The Blue Rock And I Retrieve From The Blue Rock Final Part

 The Resurrection Of The Witch

After Aunt Blue and Cho saw to all our injuries we all walked throughout the mansion and we all found a good bedroom for everyone. Then made sure that we all had a good wash as Cho and Uncle Haru put our clothes into the laundry Cho attended to us girls clothes and Uncle Haru attended to the boys. We were given a pair of silk blue and red pyjamas. As I had noticed that I was getting too big for my blue pyjamas they were passed on to Merry, which looked alot less pale and had a bit of colour on her. I was then given a pair of purple silk pyjamas.

I then went to my bedroom after saying good night to everyone. I had barely touched the bed before I felt my mind become unnervingly quiet. Then, after everyone was in bed and fast asleep, I felt my body move on its own. Almost like I was sleepwalking but I was completely awake. I then straightened my back and left the room. I walked down the large empty corridor with nothing but the echo of my footsteps filling it. Then I walked down the stairs. I opened the doors that led to Stellam and Inanis's room.  

Then as I walked up to them my body became warmer and warmer. Then, when I walked in between them my body felt hot. I then felt my body become hotter and hotter. I felt like I was ill as my body became covered in sweat. Yet I became hotter and hotter until it felt like my soul was in the middle of an inferno! 

Then both rocks started to glow. Their light became brighter and brighter until it became blinding. Yet they still became lighter! I knew that I had to close my eyes or the brightness would blind me. I knew that it could have led to permanent damage to my sight. However I could not! I could not move a muscle!

Then a fire erupted from them, one was blue and the other was scarlet. Then came at me, like there were two invisible dragons breathing fire at me. I was then hit by the fire and soon I felt like I was in the centre of a volcano! I felt my sweat evaporating as soon as it was replaced. 

I could not cry out regardless of how much pain I was in. Yet despite this painful experience of being cooked alive I saw that my body was not showing any signs of this. 

Then I felt my arm being raised like I was a puppet on a set of strings. Then my thumb nail dug deep into my fingertip. I felt a stinging pain as the blood dropped from my finger. It fell and hit the ground. It did not stop there, as more and more blood drops fel. It did not stop until there was a small puddle of blood on the floor. Then the puddle of blood rose up and with the flash of light faded. 

My body collapsed. When I landed, my body twitched uncontrollably. I panted as I became covered in sweat. 

I looked down with a half blinded and blurry vision to see a woman with two roses which she struck together and a dress appeared made of scarlet roses. She smiled at me and threw her hand up. When I looked out of the window I spotted that the sky was somehow purple. I looked back at her wondering what was going on.

"There, that should stop them from escaping." She said in an ice cold voice. "Now I am glad we have a moment alone, because I want to do so much to you. But do not worry, it will not be too crude!"


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