Bounty Hunter Bash Pirate Lock Arc Part Fifteen


Chashathrophogh had twisted the box and he heard a clock hi then spotted three knobs flick out he looked at their ends where he saw the symbols of the heart, club, spaid and the diamond. He pressed in the heart symbols and the lid opened. Inside was another pendent. He looked at the ones that he had collected and noticed that they fit together almost like a jigsaw.

"Good boy!"

"'Boy'? I'm thirty four I will have you know!"

He chuckled almost as if he was seeking something cute.

"Alright, I will entertain you! How old are you?"

"Not telling!" He sang childishly.

He then pressed his lips together in a playful smile.

"So how old is Drew, or Bash as she would prefer to me known?"

"Fourteen, no fifteen." He shrugged.

"Ahhh! Still just a child! Although I must admit, I thought she was older." He purred slowly.

Then he started to glare at him.

"You knew perfectly well what her age is. Why ask me?"

"I was just curious, that's all!"

Chashathrophogh rolled his eyes.

"About what?"

"How much you knew about her, that's all!"

He leery out a huff.

"No. There's something else."

"Oh but I do like idle chit chat!"

"Well I don't!"

"Not buying it? Then I might as well cut to the chase, tell me you are the famous bastard killer Chashathrophogh Dragonfreecurse are you not?"

"I am." He said, with a dangerous tone.

He raised his hand.

"Then tell me why have you not killed her yet? I mean-"

Chashathrophogh dived at him and trapped his hand around his throat. He pulled out a knife and pointed it at his throat under the side of his hand. His cheeks became red.

"Tell me,  do you think I have forgotten what you made my neice do? Do you think that I would not kill you if you continue with your behaviour? I am, like you said, the bastard killer Chashathrophogh Dragonfreecurse after all!"

He chuckled again.

"Sooo it is true! You can't kill her…do you want to?"

"Not now."

His eyes widened.

"But at first?"


"I know what that's like. Tell me would you mind if I killed her?"

He drew the blade in closer.

"Lay one finger and I will not stop until you are dead!" He shouted.

He chuckled again.

"What don't you?  After all, I too am a royal bastard. So why don't you do it right here and now?" He asked.

"Chash'! Cerph'! Ge' ye be'inds up 'ere!"

"We'll be on one way!" He called before returning to Cerpheres. "We will continue this later and I will say, once this is all over and once we are on the road, don't follow us, don't even go near us and if I even hear a whisper that you are near I will not hesitate to hunt you down and kill you! After all you are good help at the moment, but when this is over you will have long since outlived your purpose."

He pushed him back as he let go and left. This left Cerpheres alone, his cheeks were red as he touched the spot where Chashathrophogh had held his knife to and smiled. He looked as if he was a sleepy drunk again. He licked his lips and let out a sigh.

I wish you had cut me. It would have been much more interesting…especially the look on your face.

He placed his hand to his face and started laughing. The dopamine was realised causing him to become incapable of stopping himself from laughing.

"Oh! You two are very, very interesting indeed!" He declared, laughing more and more.

"Oh! Captain Gerald!" He moaned. 

Though you have been interesting I'm afraid your ship has long since sailed. So as soon as you're all dead,  I'll personally close your book! After all, I have two new books to read. So I guess it's time to help them!

Meanwhile on the decks Bash and Chashathrophogh arrived. Bash looked at him.

"Are you alright?" Both her and Gurter asked.

"Yes, Bash!"


"Don't ever be alone with Cerpheres. And don't let him do anything to you either!"

"Alright, I won't?" She said, confused.

That was when she saw the large fin of a shark. To their amazement it was the size of a sail on a single sailboat. It was let black with three cuts in the side.

Then both Bash and Chashathrophogh felt someone flop on them putting his arms around them. They let out an annoyed groan. Before they both looked at each other and ducked then took a step back and he turned around. Bash noticed that he looked slightly ill.

"What is it this time?" He purred. 

They three of them hit him.

Then Bash noticed the fin was gone. Then she heard a thunderous crash and ran out and looked beyond the ship. To her horror she saw a set of large jaws with long and thick teeth the size of the ship and the mouth looked as large as a large water cave.

"That wasn't very nice!"

He, seeing that there was no response, looked back to see what she was looking at. He too became pale.

"Ooh that does not look good." He said,  his voice nonchalant.

They glared at him like a parent would at a child being foolish.

"What? We have magic! We could do something like turn the water to ice or boil it!"

Their faces dropped.


Bash then looked up at it,  to her relief,  none of the ship had entered its mouth. So she closed her eyes and willed the shark to be pushed back. As she was dining this Chashathrophogh sent a blast of fire into its mouth and then another one, forcing it to close. The shark was jerked back and it then swam down. Bash released her grip and then they ran to the edge, to get a better look, but knew that this would not give her the full picture that she needed. 

So she climbed up the shrouds, knowing that she was right in her thinking, the other two followed. They then soon flipped over to the crows nest and looked down only to see the row of teeth surrounding the ship! She soon willed the mouth back and drove it further and further down, until the teeth were back far enough for her to feel comfortable, yet she knew that she had not the time to waist. 

She closed her eyes and forced the water to become colder and colder. Then she opened them to see the row of teeth had returned and she willed it to go back again. She then dropped the temperature of the water again,  making it become colder and colder. She opened them to see that the jaws had returned and so she drove it back again and made the temperature colder and colder. 

Yet she could feel the strain. She knew that they needed more power in order to do this. She then looked over to Cerpheres. He shrugged and started to play. She and Chashathrophogh felt the surge. He looked at her and then back they then made the water become colder and colder much faster and soon they saw the mouth and they forced it back. This time it fell faster.

They then could see the ice crystals in the ocean. They then fired the ice shards at it again and again and again, yet this barely did anything. They might as well be giving it a flesh wound! So they pushed all the ice and drove out up into the skull, yet that was still not enough! They drove stake of ice after stake of ice at it again and again. Even though it did damage the inner mouth, it was still not enough.

Then Bash formed several stakes of ice and Chashathrophogh food the same. She then forced the current to spin around and around again and again. He then did the same and soon the stakes of ice were spinning faster and faster and then she looked at her uncle and they released the stakes of I've and they all stabbed all around the mouth. They then did this again and again. Until blood arose from the water.

Yet they did not dare stop until the chunks of gray matter appeared. Then they waited and waited and waited. An hour passed and upon seeing no more teeth and any more signs of the megalodon Bash and Chashathrophogh collapsed when Cerpheres stopped playing. He let out a moan as he flopped down testing a hand on one knee and letting the other fall as he panted,  stating his breath. His face looked as if it had been burnt by the sun as he leaned his head back.

"That was marvellous!"


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