Doormaze Drage The Yellow Dragon Part Five

 Battle Of The Dragon 


They all ran to cell to cell, freeing prisoner after prisoner that were jailed for their loyalty to King Drakinon. Then a guard rushed at them and Coalmine breathed fire into the eyes of him and Sir Knighgon thrust his tallens into his throats.

Doormaze tried to use the power that she had learnt from the world before, yet she could not. So, she looked at Burn who pushed the fire back into the throat of their mouths. Then Sir Knighgon scratched aside, cutting their flame covered throats. They then moved on and up the tower and he flew in the air. As he did they noticed more dragons flying north. He breathed a blast of powerful fire that was the colour green with streaks of yellow. The green then became purple and then orange.

They all looked back. Then three of them moved down and three moved up. Five in between. They looked up as fire blasted at them.

“Where is my King?” He asked aggressively.


He nodded and moved to the three.

“Go and get the others. You know where.” he shouted as he turned.

He carefully followed their instructions. As he did they noticed a blue dragon with silver tallens and green eyes tailing them.

“Sir Knighgon! There is a dragon tailing us!” Shouted Doormaze.

He looked back. He then flew in the air and went to breathe fire at him but he moved out of the way and dived down. He raised his head but a stream of blue fire flew from the blue’s mouth. They dodged. He flew closer to the other dragon and flung his tallens down. He dodged and the other side again flew down and under the dragon knight and flung his hind legs out and went to scratch the stomach but he just about missed. Then he let out another stream of fire but he dodged. Sir Knighgon spat out a fireball and another and another and another in rapid succession from each other. Then the other dragon was hit. He then flew down and drove his tallens into his throat and the blue dragon fell.

They flew on.  Then they spotted a fireball flying past them. They looked back to see a purple dragon. Sir Knighgon let a ball of fire out at him but he dodged. Then the purple dragon let out another one and Sir Knighgon flew to the right. He let out another, he flew to the left. He swung back to the right as another one came. He swung back when another one was released.

That was when Coalmine ran to the tail agd dived off, pushed out her wings, and he flung a fireball at her. She dodged. He then turned and shot out another one at her and she dodged out of the way and as she flew on. He then flung o e after the other at her in quick succession but she dodged them all as ehw flew closer and closer to him. He let a stream of fire at her but she dodged out of the way. She then looked back to see that it would hit the others!

Quickly she flung out a blast of fire to weaken the fire. Yet that was not enough. So she flung more and more fireballs at the fire while she flew closer and closer to the purple dragon, weakening the fire as she did.

He then stopped the fire as he took a moment to breathe in. She took this opportunity to fly on as fast as she could go. Then he threw his head back. In this moment she acted fast to let a stream of fire out of her mouth and into the throat. This stopped the purple dragon and this caused him to cough and cough. She then moved close to his head and then flew to his eyes and let out a blast of fire and hit them. The purple dragon closed his eyes and she pulled out a sword that she had taken in the armoury and flung it across his throat.

She then turned back and flew on as fast as she could back to them. She soon landed on Sir Knighgon’s back.

“That was amazing!” Doormaze exclaimed.

Coalmine smiled shyly.

“Thank you!”

They flew on. 

“Go down. He should be here.”

Then he dived down and they soon arrived. Drakinon looked down as they slid off Sir Knighgon’s back.

“Your Majesty. We need to get back to the castle. Please, we need you to lead us!”

 He looked down and cupped his cheek like a proud brother.

“Sir Knighgon. Is-is it really you?”

“Yes, however we do not have the time for a sentimental reunion. We will have time for that later. Right now, we need to take down the puppet playing King.”

“Why do you call him that?”

“He is only a tool of Dark Curse and Dark Destiny. Nothing more than an extension of them, if you will. However, as you are not of this world you need to know that up there the knights and soldiers are fighting the ones that are loyal to Dark Genocide right at we speak.” He explained.

“Right, then there is no time to lose!” He shouted as he spread his wings and flew up in the air.

They flew up and into the sky.

“Doormaze, Coalmine and Burn-”

“How can we help?”

“Well, have you learned about the Basilisk’s Eye?”

“No.” Doormaze admitted.

Yet she remembered what happened in the water world and knew that, that was what he was on about.

“But I assume that is what that power that I used in the world underwater was?”

“What power?”

“The one that-”

She wanted to explain but she suddenly did not want to say it. She did not even want to admit to it. Yet, she knew that she had to. 

“Caused people to die when they met her eyes.” 

Thanks Coalmine… She thought, grateful that she did not have to say it.

“Yes, that is the Basilisk’s Eye.”

“What do we do?”

“How do- what do-”

“Think back, just remember, think about how angry you were!”


“The Basilisk’s Eye is triggered by anger, but it is not an ordinary anger. It is by righteous anger. So that the more power hungry Basilisk Dragon Lords would not be able to abuse their power.” He explained.

Doormaze’s eyes widened, yet she felt a wave of relief flood her.

Which means that I can look at Kai. Thank goodness!

“Right, then I think that it’s about time you got your throne back!”

Drakinon smiled widely.

“I agree!”

Soon they all climbed on Sir Knighgon’s back and he flew up. They soon arrived at the sight of warring dragons. She saw two purple dragons, one with golden tallens and the other had silver. The one with silver talkens dug deep the one with gold claws and pulled away using its neck muscles and swallowed. He then dived at the other one again and again and again! She noticed a silver tallened one rip the head off one with gold. Another had his wings ripped off before he too was being eaten. She saw another one eating another dragon. She saw more and more of this and it horrified her.

Then she saw him, Dark Genocide himself, licking the blood off his mouth and fly toward the battle. The moment that she saw him she looked over to Drakinon.

“Over there!” She cried.

He looked to where she was pointing. He then shot over to him as fast as a bullet. He let out a large blast of fire at where the warring dragons were. They saw this and immediately flew to the side. Making a clear zone where Drakinon and Dark Genocide met.

“So! Have you returned for more humiliation, brother?”

“We are not brothers!” He said before flinging out several fireballs one straight after the other.

He dodged each and every one of them. He then let out a blast of purple fire and hit. He then dived in and, once the fire cleared, he duved at him. He went to bite his throat but he dodged again and again and again. This caused Dark Genocide to increase his action but Drakinon was faster so he was able to dodge each and every one of them. 

He then dug his tallens into Dark Genocide’s breast. He roared out as Drakinon let out a blast of blue fire at him. He moved out of the way. Yet Drakinon did not let him have any break so he let the blast of fire follow the other dragon until he ran out of my death.

Then Dark Genocide let a blast of fire at the other dragon. He quickly dodged out of the way; he then sent another blast at him until Drakinon sent a blast of purple fire at him. He too dodged. He then sent another blast of purple fire at him again and again and he flew side to side., dodging one after the other. Yet Dark Genocide came closer and closer to him umtol he was able to claw his face. He scratched him again and again and again.

Until Drakinon thrust up an uppercut to the jaw, causing him to flip and spin again and again. Getting faster and faster and faster and, as he rolled harder, Drakinon whipped him with his tail to increase the momentum. He rolled further and further down. He then looked at Sir Knighgon before they reached the tree tops. He then curved upwards.

He flew faster and faster. Then in the next moment he snapped his jaws on the Knight's throat. He then reached out and grabbed Doormaze before twisting the head and ripped the head off. 

Coalmine grabbed Burn as she flew away, he showed Drakinon his catch. He looked at him outraged. Doormaze, not wanting to be used as a hostage, bit into the part where the tallon and scales met. He soon let go, but she did not. She then started to climb. She climbed upon the hand. Then hebtried to shake her off. She hugged his arm as tightly as she could while she manoeuvred upwards. Then  he turned his head to her. She then jumped on his snout. She quickly ran to his eye and punched him. She jumped across to the other eye but he quickly covered the other eye. 

Then, as Drakinon flew in, she jumped on him. This gave him the opening that he needed and quickly took it. He snapped his jaw over his neck and ripped the head clean off the false dragon king's head. Then it fell beneath the trees without a sound.


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