Princess Cari To The Stars Part Two

 A Dragon Reunion

The group walked to the bar aria in the inn. They looked for the one who wanted to see and talk to them but there was none that they could recognise.

There was a man with a sun burnt face looking at them. He was dressed in scarlet and orange armour with a crimson dragon head on the breastplate. His hair was bright orange with crimson tips. His stern eyes were yellow with coral red lines going to the center. He had a strong square chin with high cheekbones. His thick eyebrows were like the rest of his hair.

He gestured for them to come over to him. They all looked at each other, not quite knowing if they should approach. After all, this could have been a trap. He ruled his eyes and gestured again. Seeing that there was no other option they walked up to him.

"Who are you?" Ryo asked.


They frowned and looked at him shocked.

"Urm…is-isn't Indral a dragon?"

He smiled deviously.

"Yes. I am. Could you not tell?"

"No…but you look human."

"Can you not sense something else child?"

"No." Cari admitted, feeling disappointed.

"Then close your eyes and extend your focus to your gut."

The two closed their eyes. They could feel it now, a strange warm feeling surged in their guts. Yet this feeling was comfortable, however as they looked deeper they felt something else too. A sensation that told them to be weary and yet they knew that this man was their ally. This then continued as they opened their eyes to see the image of a brought orange dragon in front of them.


"It is a little known secret that dragons can dawn a human form." He explained.

"So that's how we were conceived!" She exclaimed.

"Seriously?" Ryo remarked.

"Yes,  however,  please lower your voice. As I was the adviser to your mother on Merth, until she had fallen for those kings, your fathers, I will advise you whenever you need it."

"Then would you be able to give us some lessons on Drage, more specifically on the political side. I  think we will need it." Cari admitted.

Then I will be able to find the best way to get Ryo on that throne.

He nodded.

"Yes, I suppose you do. Then fear not I will do all to help you both." He said, stretching slightly. "Although,  you two,  for obvious reasons, are not allowed to come."

"Why not?" Asked Ryo.

"Only the candidates are allowed to come. Especially with you two involved. The Dragon Council has noted that there would be many onlookers."

"But many others are seeking to go." Retorted Ryo.

"Yes, they will be turned down at the port and sent home until the next Dragon Sovereign is declared. The Dragon Council prefers to handle these dealings in privert. Although it is hardly that surprising that there are those who wish to observe the battle for the throne. It is the first and only time there have been half human hybrids that have been candidates. So that just increased the interest."


"Yet this sends to not only be the strange event that is going on. There seems to be a lot of particular events that have been going on as of late." He said as he yawned.

"Are you tired?" Ryo asked.

"No! It is just loud places always make me feel slightly sleepy."

"Then do you wish to go somewhere else?"

"Yes,  that would be wise."

They all moved to the room that they were staying in. His eyes suddenly became alive and focused.

"That is better, by far!" He exclaimed as he sat by the window.

"Now tell me, what strange events are you taking about?" The Observer asked, as The Chronicler sat in the corner and took out a feathers quill,  a bottle of ink and a book with plain pages.

"Well the great Dark Lady was killed by a great hero known as Reho. Woodcock happened about sixteen to seventeen years ago."

"What!" Both The Chronicler and The Observer said in unison. Their eyes darkened as The Observer looked at The Chronicler, who looked worried.

"So it that is why she was in a teenage body!" The Observer exclaimed.

"Yes, Reho split the soul of Dark Lay Grasharlo into three,  two are awake but the other who is not is currently at the Academy learning all she can about who she was. Then there is the fact that demons have been killed. In fact early this year the White Demon's castle melted into a newly formed lake. Then the demon kingdom was whipped out by the Demon King Wolfox, and it is said the princess he was sealed in, Princess Pheoshan, actually has his power! People believe it might have something to do with the fact that she had only just been born when he was sealed away in her."

At this they both looked angry and shocked.

"What? Who in their right mind would put that thing inside a child?" They both stormed.

The Observer hit the wall.

"I mean I had a friend that was possessed by that thing since he was fifteen and he was terrorised and tortured by him. He even tried to kill himself! And you're telling me that someone sealed that inside a newly born baby! What drating person would do that!? Well whoever would, must have been out of their darting mind! And that's coming from me!" The Observer shouted. "What else have I missed?"

"Piracy is on the rise and strongholds of the Dark Master Lord have been coming down in the Queendom Isles and Publove, someone after the Kingdom Isles Wars came to an end."

He nodded as Cari froze slightly as she placed her hand over the scar in her arm.

"That was us." Ryo said. "We encountered him at the last Page. It did not go down well."

"So, we really are in a new Age Of Legends." The Observer said.

"Yes, I believe so. Which is why the other dragon royals and the Dragon Council wish to not have there be people watching the event." Indral said.

The Chronicler nodded as she wrote it all down, using her magic to dry the ink.

"Shame,  I really wish that I could come, I would have loved to record that."

Cari smiled as she placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Don't worry, I'll tell you all about it."

"Thank you!" She expanded gratefully.

"By the way,  where did you get that rose from?" The Observer asked.

"Don't know, he never gave a name."

"Did you see what he looked like?"

"No. He wore a hood over his face."

"What did he say?"

"Nothing much, only that I suited it." She said as she looked at him cautiously. "Why?"

"Nothing. Although I think that you three ought to go and get your tickets tomorrow."

They nodded.

Seeing as it was late they all went to their rooms and went to sleep.


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