Doormaze Drage The Yellow Dragon Final Part

 King Of Dragons 

All dragons stopped what they were doing and looked at King Drakinon in absolute shock. They then looked at the false dragon king, which was now a headless corpse. Yet in years to come, despite how long and thoroughly they looked they would never find the head. They looked back, some out of shock, some out of shame, some out of horror and the rest in relief. They all had many words in their heads that could not reach the tongue.

King Drakinon panted as he too felt the shock. Shock at what he had just done. Shock at, now, he no longer needed to hide. Shock that he had done it! He had killed the puppet pretender that had stolen his seat, his home p, his status and his inheritance. Yet this puppet pretender had no concept of the responsibility that status carri. No concept of the weight that the crown held. A crown that was only to be worn by a puppet pretender with just as much respect as a new shiny hat.

So he looked up.

“I shall be returning to my home now.”

They said nothing as he took Sir Knighgon’s corpse and flew to the castle. He then flew to the throne. He then burned the corpse of the dead dragon and knight. He soon scattered them and then turned to Doormaze, Coalmine and Burn.

“I am sorry for putting you three in such danger.”

He nodded.

“Here. You will need a weapon each.” He said, giving them all each a gold sword with scarlet jewels and the guard of the hilt. One the handle was a strip of white leather wrapped around it. He then gave them a scabbard made of sapphire.

“Thank you!”

He smiled.

“It is the least I can do for all you have done.”

He then looked at Coalmine.

“Coalmine, there will come a very important choice that you will make. Once you have made it, you will never be able to turn back from it.”

She looked down and her eyes narrowed as she nodded.

“Before we leave, would it be alright to stay another night? I'm too tired to go anywhere right now!” Doormaze asked.

“Yes. After all, you will never know when you will be able to sleep in a good bed!”

They all nodded and soon found a bed. They were all asleep before they knew it..

Doormaze could see Natalie. She was still unconscious. Both Dark Curse and Dark Destiny were looking at the girl.

“She has been asleep all day.” Dark Destiny said.

“Yes. She has!”

“Do you think that she will make it?”

“Too soon to tell.”

Then, as they looked at her, blood flowed from her eyes. It first became two tears then as they fell more and more followed. Then she let out a slight moan. She curled up and slipped up and wiped the blood out of her eyes and cheeks.

Her eyes opened to reveal that they were no longer green but bright electric pink with and almost a cat like with a slit for a pupil.

Doormaze woke up. The others woke up soon after.

“What is it?”

She looked directly at her sister.

“Natalie has survived the start of the transformation to become a dragon.”

“Who’s that?”

She told them. They nodded.

“Then we ought to go now.”

Soon they quickly said their goodbyes and left for the next world.


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