The Sorrowful Rebel Rise Of The Rebel Part Twenty


The moment that they arrived they were met by a row of soldiers. There were thirteen rows of twenty soldiers. She walked in the front. Knowing that they were all tired and they needed a miracle to pull this off. Yet she knew that this was also useless to give in too.

"Tell me, do you long for freedom?"

"No. We can not be trusted with freedom. None in this world here can. Freedom is dangerous and all who fight and long for it are evil!" Shouted the leader.

"So you really believe this?"

"Yes. We all do!" They all shouted.

"And I cannot convince you otherwise?"

"No. None here can."

She nodded.

At least I tried.

"Then I have nothing to say to you! Now positions!"

They all ran to the ledge of the ship. They all popped up and fired a row of bullets at the first and second row. Then they all ducked back down. Yet the moment that they popped back up the soldiers fired at them. Taking only two out as her side fired at two rows out. She then looked back as she pulled out a sword. 

"Keep it up and don't worry about me." She called.

Then she jumped off the ship and they all trained their guns at her. She then struck the ones closest to her. She then felt a bullet in her. She looked to where they were coming from and ran to them. She soon struck them down. She felt more bullets in her. She ran to the ones that shot at her and quickly struck them down. She felt more bullets in her. She ran to those soldiers, pushing past the pain and tiredness.

Shequickly noticed that the rebels had stopped firing

"What are you doing? Yet back to firing!"


She let out a huff.

"Don't worry about me. I'm expendable. Don't stop even if I get shot at or if I get caught!" She shouted.

Then one nodded as he fired at one after another. Taking more and my dear e out and soon the others followed. Then one put her hand on his shoulder.

"Stop, you'll hurt her!"

"You heard her!" 

They were both shot.  Loc looked at them shocked. Yet she knew that she had to carry on. She ran to the ones that shot the two. She soon sliced their heads off.

"What are you waiting for? Get back to fighting!" 

Some nodded and started firing. One after another. Soon another row fell. Then row after row came down.

Then a tank drove up to them. She then focused the heat into the firecrys in the tank causing it to explode! She felt the tiredness becoming more and more irresistible. She saw more coming at the shore. She drove more and more of the heat into the tanks. This caused them all to explode and this caused more to explode after. Now the tiredness was becoming overwhelming.

She stopped for a moment.

I need to end this fast. 

She felt the sweat on her body dripping from her, dampening her hair. She was panting heavily. She could see her vision was focusing in and out. She could feel her body shaking and she noticed that the doc was clear before all went black.


When she woke, she was lying in a bed. She saw Noble Wolf by her bed. She could see that her mask was off.

"You know, you're pretty reckless."

She let out a chuckle.

"I know."

"Don't be or our freedom will be nothing but a stupid dream."

She nodded.

"I will try to take it slow. By the way, where are we?"

"The docking station. We were able to take the entire doc half an hour after you passed out."


She nodded.

"One hundred and twenty now… I think we can do it. But we need to get more numbers."

"Well a group of us have taken it upon themselves to a small factory here."

Her eyes widened.


"Don't worry. There were twenty that went but only ten actually work there."

She nodded.

"So go back to sleep. I will wake you when they arrive."

She nodded, closing her eyes. 


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