Bounty Hunter Bash Pirate Lock Arc Part Fourteen

 Island Of Trials

They circled the island that morning, looking for a good place to doc then find a way to get onto the island. The ship was dwarfed in front of the high cliffs the size of mountains. Yet there seemed to be only one way in and that was a cave the size of a small mountain. So Captain Gerald steered the ship inside. That led to a wide river that could hold an entire fleet of large ships and  still have enough room for an army of dragons quite easily.

Bash and Gurter sat on the edge with Kia and Steel. They looked down to see that the water was completely clear. They could see broken shipwrecks made up of rotten wood of all types, covered in coral and seaweed of many colours. They could see the fish swimming underneath, some different shades of blue,  purple, red and some were black, white, silver and gold! 

"That's beautiful!" Whispered Gurter.

"Why don't you look up?" Steel asked.

They looked up to see the roof was covered in crystals that were glowing white like millions of stars. They had not seen such a beautiful display. Then they looked across as they sailed in further and further into the cave, they saw mushrooms growing at the edge of the cave and they too were glowing a beautiful shade of turquoise. They settled to increase as they sailed further and further in and soon they were covering it! Bash looked at Gurter, who was deeply entranced by the strange beauty.

They soon found a good place to doc. It was a long dock that instead of being made of wood, was in fact made of purple dragon scales making it look like it was made of purple metal. It was wide enough to dock their ship along with four others and was long enough for anyone on board the ship to walk out and have plenty of room to walk around quite easily. They soon docked.

They threw down the plank and Captain Gerald ran down, followed by Cerpheres, Chashathrophogh, Bash, Kia, Kir Gurter, Steel and Phydoc. They walked to the stone land, where they were greeted by a wooden door. It was narrow, and had no keyholes or doorknobs. In the top was writing engraved into the top.

I an the next in line,

Once the one before does fall, 

His land becomes mine,

And I will answer leaders call

Thus no longer being what I was

And that past to my boys it does

"Wha' does this'n mean?"

"Well that matters entirely on what the answer is next in line for. The second and third line is clearly about an inheritance but this leads to someone no longer being the answer and it is something that can only be inherited by a male and not a female."

"So like a succession of sorts?" Kia muttered.

"But the fort line mentions a leader's call. Like a captain or something?" Kir muttered after.

"A Prince!" Gurter explained.

Then the door opened. They all looked at her slightly stunned as they walked on. She smiled proudly as she did. Chashathrophogh also smiled, shocked at her guessing it. Yet as she noticed this her field went red and she looked aside. He rolled his eyes as he let out a chuckle.

They came to the shore of a large lake and they looked at the map for directions. They quickly knew where, on the other side of the lake they should go. Yet upon seeing that there were no boats they had to walk on the lilac stone path. It took them three days to walk across to the location, which was where a set of double doors, bearly notable due to the overgrowth that surrounded them. They  noticed that there were no keyholes of doorknobs,  just like all of the other doors.

"Well, now wha'?"

"I don't know." Kir said.

"Go back?" Kia suggested, jokingly.

Then, to everyone's surprise, Captain Gerald punched him!

"We're no' goin' back we can' go back!"

"Fine,  fine! It was a joke! Why is it so important to you anyway? I mean is it totally worth it? Almost all the crew is gone!"

Captain Gerald looked down and then looked up at them. He seemed to calm down as he let out a long and shaky breath.

"I' 'll 'elp me understand someone."

"Who, my dear Captain?" Cerpheres purred.

He shook his head and gestured for them to drop it. He gave him a playful shrug as they looked at the double doors alongside Back and Chashathrophogh. They looked at the rim of the did and noticed something. They tried to use their magic to will the doors to open, but that did nothing. So they then turned to the overgrowth and with their magic tour the plant life away from the doorframe.

This revealed a set of black roses going all around the edge in different stages of blooming with the single one at the top in complete bloom. Yet over them were dandelions also in different stages of bloom with the full one at the top. Which were all connected by a single stem. They then noticed that there was a piece of gold in the overgrowth above the door. They ripped the plant life of that revealing a golden plaque in the shape of an open scroll. With words engraved into it.

Do My Weeds Make My Roses Bloom

No,  I guess not!

They looked at each other. Then returned to the picture. Bash placed her hand on the dandelion stem. She rubbed it and noticed that it came loose. So she pulled and she noticed that it could come off and so she pulled. Soon the rest of the dandelions were pulled off the doorframe and the doors swung open.

They then walled in to see that they looked into a pair of large blue catlike eyes attached to a creature with sea green scales. With his talons on a pile of treasure.

"It's a dragon!" Kia exclaimed.

"Wait?" Bash and Chashathrophogh said, putting their hand on his shoulder.


"It's a wyvern."

"Will you two quit doing that?" Kia asked. "Seriously! You two are just as bad as Jeff 'n' Jax!"

"Urm, what's a wyvern?" Gurter asked.

"It's a smaller cousin of the dragon. It has only two legs and has the psyche of an animal." They said quickly.

"And is there anything about killing it?"

Chashathrophogh and Bash rolled their eyes as they noticed that it was about to attack. Chashathrophogh grabbed Bash and Bash granted Gurter they pulled each other out of the way. As the rest of them dived out of the way, narrowly missing the fire. They then team in and then it breathed another blast of fire and they ducked. Bash then loaded her arrow and fired at the mouth as he opened it for another blast but the arrow turned to ash before it reached anywhere near the mouth. 

Then the creature breathed another blast of fire and this time it set Steel and Kia alight! They screamed as their bodies became consumed by the flames. Bash tried to put it out but the wyvern blasted another wave of fire at them, forcing them to dodge. She tried again, but there was another wave of fire. The two collapsed as they were helplessly dodging the flames. By that time they knew it was already too late, they were already dead.

Then,  knowing that her arrows were not going to help her, she went to draw her sword. Then Cerpheres placed a hand on hers. She looked up, questioningly.

"Use your magic!"

"What! We don't have time for this!"

"Prick your finger and let a stop of your blood fall onto the arrow. Then will the arrow to kill the wyvern."

She looked to the side to see it about to send fire to them. She tried to get out of the way, but Cerpheres stopped her. She pulled away as she huffed. She pulled out an arrow and slit her index and placed her blood on the arrow. She then gathered all her magic and drove it into the arrow, soon she was looking at a purple metal arrow and then she spotted the sparks at the back of it's throat. She then fired. It then hit the throat. It was driven back slightly and then it started to cough and cough,  soon smoke rose from its mouth and nostrils. She also could see fire sparking in the back of its throat as it did. She willed it to become a fire she also willed it to become hotter and hotter. Meanwhile Cerpheres willed the fire to spread. Then Chashathrophogh and Gurter waited as its head rose higher and higher. They then drew their swords and rushed in and slit the belly of the beast. Soon all of its organs spurted out on the ground and it fell down, dead.

Then a woman appeared holding a scroll. She wore a silver white dress and had long black hair and deep green eyes

"Are you the one known as Captain Gerald?" She asked.

"Aye. Ye?"

"Eve." She said as she showed him the scroll in her hand. "This is a picture of the one you work to kill. However,  you can only have it if you use this." 

She showed him a knife made of crystal.

"To kill the rest of your crew."

He looked up at them with hunger in his eyes. He was about to reach out to it but he refrained. He looked back at his crew and then at the corpses of Kia and Steel and shook his head.

"Nah. I won' mi crew's mi life. If they're te die then so will I!"

She bowed her head.

"So be it." She said,  giving him a key with a wheel for a head. 

Sure then plopped and Phydoc rushed to her as the scroll vanished. He checked her pulse. He loomed up and shook his head. He nodded as he put a hand on him.

"Don' blame yeself."

 They soon found another door that led to more treasure! 

Yet as Kir looked at the map he then looked up.


"There's another way out." He said.


"Here!" He said pointing to a piece of text.

🖤Look for the moon

Look for the sun

Find the lagoon

You'll have fun🖤

They all looked around the cave and soon found a set of gold doors with the doorknobs in the shape of dragons in flight. Above them was a silver half moon and a crimson sun. Captain Gerald gripped both handles and the dragon wings closed and the doors opened to reveal a narrow docking arrows with seven boats. To their right they could see their ship in the distance.

"Chash! Here!" Cerpheres purred, giving him the box.

"Captain, may I borrow that key?"


He opened it and it opened up to another pendant.

"Now,  I think i's time te ge' all this on board don' ye!"


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