The Nine Dragons The Dragon Infirno Part One
This Village In The Volcano
Loc walked off the pool and saw a village on rock. She noticed horses without pupils trailing along with bags on their backs and people walking to and fro. They all had the same dead faces as the other villagers. The first thing that she noticed was the intense heat almost like she was in the Sand or Desert Planes. The second were the walls of rock surrounding her. That was when she looked up to see a rough circle surrounding the sky that was littered with silver stars.
What a beautiful sky!
“Can I help you dotty-eyed-one?” Asked a woman with a crisp English accent.
She looked back to see a woman and a man. Both had bright orange hair and green eyes and rough but pale skin. The woman wore a thin piece of white leather covering her breasts and a skirt that kept her legs cool but just above the knees. Meanwhile the man wore a basic pair of shorts that were also white leather.
“Yes. My name’s Loc.”
“Ahi Sia.” Said the woman.
“Tsu Sia.” said the man.
She shook their hands.
“Mind telling me more about this place?”
“What’s there to say? The dragon here always takes what he wants and none stops him.”
“Bar none!”
“And none have tried?”
She nodded.
“And when did this happen?”
“Four hundred years ago.”
“And are there any fairy tales about what happened to them?”
“What are fairies?”
“Never mind.”
She let out a deep breath.
“Go on.”
“Right. But come to our place.”
“Yes. You will like it.”
She nodded as she followed them to their home. It was made of stone timber with an iron door. They put on a pair of gloves and opened the door then they walked in. There were leather stools and a metal table with a set of stairs to the right that was also stone with a stone bannister.
“Have a seat!”
“Thank you!”
“No fire?”
“No need.”
“Too hot for a fire.”
“And why don’t you leave?”
“His armies stop us all from leaving.”
Loc nodded.
“And what if they were defeated?”
That was when they became pale.
“Then the dragon will no longer keep the volcano sleeping.”
“The volcano of the east will release it’s fire river and a great storm of death will consume this land.”
“You know that pool can take you out of here?”
“Yes. However, that is shielding the fire pool beneath.”
“Only the dragons can use it.”
“Or someone that can’t get easily burnt.” She said more to herself.
“You can’t.”
“You really are a strange one.”
“Do you have a map of this land?”
“Yes.” Tsu said, giving her a large shell the size of a man’s head.
She looked down to see that there were two volcanos at each end and twin rivers running in between both. The right volcano was Drakerive Mountain and the left volcano was called Drakedwell Mountain. The lower river was Water River and the upper river was Fire River.
“Are we here?” She asked, pointing to Drakerive Mountain.
“And how do you get there?”
“There are tunnels at the end of the village.”
“And this village is?”
“Liquire Village.”
That was when Loc’s stomach growled.
She nodded.
“But I don’t have time.”
“Nonsense! Everyone needs to eat!”
Soon the twins left for the kitchen. She was about to walk to the door when a book caught her eye.
Nine Dragons
Philosteria Tenpool
She then walked up to it and walked up to it and pulled it out and opened it on the first page.
I see nine dragons coming and then conquering the
Ouniverse and dwelling on Oarth.
Yet I see a woman, the one that I was born to
prepare, that will take their thrones and burn
their empty stolen thrones. Only the throans that
have a living heir she will spare and return to their
rightful owner.
I have wrote a song to help people remember what
she shall do.
“Philosteria Tenpool?”
“Yeah. What did she do here, other than write this book and sing a song?”
“Made care to hide the heirs from the Life and Death dragonz also the throne that Prince Dracula occupies but most of the royal lines are dead or rumoured to be killed.”
She looked down to see a plate of meat and cheese.
“No vegetables?”
They shook their heads.
“They are reserved for the cattle.”
“Thank you. But why?”
“The greenery is scarce here so we can’t afford to eat it.”
She nodded as she started to eat.
“When does the army come here?”
“Tomorrow. Why?”
“Would it be alright to stay here for the night?”
“Sure. Why?”
“I will try something after they come.”
So she ate and, after reading the book, she slept on the floor.
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