The Blue Rock And I Retrieve From The Blue Rock Part Four

 The Witch's Tower

It took no less than a day to arrive at the base of the first place, Witch Tower. Beside the tower was the Roman numeral one. We took a moment to take a break to eat. We looked at our food, yet we still decided to ration the food. There was no need to get greedy. After all, I knew that we would have another person to feed.

"Why can't they ration? They're used to it!"

"No. We all do it."

"Both of you, we need to finish this food as soon as possible."

They nodded as we soon finished eating. We then approached the double doors.

"Remember, the witch will let us take the one here but she will not make it easy."


"Honestly, do you even have to remind us?"

"Don't let your guard down either!"

"Alright you two, remember why we are here. We can not afford a fight." Alexander snapped.

Johanna rolled her eyes as we walked in. Inside was nothing but a staircase leading up to the first floor. 1354 opened the door for us and we walked in. The moment that I saw the claw, I ducked. I looked up to see a strange creature that had claws for nails that were thin and sharp. Instead of feet the woman shaped creature had hooves. Then I saw the fangs and my mind instantly thought about the woman-like creature Uncle Haru killed on the Fortress Of The Red Rock. Yet this one was very pale with a perfect face and light silver hair. With a dress that left nothing to the imagination. Then she started to dance as her eyes locked onto Alexander.

He dropped his weapons and looked at her completely in a trance. He then started to dance and dance as he got closer and closer. Johanna and Eve looked at each other wondering what was going on. 1354 and Uncle Haru looked at each other shocked. Yet I soon noticed that both 1354 and Uncle Haru were also in a trance. 

Yet as her claws became sharper and sharper the men came closer and closer. I knew better than to dwell upon wondering what it was. I then ran to her with the only two girls close behind. I arrived at her and threw a slash at her but she jumped before I could even land the hit. Johanna loaded an arrow and fired at her heart and it hit. She let out a scream as I threw my blade down, cutting off the head.

Upon taking a closer look I noticed that there was something around her neck. I pulled it out to reveal a silver key. I pulled it off then a set of stairs appeared in front of us, continuing the stairs that led us to the first floor.

"Come on."

I then walked over to the staircase and walked to the top. I unlocked the door and walked in. The first thing that I noticed was the handsome man with a well toned body, only wearing a pair of jeans. His hair was dark and long with high cheekbones. He had jet black eyes that entranced me and the other two girls.

I could not help but feel like I wanted this man! All my being told me that. So I walked on and on,getting closer and closer to him. 

Then Alexander and Uncle Haru ran to him. Alexander drew his sword and went in for a strike only for the man to pull out a sword and they both met. While 1354 pulled out a pair of knives and ran to the man and stabbed him in the arms. Then Uncle Haru punched the man from behind. This gave Alexander the opening to slice his head clean off. 

We all snapped out of our trance. Johanna ran to Alexander and took his hand.

"Alexander saved us! Hurray for that!"

"Well I could not have done it without Mr Aoshiné or 1354 over here!" He said pulling the hand out and placing it on 1354's shoulder.

The two girls looked at him.

"Good job!" I said, patting him on his other shoulder. "I can tell that you are going to be a good and strong man when you grow up!"

"Thank you Miss." He said nervously.

 Eve then looked at the dead man and checked his pocket and found the silver key and the next set of stairs appeared. We walked to the top. He thrust his back against the door and we all placed ourselves against the wall. Then he opened the door. Then came the sound of a loud roar. Before anyone said anything I ran in.

"Aqua!" Uncle Haru shouted as I greeted a minotaur with the key dangling from a nose ring.

I pulled out my blade and just as I thrust my blade down, I took a glance of an axe in the corner of my eye. This helped me duck but barely in time. Then I felt the fist of the minotaur dig into my gut. This winded me as my feet left the floor. I landed on my arm as I clutched my stomach coughing. 

Then Alexander ran to him and dodged the axe and the fist, only to fall when his hoof dug into his side. I was able to use this to stab the minotaur in his leg. He roared as he brought the axe down. I slid out of the way again and again. 

That was when it was hit from behind with an arrow. It fell and Uncle Haru lowered the bow and walked up to the minotaur and pulled the key out of the nose.

"Are you alright?" He said as he patted my lower ribs.

"Should be. It will only leave a bruise." I admitted.

"What were you thinking?"

"To give the creature no time to put us in a trance."


"Can we go now?"

"Once Alexander's been seen to."

"I am fine!"

Yet Uncle Haru looked at himmall over.

"He will be fine."


"Johanna! Focus!"

She bowed her head and nodded. We then walked to the top of the staircase. We thrust our backs against the wall. Uncle Haru then opened the door. He frowned as he walked in. We followed only to find that there was nothing there.

We looked around.

"Now what?"

"What are they?" Asked 1354, pointing to five Japanese characters.

"They are Japanese characters."

"What do they say?" 

"Earth, wind, fire,air and spirit."

"You are keeping up with your Japanese. Good."

"And what do they have they got to do with all of this?"

"I do not know."

I looked around and spotted a book appearing on a desk. I walked up to it and opened it to see that it was all written in Japanese. It was a strange tale of five different characters. I then understood.

"Alexander, you go to the character of earth. Johanna, air, 1354, water Eve, fire." 

They all did and I took the place where the spirit was. But nothing happened.

"1354 we will change places." I said.

We did. Nothing.

"Aqua, you swap with me." 

I walked to where the earth was. This time the tiles moved and the staircase slid out and the door at the top opened. We walked up and came to another floor with nothing in. So I started to tap on the tiles but we found nothing. So we tapped the tiles until one fell. Then the middle tile moves up. As we looked up we all saw  the doors above us. They opened and I noticed that there was a set of stairs leading to each of them. Then I walked to the one that was the natural flow of the stairs that we climbed.

I soon reached the top and the moment I opened the door and was hit by something. I heard the hiss and then the laugh of a woman. The first thing that I saw was the multitude of snakes petrudimg from the head of a woman with ice-cold beauty. Yet the moment that I knew what this creature was I closed my eyes. I dived down and drove my blade in front of me. I heard the bone chilling cry. I dared to open my eyes only to see that I stabbed too low.

"My face! You scarred my face!" She screamed as she dived at me.

 This gave me the opportunity to dive out of the way and slashed to the left. This got one. Then I walked in and then another came down and I closed my eyes and then I dived to that one. I went to stab her.  Then I was struck with her claws and slit my cheek. I had to bite my lip as I knew that I would have to resist opening my eyes. It then flipped my sword up and stabbed something. Then I heard it fall.

I opened my eyes.

"Did you do all this?" Ecve asked.

"What of it?" I asked plucking the key. We all walked up to the last door and opened it. 

Inside was a boy no older than fourteen with sandy blond hair and hazel eyes.

"Who are you?"

"Charles Hope."

"Come on. Time to get you out of here."

We soon left the tower.


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