The Nine Dragons The Water Dragon Part Six

 The Shark Army

Loc woke up to the smell of burning and smoke. Her head was foggy and the first thing that she saw was red, orange and yellow. Her mind instantly woke up in alarm. She shot up and saw the fire surrounding her. Her eyes widened as she flipped out of the bed that she was in.

She quickly ran out of the room and was greeted by a corridor filled with fire. She looked left to right, trying to find the exit. She soon found it in her panic. She ran down to the door to the left and barged out of it. She then spotted that the houses of the town were on fire! Then she noticed the women that were either clutching their stomachs in rage or weeping in despair. She could see that everyone in the town was covered in blood.

“You’re awake!”

She looked down to see the child that she saved.

“What happened here!”

“The Dragon Cult. They did this.”


“As a punishment.”

“Oi! She doesn’t need to know. But I will ask you to do one thing.” Shouted a woman with black hair and orange eyes.


“You wipe them out! You get all of those Dragon Cult members and kill every single one of them. Because if you don’t then I will!”

She nodded, trying to bury her rage.

“What did they do?”

“They killed our babies and burned our homes.”

Her eyes widened as she felt the anger that she was trying to bury ripple throughout her body.

How can they do such a thing? Why did they do this? Was it because of me? Did they do this because they defended me?

“Did they demand that you hand me over?” She asked, keeping her voice steady, trying to keep her anger under control.

“Yes and they did this when we stood up to them!”

Her heart sank and she looked around. She felt tears falling before she could stop them. She could feel her weeping suffocating her.

Not again! Not this again!

“Do you think that they’ll be back?”


“Then hand me over next time. Don’t worry, I’ll be able to handle it.”

That was when someone screamed. She looked up to a humanoid shark. He was in thick armour and a trident in his hands. He licked his bloody lips.

She ran back into the burning house and quickly grabbed her sword. She then ran back out. She looked at the fire. She raised her hand and threw a line of fire at him. This, quickly, caused him to become engulfed in fire. She then spotted another coming out of the water. She then sent a ball of fire at him. Soon he too was on fire. 

She scanned the shoreline to see one come from her right. She stabbed him in the head. She then shot a ball of fire at another that was about to get out of the water. She then saw a line get out of the water. She then swiped her fire to the right. Then back to the left. She saw another one and she swept to the right again. Then another came from the left and she swiped back to him. Then another row came out and she soon swiped and she swiped back to the right. 

She then spotted one duck and ran on. He raised his trident to her. She dived back and shot the blade down and snt a ball of fire at him. This gave her the opening to stab him. She then spotted another coming at her. She ducked as he went to stab her. She flicked her blade up and stood straight and quickly lobbed the head off. She then kicked him away from her. 

Then another one came at her and she was quickly caught in the prongs. Then she saw another set coming at her chest. She ducked and kicked to the side and the other shark stabbed him in the side. She then spotted another coming at her to the left and another to the right. She stayed where she was until the last moment that was when she ducked again, causing them to impale each other. She then picked up a trident of one of them and threw it at another shark.

“That’s the third time you saved me!”

“Don’t mention it.”

She then spotted more coming. She then sent a ball of fire at the army before racing towards the edge. She looked down to see a great deal more coming. She then grabbed another trident and drove it down into the head of one and another with her sword. She looked on. Then she was hit from behind and splashed into the water.

They all dived at her. She struck one and another. This caused the others to dive at the wounded sharks. She, seeing this, swam to one and cut one after the other. She did this again and again. Making the water af blood mix in a crimson cloud. She swam to one and slit the head off one. She then swam down and then the others dived at that one. She stabbed up and drove the sword and the trident into the heads of two of them. She then felt the head of three of them.

She then saw more coming to her. She stabbed the heads of each one that came close to her. She did this again and again. Making sure that she cut one after the other.

Then she felt her lungs cry out for air, but she knew that she could not answer this call. She could feel the call becoming more and more intense as she stabbed one shark after the other. She ended up being by their own that she had given shallow cuts to. She then felt her heart beating in her chest like a drum. She kept fighting, again and again and again. She felt her head pounding like something was trying to burst out of her skull. Yet she continued fighting. She then had to swim up. So she did. She gulped as her head broke out from beneath the waves. 

Then she felt something sharp on her leg and she was immediately pulled back under the waves. She then spotted the shark and stabbed him in the head. That was when she spotted a shark coming at her. She then slashed from left to right again and again and again. Left, right, left, right, left, right, left, right. She then felt her lungs crying out again. Yet she knew that she had to continue. She felt her heart and head pounding. Yet she continued to strike left, right, left, right. When she could take it no longer she dived up and just as she gulped in some air, she was pulled back down again and water fell into her mouth.

She stabbed down. She came back up. She gulped, she was pulled back down. She stabbed that one. Then she was grabbed again and was pulled down further. She stabbed the head of that group. Then tried to swim back to the top, but just as her fingertips reached the surface, shevwas pulled back down again. She stabbed down and swam back up. 

She soon pulled herself out of the water to see that all of the army was now dead. She commando crawled away from the edge before she passed out.


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