The Slayer Of The Witch Princess And The Demon King


There was once a Demon King and his daughter, a Witch Princess, who ruled over a kingdom and were evil and wicked to their subjects. They unjustly beet and subjected them to unbearable torture. Sometimes they did it to cover up their own misdeeds but it was mainly for their own pleasure. 

Then an old man came to them to tell them about their fortune. He was an oracle that had given many prophecies in many Kingdoms that came true regardless of time. He knelt before them and bowed.

"I have seen your future and it is quite bleak. A child will bring a vengeful doom upon both of you if you continue in your evil ways and it will be your daughter that will cause it. It will be by her hand that vengeance will be put in that childs' heart, and it will be she that will invite this child into the castle with open arms and will nurture the childs' vengeance!" He said.

Their lips curled as the Witch Princess took out her dagger and killed him there and then. The Demon King then killed all the children in the land and all who his daughter had brought in. They then became more and more cruel by the day. Soon things became unbearable for to live in for that and neighbouring Kingdoms.

Then, after ten unbearable years the Witch Princess then found an old farmer and his wife, who was playing with their young son. She, on a whim, drew her sword against them and burnt down their house! She then spotted a girl hiding in the bushes in horror. Her entourage was about to pull their sword against her, but on a whim the Witch Princess stopped them. 

"No, I wish for her to come with me. After all, she would make for a good handmaid and an even better plaything for whenever I am feeling bored." She said as she took the girl up and cradled her on her horse. 

The Witch Princess sang to her and played with her hair as her magic filled the girls' head with nightmares while paralysing the girl so that she could not wake. When they arrived at the summer house she cleaned and dressed the girl like a pet. She then woke her up and led her down to the dungeons, where her first victim hung. She then gestured for the girl to come near. 

"Child, what is your name?" She asked.

"Venger." She replied as she was given a knife. The Witch Princess leaned in and sang in her ear. Vengers' arm raised and struck the leg.

"I'm sorry! What just-what am I doing?" She stuttered.

She then felt feverish as the Witch Princess started to play with her hair. She then struck the man again and again. Soon Venger was in tears as her blade drew more and more blood until there was none to draw. The Witch Princess then laid a kiss on her cheek. Then led her away in song as the sobbing girl dropped her dagger. She cleaned and clothed her again.

"From now on Venger, you shall be my hand and will do whatever I desire you to. You are not to question me and if anyone should ask who you are, you are to tell them that you are the embodiment of my will." She said as she led the girl in the room next to her. She then sang her to sleep and gave her nightmares. Yet when she woke and after eating she sang and again she killed. She soon clocked on to what was going on yet she could do nothing about it. Yet when she did Vengers' stomach emptied at the wrong end. She then cried for so long that she became dehydrated. 

When the Witch Princess came into the room, she came to sing her to sleep and gave her mind over to her nightmares and she had made it up in her mind that by whatever means, she would kill her and her father. After  four torturesome years past theWitch Princess, on a whim, traveled back with Venger to greet her father the Demon King. Venget had grown with hate and anger along with her. Now she was no longer a child and had become a beautiful fifteen year old. She had become well built and her eyes had become like stone. Her face became difficult to read and her breathing had become steady. She kept the dagger that the Witch Princess had given her to kill her first victim all those years ago. Yet she had made her kill more since then.

When they came to the throne room the rest of the guards left as the Demon King looked at her, eyeing her up. He smirked as she was led to the inner chambers and the Witch Princess locked the door behind them. She then sat on a chair and gestured for her to sit on her lap. She opened her mouth to sing but then with a flick she was soon tasting blood in her mouth and started to choke. She then pulled out a bloody blade from her throat and looked at her.

"That was for my parents and little brother that you slaughtered!" She almost whispered.

She then heard a roar from behind as she grabbed her sword and clashed with his. She then cut the torch and threw it at his daughter to burn her body so that she could not be resurrected. Yet the Demon King was able to use this as an opening and cut her cheek. She drew back and cut the mattress in half and then kicked it in his face. He cut it in half yet she did too and used the feathers as camouflage. She was able to cut him and he charged at her and she dived out of the way and he fell on the bed making the top of the bed collapse. She then turned her attention to the dead Witch Princess and dug her sword into her and dragged her and threw her at her father and they burnt together and she drew the dagger into his throat and he realised that the oracle was right. He should have listened.

As they burnt Venger picked up the keys and walked to the door and unlocked it. She opened the door and left the chamber eclipsed in amber and heat. This quickly led to the rest of the castle to become engulfed in flames and was no more.

Soon the news of their deaths became common knowledge, however nobody but Venger knew who had killed them leaving her to a life of peace and she soon had a family that had never known all the suffering that she had.


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