Princess Cari To The Stars Part One

 The City Of Bohen

"It seems that we are early." Sighed The Chronicler.

"Well it is better getting here early than late." Pointed out The Observer.

"How early are we?" Ryo asked.

"Oh, a couple of days at least. All we need to do is wait for Indril to arrive." The Chronicler said, tucking her hair behind her ear.

"Well in that case then I'll be going out." Cari said, putting on her coat.

"Where are you going?" Both Ryo and The Observer asked.

"It's a big city and I thought that I'd stock up." She said, taking out her money pouch.

"Then I will come with you." The Observer said.

"Do what you want."

They walked out.

"Now, tell me, how can you tell if a steak is cooked?"

"If it's brown."

"How can you tell if pork or steak is cooked?"

"If it's tough and not soft." She said, walking into a cleaners shop. 

There she saw a group of women at one corner scrubbing several clothes. Another group was squeezing the wet clothes and scrubbing it against a board, taking more and more of the water out. They then flicked them out and then handed it over to a fairy clothed in an orange dress and yellow corset with a layer of crimson lace going around the skirt. Then the clothes were dry. 

She then handed her dirty clothes over to them. Without question they took it and started their work. While she waited, The Observer gave her a quick verbal cooking lesson. She stayed there for an hour until they were clean. Once they were she gave them three gold coins and four silver coins. Then took her clothes and left.

"Where are you off to next?"

"The seamstress." She said, as she gave him a gold coin.

"Thank you."

They soon walked over to the nearest seamstress. There she waited for another hour until they were done, yet the seamstress looked at several of her clothes and frowned.

"I am sorry young lady but these clothes are beyond repair. Even magic would not fix those clothes." She admitted. 

She gave her three silver coins and one gold.

"It's alright. I'll just have to replace them. You can keep them. Reuse their material for something else."

She nodded.

Then they walked to the clothes and bought four new shirts and trousers, all black. The Observer then bought some new clothes. He bought all black too.

"Do you ever wear anything other black?"

"Do you?"

He let out a chuckle. It was slightly off, almost as if he had not chuckled in a long time. To a point where he wiped away a tear. Then his eyes returned to their melancholic look. He let out a long and deep sigh. Then the sorrow returned. She wanted to ask what was wrong but decided against it.

They soon walked to the nearest hairdressers. She looked at her long hair and knew that she needed to have it cut. She knew that long hair could pose a risk in battle. So she wanted it to be cut short. So she sat down to have it cut.

She also noticed that The Observer needed a cut too. The hairdresser approached The Observer.

"Touch my hair and you are dead."

"But it needs cutting! It's almost touching the ground! And it hardly looks well kept!" Cari snapped.

His eyes worked and then he rolled them.

"Fine, but no shorter than the hip!"

"What about a long fringe?"


The hairdressers soon worked on their hair. She ended up with short hair with a long fringe. Looking at get and then at The Observer, she noticed that they looked very much alike. She wondered if he was an ancestor of hers but highly doubted it. Upon realising that it ultimately did not master she dropped it.

After this they soon walked to the weaponry, where she bought more purple dragon scale arrows. She then bought three unicorn hair strings for her crossbow. She tried not to notice The Observer looking at her in nostalgia. His eyes were filled with sorrow and she felt slightly irritated by this.

"Who was she?" 


"The one that I remind you of."

He looked at her in shock. Then he frowned. Then his eyes softened.

"My niece…she…she liked fighting with a bow and arrows."

"Well I fight with a crossbow."

"When she was alive crossbows did not exist. Although, I think if she was alive today,  she would have used one."

"Is that why I remind you of her?"

"Yes and it does little help that you look like her, although with white eyes, not red and you are the years younger that she was."

She nodded, understanding.

"The white eyes and cuts are part of my curse."

He frowned and nodded.

"Was it…bad growing up?"

Her eyes tensed as she thought. She remembered her childhood, memories of her and Hikari, running in the fields, playing hide and seek and many other games, flooding her mind. Yet the more she thought due would always remember that that would always end the same way, with the people looking at her. Almost as if she was about to kill Hikari and she knew that there would have come a time that they would have either hurt her or even killed her, 'just to protect Hikari' before she had the chance to. Yet despite the fact that she loved her sister it never changed the peoples paranoia.

"Sometimes. My kingdom hated me but my father and little sister loved me and I loved them. Father even stood up for me after my sister was kidnapped by a dragon,  which turned out to be my mother."

"And why did the Dragon Queen do that?"

"To put me on the throne. However if that didn't work they would have forced Ryo to marry her. Just to obtain my kingdom and after a bit of trickery of the Dark Master Lord, founding kings Mortmor thought that Fireheart lied to him and thought his land belonged to Mortmor and Fireheart thought that Mortmor had killed his son. Although, despite it all, I lived a better life compared to Ryo."

He nodded as she felt a punch of guilt.

"Nor that I was any better. I did stab him in the back once I obtained this information."

He looked at her, shocked. He let whatever it was slide as the guilt grew within her.

"Even though I needed it in order to save my sister, the fact that I did it nevertheless."

Which is why I will not be fighting for myself.

Once she finished, she walked to a library. She walked to the librarian.

"Urn, excuse me. You don't have anything on the planet Drage, do you?"

"Sure, why are you planning on going there?"


"That is interesting,  it looks like that destination is quite popular as of late."


"Last year the Dragon Queen was killed so within the next two years a new Dragon Sovereign will rise. Also of all the candidates there are two dragon human hybrids! Both were born of kings here!"

Sure is talkative for a librarian.


She gave her an orange book.


A Traveler's Guide


H.Stainsilver, wonder who that is…

She thought that it was intriguing. She liked the black heart at the top of the spine. She looked back up at the librarian.

"Do you have a place where I can read this book?"


She led the girl to the top for,  where there were many tables and chairs, where there were many others reading. There was a grip at the far right in a heated debate. Then her eyes meet a restaurant to the left. To the center, was a group of four rows with a man dressed in black robes with a pale people leather hood. He spoke and wrote down on a chalkboard.

The Five Ages Of Gods

The Six Ages Of Legends

She shook her head, not wanting to get distracted. There at the corner of the eye, she cauhht sight of Dark Master Lord Gajellidor Darcrogh! She seized up slightly as she looked back only to see that he was not there. She let out a sigh of relief as she moved on, realising that she might have been seeing things.

"Are you alright Miss?" 

"Yeah…I just thought that I saw someone. Must be my imagination."

She then walked on, weaving around the pool of people as age looked for a good spot,  where she could just look down and read. As she moved on she could feel that she had to squeeze through person after person. However,  the further she walked on the more she had to push through the forest of people. She had started to become claustrophobic as she rebelled on.

She then fell a hand grab her and she was almost grabbed through the crowd. She looked up to see a man dressed in black. He put out a hand in front of him,  pushing part through the crowd and he formed right and soon he pulled her through to a clearing. She then panted for a moment.

"Thank you!"

"You're welcome, dear!" Sang the man.

She then looked up and saw a black rose in front of her.

"Here, all the great girls should have one." He purred. 

He then put it in her hair.

"There,  you look perfect." He purred.

"See you sometime you get back!" He purred, blowing her a kiss before disappearing into the crowd.


She shook her head and sat down. She put the book on the table. Forced all her mind back onto the book, diving out all thoughts. She opened the book and started reading.


The planet Drage is in the Reptilian Galaxy. It

is the largest of the Giant Planets recorded. It is 

noted that from afar the planet looks orange with

seven moons of different colours and the of the 

moons have rings around them. This makes the 

planet both scary and beautiful to look at.


It has gigantic mountains that even the tallest

of mountains of this planet would be made like

a dwarf. With vast orange fields spreading

across what looks like continents. With trees with

golden bark and bright yellow leaves. There are 

many large flowers here that are either as black as 

coal or as red as blood.


The sky seems to change colour, just like Merth, 

however unlike Merth that has all the colours

in the M Universe, it only changes from yellow

during the day, orange in the evenings and red to

maroon at night. With the clouds here are all 

different shades of people.


That seems beautiful! She thought as she looked up. She then looked outside and noticed the darkening lilac sky.

She knew it was time to rerun to the inn. She stood up then walked up to the librarian.

"Do you know of I can get this in a book shop?" She asked.

"Yes, it's just opposite the library. Although I have to say I like that book above all the others on the planet Drage, after all it highlights the beauty of the place, meanwhile the others just highlight the danger of the planet."

She noted as age put the book away and left, just to stop herself from being pulled into another conversation with the talkative librarian. She was about to walk over to the book shop when the librarian stopped her. She was panting, holding the book.

"Here, keep it!" She said,  her cheeks scarlet.

"Urm thanks?" She said,  wondering what was going on. "Why are you-"

She showed another copy with a scribble in.


"Guy came in! Had a signed copy. So have it!"

She then took the copy she was given and walked away. She then opened the book, only to see that her new copy was signed. She put it away in her bag and walked back to the inn. There she stayed until room service came in.


"Urm, are you Cari Lu'Ellette?"


"Someone wishes to speak to you."


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