The Blue Rock And I Retrieve From The Blue Rock Part Three

The Witch's Deal

We travelled for a long time and my drowsiness became greater and greater. It soon became so hard that the only thing keeping me awake was walking. Yet even that became useless. I could feel my eyelids drop as we walked and walked. I could even feel my head bobbing. I clenched my fist into a ball, hoping that the pain of my nails digging into my palm would be enough to keep me  awake. Yet even though it kept me awake, I knew that it would be barely enough. As I continued I could feel the sleepiness becoming even more overwhelming. I soon felt my eyelids drop and my head bobbed like a basketball. I could feel my walking become sloppy and my feet barely left the ground.

Then I felt slightly nauseous and cold. I felt myself sweating and as we continued, my sweat increased as my heartbeat became strange and felt light in my chest. I could feel my breathing become deep and steady until it became completely silent. I soon could feel my stomach churning as my nausea became worse. Suddenly my heartbeat increased and became light. I could feel my mind becoming lighter and lighter.

I opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out of my mouth but nothing came out of it. I knew that this must have been witchcraft too. Yet the most frustrating thing was that I could do nothing about it. I was completely trapped in my own body and there was nothing that I could do to escape. 

I need to sleep. I know that I can't continue like this. I will faint soon. I thought as I felt my legs continue, which I knew was only being maintained by witchcraft. So this is what real witchcraft feels like. I don't like this. I don't like this one bit!

Yet as I continued I soon noticed that the only reason that I was even continuing was witchcraft too. I was powerless in this torture and I knew it. As the day wore in and on it soon became evening. We only took a quick break for dinner. During which I felt completely awake. Yet the moment that it ended the overpowering sleepiness returned more powerful than before. It was so powerful that I was only awake by the magic alone.

So when night finally did come, we all took our places and everyone fell asleep. Yet even though I felt tired I just could not drift off to sleep. I could feel myself shaking as I felt myself crying silently at the powerlessness that I had over my own body. I knew that I should close my eyes but I could not even do that!

So when the next day came I not only felt tired,I felt ill. I know that the only remedy was sleep but I could not even get a wink.

"Are you alright?" Uncle Haru asked.

"Yes. We need to hurry. Even though I was told that time here has synchronised to the time out there I don't think that I believe it." 

"Then do not worry so much."

"I will try not to." I lied.

We soon had our breakfast and soon walked for another day, only stopping for lunch and tea. We arrived at an inn. Suddenly I felt my feet walk to it.

"Where are you going?"

"I think that we should book the night. We have been walking for about three days now. I think we all would benefit from a good soak and sleep in a soft bed." I felt my lips say.

"But we don't have any money from here! How can we pay for a night here?" Johanna jeered.

Yet when we were approached by the innkeeper, she looked up.

"You need not worry. Your rooms have already been paid for. Here are the keys for you." She said giving us the keys.

We all walked to our rooms. I soon took a bath and soon cleaned myself. This helped me relax greatly. I then got out of the bath and put on a different set of clothes. Then I put the dirty set of clothes in a bag before putting it all away. I collapsed on the bed. My eyes closed immediately. Then my eyes soon opened. In front of me I saw a woman in a silk black dress with pale skin that looked very much like the witches I had killed. Yet I could not make out the rest of her face.

"So you are the one that broke my spell."

"Y-yeah." I said as I tried to get up, but I found that I could only move my mouth.

"I see that you are less of a fool as all the others that I have ensnared here. Not anyone would recognize the hand of my magic that fast." She said as she started to stroke my back slowly, almost like a mother.

"Are you here to kill me?"

"No. Not yet."

"Then what are you here for?"

She leaned in close to me.

"I wish to make a deal with you."

"I will make no such thing! And stop that!" I shouted.

"Shhh! You do not want to wake the others, so you?" She cooed covering my mouth.

"Now the deal is, I will enchant the map to show you where the others are and I will let you find them. I will even let you leave Stellam too."

"And in return?"

"You are to simply drink my blood."

"And if I refuse?"

She smiled.

"I will make you even more of a liability to the group. Or I could bring the others in here still asleep and wake them before I kill them right in front of you, or I could make you do it?"


"Because you broke my spell, which took a great resource of my power away from me, I want to make you my personal plaything and maybe then my personal pet. I can not express just how much I want to see that beautiful face of yours slowly twist into nothing but scars and tears. But don't worry, that will be the last thing that I will scar. So even if you make the deal I will not make it easy for you but I will not harm you or the others if you do."

I looked aside.

She will only do that eventually but at least, I will be able to do my mission better this way. At least this way I will be able to get the others out as well. I do need to keep them safe too.

"Alright. But I would like to add to that."

"Ohh? And what is that?"

"You can do whatever you want to me and I will go with you but you must not harm any of my friends."

She smiled and kissed my cheek.

"My deer, that sounds perfect. We have a deal. Although I will hold you to that." She said as we shook.

She pulled out a knife and the next moment I drank her blood and my eyes closed. I woke the following day feeling well rested. I looked at the map to see the places that we needed to go glowing in amber.


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