Bounty Hunter Bash Pirate Lock Arc Part Seventeen

 Den Of Kraken

Bash and Chashathrophogh were both on deck, after reading that they were found to be entering kraken waters, they felt uneasy. Their minds went over what happened when they had only one to deal with yet now they were to fight multiple! They did not know how they were going to do it as there were many of the crew back then and now there were only seven. How could they possibly survive this? After all nothing that they had ever done would compare to this. The only thing that they could hear was the sound of the calm of the sea and the sound of their dread filled hearts! The only levity they had was that this was the last of the dangerous waters that they were in.

"Do you want to stay?" Bash asked,  slightly idly.

"You know we can't. We need to kill that Dark Lord, remember?"

She nodded.

"Wonder why he did it and who he was?"

"I am quite certain that once we find him we will get our answers."

"How will we even find him?"

"We will!" Chashathrophogh sang.

"There a spell we can use?"


"And why don't we use it?"

"I don't-"

Then Cerpheres flung himself at them and draped his arms around them.

"What're we talking about?" He purred.

They both spun and fig their first into his abdomen. He grunted as he clutched it and fell to his knees. His cheeks became slightly red.

"That was uncalled for." He purred.

"No it wasn't."

He smiled as he sighed.

"Still what are we talking about?"

"Never mind. What do you want?"

"Well-" he said as he let out a long breath. To calm himself. "I thought of a plan for taking down those kraken."

"Oh? And what is it?" 

He flooded his arms and pouted.

"I'm not telling! Well not unless you apologize and let me come with you! Well, once this little quest is all over with." He sang, challenging them with his eyes.

"No! We will manage."

"Then the doom of the rest of the crew will be on you, Chash'!"


His smile became wider.

"Oh, well we will be having more than one."

"I know."

"And you must do your absolute best to make sure none get on the ship. Then again remember how you were able to handle just one? So the logical outcome is that you all drown and her ripped apart and eaten by kraken. And you wouldn't want that would you?"

"And what do you mean by 'you'?" He asked, suspiciously.

"Maybe I'll tell you someday! But that all depends on if you survive." 

He then shrugged.

"Fine! I guess that you'll never know my dirty little secret." He sang.

Then just as he was about to say something, a long and thick tentacle burst out of the water with a ship in it and crushed down as the crew of the ship screamed and were swallowed in a break the size of a longboat. Then their situation sank in. They both looked at Cerpheres.

"Alright,  you can come with us!" They said, in a high pitched voice.

"And?" He purred.


"Alright." He sang as he drew them in close.

"That's genius!"

Chashathrophogh sighed.

"Saying it is one thing,  but pulling it off is another altogether."

"Well then ladies let's do this!"

They looked at the first tentacle and ran to the edge of the ship. They looked up and then down to have a look at the size of the first kraken. Bash and Chashathrophogh worsened their eyes and looked back at Cerpheres with paper white faces.

"Are you sure we can pull this off?"

"With my help, we should be!" 

Chashathrophogh nodded. Cerpheres smirked as he touched his violin to his cheek. He then started playing. At first he started with a slow tune and soon they could feel the surge of their magic rising within them. It became stronger and stronger and soon they were feeling power that they have never felt before. Suddenly they were afraid that they would not be able to control or contain it!

Bash closed her eyes and willed the water to turn to ice and Chashathrophogh willed the ice stakes to spin and shot then towards the eye. This forced it to close the eye and turn around and they repeated the action again. This blinded the first. This, to their surprise, was easier than the first time they did this.

Yet just as they thought that they could celebrate, Bash looked up to see the tentacle above them. Thern the tentacle flung towards her. Quickly she willed the tentacle away from her. Then it flew back so far and so fast that it was ripped off the kraken! Then, when the tentacle splashed it divided the waves. Yet the waves rose so high that it caused a small tsunami as it was so large and tall. Before they could do any harm, she willed the waves to flatten.

She then turned her attention back to the kraken then willed more ice stakes for Chashathrophogh to fire, yet she suddenly had an idea to cause more damage. She then willed the ice to have rows of spiral spikes. Then he spun them and propelled them forward and they spun faster and took out chunks out of the kraken. Yet he spotted that they were still intact and willed them to go deeper and deeper. Soon they killed their first kraken.

Then he willed the chunks of flesh and only the flesh to be pulled up and dropped them on the deck.

"Wha're ye doin' tha' for?"

"Food." He said. "Me and Cerpheres noticed that we were running out."

"Oh." He said as he clapped his hands together. "Looks like we're gonna 'ave a feast!"

"Well there's no time to relax. Cerpheres!" 

Cerpheres nodded as his cheeks became red.

"Oh, sorry."

He then contained playing. They then felt the surge and retrimmed to the next kraken. Bash then created more and more ice straddles work spikes on and he spun and drove them into the eyes of that kraken. Yet then Bash felt something hit her from behind. Then she was wrapped in a tentacle. She saw a large hook on the edge of the sucker. She could feel the power of each muscle as it started to crush her. She willed the tentacle to be ripped and she fell. She then slowed as age landed. She looked up and noticed Cerpheres, his face even more red as he smirked with a relieved look on his face.

Yet despite wanting to thank him she knew that they did not have the time. So she ignored this and continued on.

"Chashathrophogh, you focus on that! I'll focus on the tentacles!" She called.

"Right. Be careful, dear niece."

"Will do! Dear uncle."

Cerpheres smirked.

She then looked up and summoned an ice bore and arrow she then fired and as the arrow flew she willed the head to become wider and wider until it hit, slicing the tentacle clean off. She then noticed smoothest and repeated the action again and again. Then she felt several violent waves sway the ship side to side like a pendulum. Yet they still had to commune on.

Yet this gave Chashathrophogh an idea. He then willed the waves to sway side to side, becoming more and more faster and violent as he sat the crater getting closer and closer to the bottom of the ship. It was all too clear what it wanted as the moment its tentacles rose, Bash sliced them off. He then willed large shards of ice to form as he forced the water to be driven into the body of the kraken. He did this faster and faster, making it harder and harder and more and more violently. Soon the creature could not keep up. Then the creature was ripped apart and there were more chunks on deck.

They then moved onto the next one and Bash then had an idea. She then let her bow drop and she willed the head of the next kraken to become hotter and hotter. Then the tentacles rose above the  waves and they were about to strike her again. She was about to attend to it when Kir appeared and sliced the tentacle with his curved sword. He then saw another coming to them.

"Gurter! You protect Chash'! I will protect Bash, Captain-"

"'M steerin'!"


Then she returned and then focused back on boiling the kraken head and then the tentacles fell. Yet she could feel a slight strain, yet she could not afford to give in. She then looked down and then spotted another two, one on the other. She then gathered all the magic that she could and created a long and wide drill and then drove it down and fast and as far as she could taking both out. She continued to feel the strain increase as she noticed the tentacle fly towards her. Only for Kir to slash away at it. He then gave her the get-back-to-work look and she nodded.

Then she caught a glance at Cerpheres, whose face was as reef as a tomato and he looked drained in the face and eyes of a drunken sailor. He looked ill.

"Are you alright?"

He noticed her.

"Y-y-yes!" He gasped like he was trapped and trying to free himself from some prison.

Must be affecting him too.. Think that I should get Phydoic to look at him later.

Then she looked in a moment of slight dissipation at the next one rose. She then looked pleadingly at the Captain.

"Don' worry we're ge'in ou' o' 'ere soon!"

Thank goodness!

She then saw the tentacles rise. She, starting to pant, created an ice bow as did Chashathrophogh. They formed an arrow with a cone head, like a drill and fired. This caused it to spin as it flew in the air and tour into the flesh as it hit. Seeing this they formed another arrow and they fired arrow after arrow at each one as they rose from the deep. They continued to do this as they rowed closer and closer. Then the strain became impossible to ignore.

They had to get this one over worn as quickly as they could. Bash took a glance at Cerpheres, who looked more raised and ill. Even he was panting now. She hoped that he could last a little while longer but she could not quite tell. 

She then looked down right in the kraken's eye! She then looked at Chashathrophogh and then,  knowing that they needed a clean shot, closed her eyes. She focused all the remaining magic onto the kraken and then started to make it lift. It rose higher and higher out of the area. Its tentacles thrashed violently in the air, yet she knew that it was not high enough.

"Now! Get it!" She shouted in a shaky voice.

Chashathrophogh then gathered all his magic and threw a fireball at its eye. He fired fireball after fireball at it again and again. Then Gurter looked at the others and she took Kir and ran below the decks. She saw Phydoc and grabbed him. They ran to the lower decks, where there were several cannons.

"Quick load each one!"

Then they all grabbed a ball each and they threw them in and saw the part of the body,  where tentacles and the rest of the body met and lit the top and the cannonballs fired. They did this again and again and again. This caused tentacle after tentacle to drop. They noticed that there was blood falling from the top. They looked up and noticed that the eyeball was on fire and the kraken was shaking.

Bash must be getting weaker.

Then she dropped the kraken and they loaded three cannonballs each and fired. This caused the kraken to stop moving as they fired three more and repealed this action again and again until they were sure that the kraken was dead. 

She ran back on the deck to see the three of them were out like a candle. Quickly Phydoc checked them all over and then carried them to the physician's quarters. There he waited as Bag regained consciousness.

"Are you alright?" He asked,  seeing how pale she was.

"Yes…my body won't move."

"That's alright. Your body has been pushed to its limit, that's all."

Her eyes slid to the other two, who had not regained consciousness.

"Are they alright?" She asked.


"And  how are they?"

"Just as exhausted as you are, but they'll be alright."

"Could you recheck Cerpheres? I noticed he looked slightly ill during the fight."

He nodded.


He then checked his pulse and then opened his eyes and brought a flame to it. Seeing that there was nothing wrong he checked his temperature and turned his head slightly. He then placed the back of his hand to his nostrils and monitored the Ruben of his breathing. Then his eyes slid to his hands. He then cupped one of them and checked that pulse.

"Don't worry, he's alrigh-"

Suddenly his eyes widened as he drew the hand in closer. Then his eyes became even wider in shock. He looked over to Bash who had slipped back into unconsciousness. He shook his head as he looked at the other hand. Then he rushed out of the room, his heart racing. He ran down the corridor and up to the storage room, where he spotted the maps of the islands that carried the parts of the Pieces Of Eight. He looked at the maps and spotted what he was looking for. It was a fingerprint of the one who drew the map.

He then turned and dropped the map. His face became pale as his heart beat faster. There at the door was none other than Cerpheres. He had a slender dagger balanced upon the tip of his finger. The tip between his teeth. He licked the tip as he eyed him up like a predator about to thou with his prey. 

He put a false smile on his lips.

"Cerpheres!" He said,  his voice a higher pitch than he should have used. 

"I see that you are well." He said, trying his best to appear calm.

He rested his hand in a dagger so he wouldn't see it as he walked on.

"What are you doing here?" He purred as he started trapping the tip to his lower lip.

"I was getting some supplies. Cari-I mean Bash thought that you looked a little ill so I thought I would get something just to be sure. However I can see that you're just fine." He explained as he took another step closer to him.

I just need to get Cerpheres out of the way and get through the door. Once that is done get yo the Captain!

He thought as he raced under the doorway. Then Cerpheres caught him before he could take another step. He looked at him, the corners of his mouth curled up in a smile. His eyes were confident, as both men knew the predator had his prey. He then licked his lips.

"You seem scared."

He noticed that he was shaking all over. He used anger to small himself out of his feat and so himself from shaking. He threw the blade to his throat. Cerpheres nonchalantly caught it and his smile widened to that of a wolf, about to devour his prey.

"That wasn't very nice physician. What's wrong?"

Cerpheres groped his throat and spun and pinned him against the wall with such force he dropped the knife.

"Th-th-the C-C-Captain…"

"Won't hear a thing. Not one scream! After all, I've put them all to sleep. Even if I let you go, you won't be able to wake them!" He purred, leaning in as he tightened his grip.

Licking his lips he outstretched his hand and the knife was in his hands. He then dug the knife deep into his gut.

"You know, I have been dying to kill something for a long time." He grasped as he pulled it out and then stuck it back in.

"You know I thought releasing Captain Herlock would give Captain Gerald the good old spark but no. Yet-yet I thought that the water nymphs but no."

He pulled it out and back in. Phydoc tried to cry out but with Cerpheres's hand on his throat caused him to croak. He was helpless as he stabbed him again and again. He then let him go and stabbed him as he dropped. He let out a scream as all that was keeping him up was the dagger. He then pulled out and he dropped and he clutched his stomach.

He started coughing up blood as his body shook uncontrollably as his blood poured out of him. He tried to get up and punch him but he knew that his stomach would not be able to take it. He could feel himself becoming colder and colder as sweat coated him. He tried to get through the door but his hand pulled him back and he was pinned into the ground.

Cerpheres pushed him onto the decking and sat on his back. He tried to push himself up but his arms were far too weak. Yet he pushed and pushed but it was completely useless. He was helpless to see his arms flop. He felt tears of frustration form in his eyes. Then Cerpheres drove the dagger into his back and twisted,  he screamed out as he stabbed him again and again. Then he screamed up blood and foam as his tears poured from his eyes like the blood from stomach.

"No! This-this won't do either! N-no! You're not great! I need to kill someone great! I-I-I must do it! It-it must be Captain Gerald! I must kill Capitulation Gerald!" He moaned as he drove it back into him again and again. 

Then Phydoc stopped, the light died in his eyes as he knew that he was not going to get out of this. He was going to die and there was nothing that he could do to stop it. All he could do was let Cerpheres have his way with him. Then he stopped and looked down. He licked his lips. He then grabbed him by his head.

"Good boy!" He purred, slitting his throat. 

He let out a sigh as he felt himself calm down.

"There, that did it." He panted.

He rose to his feet and used magic to clean the blood of him and then clicked his fingers. The body and all the blood disappeared. He then walked back to the bed they were using. His eyes rested upon Chashathrophogh and Bash. His smile changed. It looked less malicious and more sweet and pleasant. He then kissed them both on the cheeks before slipping back into his bed, where he closed his eyes and slept.


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