The Nine Dragons The Water Dragon Part Four

 The Piranha Army 

Loc had barely recovered when she started stirring. She had done well to avoid the Dragon Cult as she knew now was not a good time to be dealing with them. No, that time should come when all the armies are well taken care of. She knew that any time before would be nothing but a distraction from the task at hand.

She looked up at the sky, it would be night in a good couple of hours and she would have to face the next army. Which meant, she knew, that she would have to take a good rest before she was ready to face them. So, after a long hour of training, she found a secluded area of town and lay down with Peble pressed close to her and she closed her eyes.

She saw the shadows of the dragons again and quickly and noticed that there were seven now. Yet she could see the last one flying closer and closer to her. Yet it was not too close, no it was still far too far to be able to make out its true size.

The next moment, she heard screaming. She got up and saw people running to and fro. She saw women and children running, keeping their hands clutching one another in a vice-like grip.

She quickly jumped up as she saw a group of humanoid piranhas about to grab her by the throat. She rolled out of the way and drove her blade into the head. Then kicked him off. She felt cold as she got to her feet. She could feel herself shaking but she had to push past that and dove to the nearest one and went to slice it's head off, but her blade was met by another blade. She stepped upon the foot and the piranha slipped up. His head was soon rolling after that.she then moved to the next one. She quickly kicked that one in the stomach then flicked her sword and his head soon fell from his shoulders. Then she moved onto the next one

She went to drive her foot into his but she saw the blade coming at her calf. She pulled back and flicked her blade up and drove the other blade up into the sky and she struck the side of his neck.she ran on and saw a group of thirteen dragging a group of women to the water. She ran to them. 

She came in from behind and took off three heads. She jumped to the one ahead of her. They let go and divee at her. She ducked and drove her blade upwards and slashed him. She quickly swung to the right as it went to the right. Then one came in front of her. She saw the blade coming to her. She whacked it out of the way before punching her cheek. Then thrust her blade up and his head soon rolled off. She then saw a blade coming to her left and one to the right. She quickly ducked and they rammed their blades into each other as the blades swung.

She then charged on and drove her sword into the head of one that was about to swing his sword down. She then drove her sword into the hips of the last two. She pulled it out and she drove her blades away and their heads soon rolled.

She looked around and saw two more coming at her. She ran on at them. They drove their blades towards her. She let them stab her as she slashed her sword from left to right like the waging of a tail. Then pulled their swords out and once she got out of the way and saw more she drove her body up and drove her sword into the head of one and threw her blade to the left and took that one down.

She ran on as she saw a blade almost stab her. She spun out of the way. Then she flicked her blade down and took his head off. She then felt a stroke in her back. She spun and hit the head by the weight then flicked her wrist and stabbed him in the heart. She then saw a blade coming to her. She flicked her blade and drove her blade up then twisted it to the blunt side. She then pushed the other side to help her push against the other blade and get it out of the way. She then kicked the side of the piranha. Once the blade was out of the way she drove the blade into his skull.

She ran on to see more of them dragging women and boys into the water. She ran to them, but before she could even reach the water, her skin was struck by a whip. She fell and looked to the side. She saw the Dragon Cult to her left and right. They went to strike her down but she dived on before they could have the chance. Then her blade was hit by a group of whips. She pulled them in and quickly slashed at them. 

She ran on to see that the women and boys were already on the water! She ran on but she felt a whip in her stomach. She looked up to see another of the Dragon Cult. She ran to him then kicked him in the gut before she ran on. She then felt another strike in her back. She forced herself to ignore this as she reached another piranha. She glanced back and ducked and soon the whip coming her way split the head of the piranha’s head in half.

She quickly dived back and kicked him in the gut and took his wip before she ran on. She then struck the head of one piranha. She then ran on and sliced his neck. She then ran on. She saw one dragging a little boy to the water. She then whipped the back of the piranha. He hissed and he let go of the boy. He then went to her. She whipped him again and again before he jumped to pounce on her. She drove her blade upwards and into his throat.

She ran on and spotted a group running to the water. She charged at them. She slashed as many heads off as she could. She threw the whip to the neck of another one as they were coming out of the water. She then pulled back and cut the head off that one. She jumped forward and sliced the head of another before it even had time to get out of the water. She did this again and again, making sure that none of them had a chance. 

Then she turned to the ones that were coming towards her on the land. She hit one and quickly drove her sword into the head of that one. She then used the whip to pull another in and sliced the head off. She did this again and again and again and again. Then one ducked and dived at her. She flicked the blade to the chin. She then ran on and slashed from left to right, not even letting her think of anything else. She did this again and again and again.

Then she threw the whip to one and was able to slice the head in half. She did this again and again and again until she saw that the ones on the land were gone.

She then ran to the water and spotted that the rest were in the water. She quickly dived back I to the water and swam to one and grabbed his back and drove her blade into his head. She then took the child into her hand and swam him to the surface and once he was on dry land she dived down and repeated the action again and again. She stabbed one after the other until they were all gone.

She then flopped back onto the land and her head was hit and all went black.


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