Lasta Coop Forged By The Fay Part One


Lasta had been feeling conflicted ever since finding out the true origins of Otb and the conspiracy that led to his existence, yet she was still scared of him. However she was more scared of Salynara and whatever she had planned. She had often wondered what this was all about. Yet the one thing that scared her the most was the fact that she could kill her at any moment and she would not know it or see it coming.

It had been three days since the conspiracy was exposed and she still did not know what to make of it. She had many thoughts running throughout her head. Which did nothing to relieve the situation. The truth was Otb was still a monster and she was still in Salynara's hands. There was nothing that she could do about it or escape. She still went to sleep crying for her mum, dreading that the next day would be the day that she died.

When she did sleep all that was waiting for her were nightmares and they were getting worse. She would always wake up screaming blue murder. Yet even though she longed for her mum to come and wrap her arms around her she knew that they would never come. She would burst into tears as she wished her mother was there with her twin brother too.

However it was in these moments that she would be reminded of Salynara's cruelty as she would look at her and watch her weep with a satisfied smile. She would wipe the tears off her with her fingers and lick the tears off them.

"Just stop it! Please, just stop it!"

At these words Salynara smiled wider.

"No. Not yet."


"You will soon know."

"Why won't you just leave me alone?! I wanna go home! I just wanna go home! See mum, dad and my brother!" 

She put a hand on her shoulder.

"I know." She said, wiping the tears from her face and licking them off her fingers.

She pulled her in and hugged her. 

"But I don't want you to go home yet. After all, I have not even started with you."

"Just stop it!"

"No. Now is the time for us to move."

She soon walked as far as she could behind them. She sniffed and tried not to let her hear her crying. She carried everything that she could. She continued on even though her legs and feet hurt. She did not complain as she knew better than to do that. She just followed until her legs became like jelly. She soon tripped and hit her head.


She looked up to see Salynara smiling. She got to her feet, yet her knees were so weak that she was back on the ground. She knelt and placed her hand on her knees. She smiled.

"We will take a break." She said, patting them. "Now, I will teach you how to cook."


"Because you will be doing the cooking next time."

She looked at her pleadingly and was shocked.

"But I'm-"

"Just a child. I know but we both know that you're not an ordinary child. Yet I was your age when I learned how to cook. I was even younger than you when I learned to make potions too."

"Really?" She asked, unconvinced. "Is there a potion that makes you forget the world's even a thing?"

"You do not need a potion to do that."

She rolled her eyes.

"What about dulling misery?"


"It's useless to ask for that, isn't it?"

"Yes, after all, I love to see children like you cry."


She chuckled and Lasta knew she was not going to like what she was about to hear.

"I like the taste of their tears. And not just tears of sorrow, though their taste is delicious yet bitter and salty. Tears of joy tastes sweet and surgery. Yet my favourite are bittersweet."

She smiled wider than Lasta thought possible.

"After all, they taste like both of those combined!"

Better keep that in mind.

She then looked at her and gently placed a hand on her cheek.

"Is that why-" she was about to ask, but stopping once she had realised that she already knew the answer.

Once they had the food out Salynara taught her how to skin the rabbit and cut it. She then taught her how to light a fire. She soon completed her lesson. They ate and soon they were back on the road. With Lasta carrying most of the luggage as payment for the lesson.

They came to a castle. She opened the door. She looked left and right. The moment that those inside saw her they looked at Lasta with pity. That was when Otb put a blade to her throat. She closed her eyes knowing what this was all about. They looked at him and down at her. They were all frozen in place. They then moved on. It was all too clear that she was always going to be used like this. To be used as a hostage to get the other two to where they needed to go. Yet she knew that she should not let this get to her. She did not want to give them the satisfaction.

She knew that she should use this time to get as much information out of them as wh could. Anything useful to be used to get out of this situation or, at least, her and much bought time as she could. 

"Where are we going?"

She smiled.

"You will see, drear child."

So not something that I would like then? 

They walked on. They walked up a flight of stairs. That was when she heard a bump. She looked back to see all the people fall down. All of them were on the floor with their eyes closed. She looked at Salynara shocked.

She smirked.

"Oh? Do not fear! They are not dead. Though they will remember nothing of the past twenty five hours. Nor will they wake until we are done."


"Because there is only one that I wish to kill tonight." 

"Any reason?"

" Yes, although none will remember the one that I shall kill. By the way girl, how are your cleaning skills?"

She frowned.

Why is she asking that?

"What you should expect. Why?"

She smiled.

"You will have to demonstrate where you are soon. If you need any education in that department then I will give it. After all, I am sure that I owe you that much. After all, girls like you should be in school."

"Yes, they should."

Speaking of which, how long has it been since I went to school? Weeks? Months? A year at least. Really? Has it been that long?

Salynara cocked her eyebrow.

"So what will my first lesson be?" She asked, jokingly.

"Cleaning up after me."

Oh, like that is going to help!

"What about maths and English? You gonna teach me those?"

"Only if they are important to my plans."

"Of course they are important!"

That was when Lasta felt the blade pierce her skin. She knew what this was all about. She has to be very careful about what she says. So she kept quiet. 

She followed the fairy to a small room. She opened the door. She was greeted by a woman. She pulled out her sword. Yet Salynara slit her throat before she could do anything. She set the corpse alight. 

"Here." She said giving her a cloth and a bucket. "Clean that." 

She looked at the blood and knelt. She took the bucket and cloth. She then started to clean the blood. She wiped the blood off the stone floor. She found it was easy to do. Yet she knew that she had to do this fast. She did not wish to cause more harm to herself.


She used magic to set the bucket and cloth alight.

"Looks like I hardly need to teach you much in that regard."

"Thank you." She replied, trying not to focus upon what she had just seen. 

She smiled.

"Come, we will be going to my home soon. You need your rest for tomorrow." 

Lasta nodded as they walked to a mirror. They both took their hands and walked into the mirror and passed. The next moment they were in the castle that Lasta received her curse with the one that cursed her.

"Tell me, Lasta, how does it feel to be back here?" She asked.

She looked away not wanting to respond.

"Come on! Tell her." Otb said with a slight smile.


She smiled.

"Oh, your anger has not even begun to become ignited. So get some sleep. For tomorrow I will have you hard at work."

"Doing what?"

"Cleaning. "

She nodded. 

"Which room will I be sleeping in?" 

"Come with me." She said, taking the girl by the hand.

They walked down a long corridor and descended a long flight of stairs and came to the bottom. She walked down a long corridor and came to a metal door. She took out a set of old keys and opened the door. She let the girl in. She saw the metal doors and the bars at the window. She suddenly knew what this place was. She felt a lump in her throat as she walked to the first cell. She felt something start to die in her.

As she walked in she longed for her bedroom. As she looked at the stone slab, she longed for her bed. She knew that this would not be her home and this was not going to be her bedroom. However she knew that these would be the closest to both.

She felt a tear fall from her eye. This was wiped and drank by Salynara.

"Why?" Was all she could say.

She smiled.

"You will know."

She guided her in further and tears choked her as she saw the cuffs. She closed her eyes as she sat on it. She barely looked up as she put them on her. She lay down on the slab and kept her eyes closed.

"Mum! Help!" She said as she drew herself into a ball. "Mum, please! I don't wanna be here."

How can mum come? She's home.

She cried herself to sleep. Even in her sleep she muttered and cried for her mother.

She woke up in the early hours of the morning. It was dark and even though her eyes had adjusted to the dark, she could still barely make out the cell. She curled and continued to cry. She could feel just how dry and sore her throat and mouth was.

"Help! Please, help!" She whispered

That was when the door opened. The moment that she saw Salynara she would have burst into tears if she was not already drained. When she walked up to her, Lasta hugged her. She knew that she would get nothing back but she did not care. All she wanted was to get someone, anyone to hug and steal even a scrap of comfort from him.

Salynara giggled as she uncuffed her. She placed a hand on her back. Suddenly Lasta felt pins and needles all over her. She soon felt her body was on fire and soon her arms dropped. She put the other hand on her back. She looked down. Her throat was far too sore for her to cry out.

"Care to tell me what that was all about?"

"Miss mum. I wan' mum." She whispered.

She giggled.

"No. You will not see her."

"Ge' me mum."

"No. I will not."

"J-just ge' mum!"

"Are you being selfish?"

She looked up, stunned.


"I mean you will be condemning your mother to another cell. She would be in the situation that you are now!"

"But at least I won't be alone!" She screamed through her horse voice. 

She let out a giggle and took her hand. She pulled her up. She pulled her behind her. Lasta could feel that she was not only aching but weaker and she could feel that she was limping. Soon they came to the stairs. She was almost dragged to the top of the stairs. She came to the top of the highest tower. She opened it and she saw a man chained up. She looked at him and he looked at her.

"Who is this?" They both asked.

"You will see." She said as she put a blade in her hand. 

Lasta's eyes widened as she looked up at the fairy. Yet, for a moment, confused. Then there was the question that chilled her to the bone. Could this fairy control her? If the answer was 'yes' then what she was doing would make sense.

"C-can you control?" She could barely whisper.

She smiled and giggled.

"Seems like you are sharper than I thought!" She said as she put a hand on her shoulder. 

"What? Are you serious? She's just a child! Don't do this!" The man shouted as he tugged against the chains. "Don't you dare do this!"

She smiled wider.

"But that's what I like! Innocence ruined, the taste of tears and as she is a child, she will not be able to hold them back!" She exclaimed as she plucked a hair from Lasta's head.

She tied a knot in the hair strand. Suddenly she felt her entire body seize up. She tried to move but she could not. She was not only standing but it was as if her limbs were locked in place. She could not even open her mouth.

Please no! Just please no! Don't do this, please just don't do this! I don't want to! She pleaded even though she knew that she would not hear it.

That was when she tied another knot and plucked the space between both knots like a guitar. She then found her hand raised and the blade pointed at the man. She felt her feet move forward yet she could not stop herself. It was like her body was not hers and was moving on its own. 


She could barely do a thing as she stepped closer and closer to the man. She wanted with all her will to stop, to drop the knife but there was nothing that she could do to do it. She felt herself shaking as she moved closer and closer to him. She wanted to drop the knife so much so that she could feel her hand and fingers twitching. She tried to close her eyes but could not. She then felt her knees and legs become weak and her legs were shaking terribly. This told her that the only reason that she was walking to him was due to whatever magic Salynara was using. She found that she was getting closer and closer but she was going slower as she took each step.

She wants to draw this out as much as possible.

At this she felt anger that she had never felt before! She was not only being humiliated but she was being forced to kill and the fairy that was behind it was enjoying every moment of it and wanted to draw it out as much as possible. She wanted to kill her. She had never felt like she wanted to kill anyone like this, ever. She was soon shaking with anger and every fibre of her being was filled with rage that she had never known. 

This is not fair! This is not right! How dare she do this to me! This witch has no right or authority to be doing this! The first moment I get I will kill her and if she comes back, I will kill her again! And if she still comes back after that, I will kill her again and again. Until she stays dead!

That was when she was about to reach the man when a red laser beam came out of nowhere and went straight through the heart and head. She felt her body drop as she looked back to see Otb holding the gun. She was stunned and grateful for him.


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