Princess Cari To The Stars Part Four

 The Heart Of A Dragon

"So he's here!" The Observer snapped, his eyes filled with fire.

"I don't know if he's still here. He said something about meeting a son of his and he wanted to see me off." Cari admitted, stroking her scar. "But we don't have time to focus on that."

More like I don't want to focus upon that.

"We need to focus upon learning as much as we can on the planet Drage. We can focus upon that should I return."

He frowned for a moment, then smiled and nodded. They then turned to Indral.

"Right. The first dragons rose in the mountains less than thirty years after the Black. Do you know what the Black is here?"

"Yes, the period of time none knows anything about. Yet there are many who believe that there was a time before that but nine knows for sure. History officially started the following year, a century before the First Age Of Gods." Cari said,  trying to remember everything that she could.

"Well, when they rose, they quickly teamed the land of Drage and, as they spread, where they settled became their element and the generations tied to multiple elements were lost apart from one station tribe that constantly moved around from land to land. This caused them to become wiser and more experienced than other dragons. So the other dragons appointed them as the planet's leaders. As time grew on they soon became royalty and the first season king King Draconon was born.

"Yet this tribe soon became territorial once they found a place to settle. Then they became greedy and wanted more and more land. This led to the event in the Third Age Of Gods known as the First Dragon War and this lasted right into the Fourth Age Of Gods. Then it died down until the political sphere tried to exterminate the rest of the tribe and when they defended themselves, this caused the Second Dragon War. This reached up until Phorap The Mad somehow showed up and put an end to it during the First Age Of Legends." He explained.

He took a drink of water to wet his dry mouth. He then swallowed.

"He quickly brought an end to the war. In return, they offered to grant him one wish. He soon explained that he had arrived on our planet by a one way portal to escape some place. His wish was to rerun. The dragons tried all they could to get Phorap Philosopher home. Yet magic did not work. Soon they found that his home was not even the same planet. Yet some found that they could not breathe in space nor could they remain warm. This caused them to work on creating a vessel that could carry him home. This caused them to increase their technology and soon they were able to create one and journeyed with Phorap The Mad on the Star Vessel and when he landed, he was an old man.

"It was here, Bohen, that at the time was called Dragonsrest, that they arrived. They only recently remained this place Bohen after a mistranslation of the name of the first dragon to set foot on this land, Bowen. The first dragon to set foot on Merthen rock."

"So is that why technology suddenly professed as rapidly as it did?" The Chronicler asked, taking a break from her scratching.

"No, that took place shortly after the Sixth Age Of Legends. After all, when the dragons came they were not fully accepted and they increased the greed in the hearts of those that lived here. So they never were able to do anything but defend themselves against the humans. As I am certain you are aware, Chronicler and even you, Observer to an extent. However another strange occurrence happened during the Third Age Of Legends, dragons were taking a liking to the beautiful ladies and the rare handsome gentlemen. In fact, collecting them became a habit which turned into an addiction."

"So that's why so many princesses were getting kidnapped by dragons!" Cari exclaimed.

"Yes. This led to the first war between dragons and humans. This led to both sides losing a great deal yet even that was brought to an end during the Sixth Age Of Legends."

"How so?"

"A new and uprising Dark Lord Gajellidor Darcrogh rose to power."

Cari felt herself grab her arm and tense up.

"He proved to be an enemy to both and could not be decorated by either. Regardless of how many times they tried to defeat him, nothing worked. Yet even though some killed him,  such as the brothers they founded the Kingdom Isles in the dawn of the Sixth Age Of Legends. He would always find a way back.

"It became so bad that both set aside their differences and had to focus on him and him alone. In fact the dragons set aside a group of trusted humans and gave them part of their power and the ability to control them, to the opposition of some dragons yet this was partially quenched as they tied their power to the amount of dragons that they, the humans loved. This was the foundation of the Dragon Lords. Who lived by a simple code that all of their kind followed 'Dragons Are Not Weapons'. 

"Upon a great battle at the end of the Sixth Age Of Legends a Dragon Lord, Johan Close broke apart one of the three Reality Spheres in order to stop him. Offering his own life to do so. Yet upon seeing him close to death his pregnant wife saved him and the gods turned him into a house and sent him and his wife to another world. Thus brings most of the conflict between drains and humans to a close."

He took a long gulp.

"That is an abridged history, though I will go into greater detail on the way there."

"Right, and what values do the dragons follow?" Ryo asked.

"Depends on the dragon and where that dragon comes from. Some value strength, some wisdom. However there is a dragon proverb; if you are wise and strong, you rarely go wrong."

"That's a good one." Three of them said in unison.

Cari and Ryo frowned as they looked at each other. The Observer meanwhile looked aside and pain entered his eyes. 

Yet Indral looked at Cari as she looked back at him. She could see a determination and sincerity in his eyes.

"I will say this, Princess Cari, none will hold you to what you have done. I think that you shall find that all of your full blood dragon half-brothers and sisters would have done exactly the same thing one day with less virtuous reasons."

She nodded, yet it did little to comfort her.

"Now, I can tell you that even though there is human blood in your vanes,  you still possess the heart of a dragon."


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