has now. Now, it is time to go."

They then joined Noble Wolf. Within the hour they were on the road. All the trucks carried several newly made flags. Loc looked at them and realised that they did look good. 

She then looked on and spotted that there was a fence in front of them. There, she saw a pile of dead bodies at the base of the fence. She also spotted a group of soldiers pulling a dead body and kicked it to the base of the fence. She then spotted someone running. Then with a click of a button he fell down.

She soon walked out and shot the soldiers. She then ran away then rejoined the group.

"What's going on?"

Noble Wolf became pale.

"We need to hurry." 


"They know we're coming and they have an order to kill as many as possible."

She felt her blood turn to ice. She ran and jumped. She ran in and then threw her back to the walls. She ran in and saw a line of men and women. She aimed her gun at the soldiers and fired at them. Then ran up to the prisoners and sliced at the collars again and again. She did this until the group was free. Then another ran up to them and armed them.

"I assume that you know what to do with them "

They nodded as she ran on. She ran to another group. She shot at each of the soldiers that were leading another group to their deaths. Then she ran to them and sliced the collars off.

"Over there!" She called, pointing to the entrance. 

She ran on before they could respond. She then spotted more. She also could see the other rebels doing what she was doing. She ignored them as she worked on her own. She found more groups. She shot at all the soldiers. She ran on and sliced their collars off. She continued in. 

She came to the entrance to the office building. She kicked the door open, only to feel that it was made of metal. She took out a shard of firecrys and placed it inside the keyhole. She pushed her heat into it and the metal around it melted. She kicked it in again. Then she dived at the wall, missing the rain of bullets.

She looked in to see more coming at her. She dodged out of the way. She then took out several shards of firecrys. She then lit and threw them at the group. She looked back to see that she had the break. She ran in and fired bullets at them. She came close to one and slit his throat. She ran on and on. She came to more soldiers. She then shot a bullet at each of them and fell. She ran on. 

She came to see more stairs. Only to see that there was a group of soldiers. They pointed their guns at her. 


She ran in and fired at the ones at the top. She drew her gun in. She then ran to the first and stabbed up and charged on and stabbed the two behind. She flicked down. She ran on and stabbed two above and flicked down. She continued to charge in. She came to the first floor. She saw more soldiers coming to her. She then shot at them before they could react and feel the pain. She then ran on and on. Shooting more and more soldiers. She did all that she could to push herself on and on. Soon more seemed to come to quickly replace the ones that came before. 

Then she felt it. A stabbing pain. A stabbing pain in her back. She felt more and more. She looked back to see that there were more behind her. She shot at them, taking out as many as the bullets could take out. She then felt more bullets in her.

She looked up and shot at as many as she could take out. She had to push on through the pain and the itching as the body repaired itself. She could feel a strain. She had used too much on the door. She ran on as she came to the top floor. She kicked down the door to see the operation room. She ran in and pressed the buttons and the collars fell. 

She then saw a few sparks in front of her. She then heard a high pitched ticking. She did not need to look to know what it was. She soon ran out and slid down the bannister as running down was slower. She soon saw more guns pointing at her. Knowing that she did not have time for this she ran to the nearest window and crashed out of it. Once she landed she ran on and on. Then the whole building was blown apart. She looked back nothing but rubble remained.

"Tell me, are all of you here?"



She then took a flag and stabbed it into the pile and it waved in the wind. 


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