The Nine Dragons The Water Dragon Part Three

 The Water Drakes

She was finally back on dry land before the sun sank beneath the waves in the dark distance. She looked around, wondering just how far the water reached and how long it was until she would reach the next island. She also started to wonder just how large the planet was and how large the universe that she was in was. 

The next thing that she wondered was that if, instead of going from island to island of the same planet, she was going from planet to planet. She then started to wonder if one of these dragons had a piece of the Reality Sphere. After all, all of this might just be meaningless to her if that was the case. Either way, at least she could be able to kill those dragons first. She could spend all the time in the world searching for it later.

Soz with that in mind, she looked down for a moment, and for a moment, she saw something move in the water. She looked back, thinking that she was seeing things. Only to find that there was a lizard and fish-like creature with large black eyes, swimming at her. It reached out to grab her leg. She stepped on the hand and stabbed it in the head.

She then looked back to see a row coming from behind. She ran to one and stabbed it in the head. She then dived to the right and stabbed another. Then back to the left and stabbed that one. Just jumped on and stabbed another. Then back again. Stab. On. Stab. Back. Stab. Then as she stabbed another another one’s hand flicked out and she was dragged beneath the waves.

It dived to her and she thrust her head into its lower jaw. She drove her blade up but the water slowed her moments so it was able to dive back. So she drove her hand out, her fingertips skimmed its neck. She then felt a bite in her arm to the left. She grabbed it and drove her blade into the heart. Thenshe kicked him off her. Then one dived at her and she drove her blade up and he raised his head but she dropped the tip and she soon was kicking him off. 

Then she noticed that some has already climbed out of the water. She swam up and pulled herself up.

She then felt a sting in her left eye. She looked up to see ten of the Dragon Cult looking at her. Then she felt a hand around her ankle. She looked down and stabbed down at the creature. That was when she felt a stab in her arm. She dropped her sword and a spier pushed her down further. She swam down and threw out her hand and the blade was in her hand and she drove her blade in and hit a head as far and as hard as she could.

She swam back to the surface. Then she was struck. She sank back down. She was driven back into the water again. Then the water was struck again and again and again, causing her to become blinded by bubbles. Then she felt her skin being torn away. She was bitten again and again and again before she could recover. Yet her heartbeat increased as the salt of the water made her wounds burn more. Soon panic set in.  She soon stabbed left to right again and again and again until one finally stuck. Then she struck one after the other.

Then she heard splashes all around her. Then the sounds of screams. She swam on and saw a child struggling. She swam to him and beheaded the water drake and then drove the child up.

Then she was able to get out of the water. She soon spotted another that had a child and ran up to him and soon killed the water drake. She saw another dive into the water with a woman. She went to run after it but, again, she was stopped by the Dragon Cult. She saw the whip and quickly dived out of the way. She ran up to the first one. She went to take some firecrys out. Only to realise that she had none. So she kicked one in the stomach and ran on. Only to be struck in the ankle. She dropped onto the ground. She turned around to see that they were coming at her. Then she saw a teenager being pulled beneath the waves. She scrambled to her feet and raced to the water drake and then picked up a rock. Her back was then struck as she threw the rock at the water drake.

Then it looked back at her and she pretended to look innocent as she could then pointed to the Dragon Cult. Angrily he threw the teenager down and dived at them. She ran to the water drake and passed it as  it charged at the Dragon Cult. She dived in the water and swam to the nearest one. Then the others at her, leaving all they had. She beheaded one after the other. She kept this up as the amount became less and less.

Yet she looked down to see dead men, women and even children. Anger struck her like lightning. Soon the water started to boil. She did not care, all she cared about was getting to the nearest one and stabbed him. She swam up and beheaded another. She did this again and again and again until she had killed every last one of them.

She swam up and the moment she saw the men of the Dragon Cult she dived at them and beheaded all that she saw. Apart from one who quickly fled to Ryu Dra.


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