Bounty Hunter Bash Pirate Lock Arc Part Sixteen

 Shark Bone Island

They soon saw the hill of shark bones first. Then they soon spotted that it was not a hill but a mountain of shark bones. They looked down to see several great white sharks swimming underneath. They could see that there were several bones of eaten sharks floating to the surface and joined the landmass. They could see that underneath the water were piles upon piles of shark bones underneath the sea,  some were covered in coral and other types of rock. Then they spotted that the corpse of the melodeon that they had killed was already part of the landmass!

It must be either the current or magic or both. Both Chashathrophogh and Bash thought at the same time.

Captain Gerald circled the islands and could see no place that he trusted himself to doc at.

"Yo! Ye three! Could ye user ye magic te ge' a good place te doc a'!"

They looked back and Cerpheres smiled as they looked at the bones. They willed the bones on the outside to be drawn to one point in the shape of a line. Then once the ribs were in place of an arch Bash and Cerpheres put a row of shark skulls underneath the ribs for extra support. Chashathrophogh then took the initiative to will coral to grow underneath and willed the choral to become stronger than usual so that the doc would be sturdy to walk on.

They soon docked at the location and walked off the boat.

"I haf te say tha' is welldone!"

"Thank you captain!" Cerpheres purred, giving him the map.

Captain Gerald looked at the map and then at the makeshift doc and then around the island. His eyes widened as there seemed to be a baffled look on his face. He then frowned as he looked at the map and then back at the island again. He did this repeatedly.

"What is it, Captain?" Purred Cerpheres.

"The map! I's-i's changed!"


He showed them the map. They looked down at it and noticed that their doc was on the map! On top of that, they noticed that there were several more additions on the island since they had decoded it!

"Wait! The map's enchanted!?" Gurter and Kir exclaimed.

"That makes sense." Bash and Chashathrophogh said in unison.

"Explain!" Captain Gerald,  Gurter and Kir also said in unison.

"Well, this island is made up of shark bones right?" Bash pointed out.

"Yes and?" Phydoc asked.

"Who that means that, because there are a great deal of sharks in these waters that would mean that the island would also grow and continually change." Chashathrophpgh explained.

"So because of this I am-we are certain that the Prince Captain would have accounted for that! So he would have placed an enchantment that would ensure that the map would always be identical to the island and would change according to the changes of the island." Bash finished off.

"Oh!" Gurter said.

"Ye know wha'!"

"What Captain?"

"I miss Jeff 'n' Jax."

Chashathrophogh rolled his eyes.

"Can we get a move on? After all none of us want to go in and come back to see that our ship is lodged in with more additional shark bones do we?"

"Ahh! Good poin'! C'mon le's go!"

"Soo, Captain, why is it so important for you to find all these pieces of treasure?" He purred.

They all looked at Cerpheres who shrugged nonchalantly.

"What! I'm sure you're just as initiated!" He sang.

Kir, Gurter and Phydoc all looked as of they were about to kill him.

"'M sure ye righ' after all tha's 'appened I think I do owe ye lo' tha'! Well 'cause i'll 'elp me understand the one tha' is prophesied te kill me."

"And that is?" Purted Cerpheres.

"The Prince Captain 'imself!"

"What! No! He couldn't! He just couldn't!" Gurter and Kir exclaimed, shaking their heads.

"Well tha's wha" 'e said!"

"Who said?" Kir asked, suspiciously.

"This rising sorcerer! 'E's bin known te be accurate when 'e does i' 'though 'e can' control i'."

"His name?" Asked Bash and Chashathrophpgh.

"Gajellidor Darcrogh."

"And that does he look like?" Chashathrophogh asked.

"Dunno never saw 'is face. Only tha' 'e 'ad long black 'air 'n' 'is pale chin!"

Bash remembered the sorcerer that cursed both her and Chashathrophpgh. 

Didn't he have long black hair and a pale face?

"And what did he sound like?" She asked.

"Well 'i high pitched, ye' also deep…almost like a snake. Ye' there was an authori'y abou' i' tha' I never 'eard before." He explained,  almost like he fell into some type of trance. "'E told me tha' I'll understand the one tha'll kill me by goin' on this quest."

"No wonder you were so pushy at the start!"

"So is that why you had him force Bash to kill Verety?"

"What! You have Verety killed!" Kir exclaimed.

"Yes 'n' I'm sorry for tha' I just needed 'em te take me seriously."

"How about we deal with this once we all have collected the Pieces Of Eight?" Bash suggested. "If we don't then chances are we all will make a costly mistake."

"Good thinkin' girl! We will 'n' after this ye all c'n decide were ye go."

"Alright. So where are we?"

"'Ere!" The Captain declared.

"And the treasure?"


They all crouched down and pulled at one of the shark bones. Then other shark bones fell into the hole. They moved more and Irish shark bones fell in. Theo pulled out one and more fell in. Yet Kir frowned and pulled out shark bone after shark bone, yet more and more fell in! This annoyed him and then he pulled at more and more and more fell in. He then punched down, his fist bled slightly as he leery or an annoyed roar.

"There must be some trick to this!" He snapped.

He looked up to see Cerpheres, Chashathrophogh and Bash, digging just like the rest of them. This annoyed him. Sheet all they were surprised to have magic!

"Why don't you two use your magic? One of you holds back the bones and the rest get these bones out who'll you!"

"Oh, alright!" 

Bash willed the bones to be held back as Chashathrophogh and Cerpheres willed the bones to be pulled up, revealing fifteen crests made of shark bones. Them Chashathrophogh willed the chests to rise up and on the top of the shark bones. Then he spotted a small chest at the bottom and he pulled it up. There he saw a keyhole. He then closed his eyes and willed it to open traveling another triangle on a pendant made of shark bones.

"Alrigh' why don' ye use magic te ge' 'em on the ship?"

"Come on! Why should we, I mean we all could carry one?" 

"'Cause i's faster."

"But it's so much more satisfying carrying them by hand!"

"Don' care!"

"Where's your sense of adventure?"

"Cerph' do as I say."


They all looked at the fifteen chests. They picked five and they willed them to rise up and they floated above the bones. Bash found it difficult on both keeping the chests up and walking onwards. She forced her mind to focus on the chests, but she felt slightly distracted. Yet she did all that she could to keep going. Both she and Chashathrophogh could feel the heat, making them sweat and dulling their minds. Yet they focused on keeping their chests afloat. Then they could see that their tired age full minds caused them to focus in and out. They continued to walk on. Yet they could feel the strain of using their magic for far too long, yet they forced themselves to push on as their eyelids started to drop.

"Are you alright Chashathrophogh?" Gurter asked.

"Yes. I will live."

"Aww! Not getting tired already?" Cooed Cerpheres.


They continued as Bash felt her body shaking as they finally reached the doc. She could feel weak as she stepped onto it; she knew that she was about to collapse.

"Captain, someone take these chests." She gasped as her mind started spinning.

"Why, you're obviously doing so well!" Kir snapped sarcastically.

"No. No I'm-"

She collapsed and Gurter and Kir both grabbed her.

"It's alright. I will carry her. The rest of you can carry her load." Cerpheres purred.

They soon were on board and waited until Bash woke up before they left.

"What happened? Why didn't I last as long as I knew I should have?"

"There was a spell on that island, see." Cerpheres explained. "It drains people of something that takes a toll on one's tolerance."



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