Bounty Hunter Bash Exile Lock Part Five

 Path Taken

They did not stop until the very early hours of the morning. They soon set up camp and Bounty Hunter Bash caught three rabbits and picked some herbal leaves and Chashathrophogh cooked two of the rabbits while she looked for more food. She soon found some blueberries and grapes and picked them and brought them back as he finished the rabbits. She gave them to him.

"Here, we can have them after." She said.

"Thank you."

"Don't mention it."

"No, I meant thank you for rescuing me. Yet I know that now I have put a wedge between you and your mother. For that I am sorry." He said.

"That is alright. After all, I believe that there was a wedge between us a long time ago." She admitted, though it did little to comfort her.

He frowned.

"How come?"

"Only Father really got to know me there. Mother never even tried."

"Why is that?"

"I think that it was because I was too much like you and she did not like that. So I think that she wanted to shape me into becoming like her. So only Father allowed me to be who I am." 

He nodded.

"I do not think that I ever had anyone like that in my life. I guess that both my parents wanted to get rid of me as soon as they could." He said without a hint of his true emotion.

She frowned as part of her started to pity him. She thought that she had been isolated and lonely, compared to him she was nothing but a spoilt brat. Yet at the same time she could not quite know if he cared about what had happened back then for him to feel anything. Which may not have been as pitiful.

"Did you ever find someone to talk to about all this?"

"Yes. Yet he was more isolated than either of us put together! After all, he was a very troubled man with a very troubling demon inside of him. Though our teacher helped none of us. In fact she taught us both how to enjoy being cruel and killing. I do not know how, but she was always able to bring that out of us."

"Grasharlo...It seems that the Dark Lady is gaining a reputation… Do you think that she'll ever become just like the Dark Master Lord?" 

"No...I think that she can be worse."

She felt a shiver run down her spine, like someone had just stepped over her grave as she sat there eating her rabbit and ate the blueberries and grapes.

"I think that we need to get back on the road." She said, yawning.

"Yes, but we are not going anywhere without a sleep."

She nodded.

"Then I will take the first watch."

"Yeah. Wake me in an hour."

She sat there as she leaned against their resting horse. She took an arrow out and then clenched her hand around the head to use the pain to keep herself awake. She started to count the seconds in her head to help keep her mind focused. When she had counted to an hour she woke him up. 

"The hour's up!' She said.

He nodded as they were soon back on the road. Then passed another crossroads.

"Do you wish to change your mind?"

"No. I don't."

They crossed and they soon came to the road that led to the town that led to the sea. They soon heard the high pitched cry of the seagulls. They knew that they would be leaving this country. That was when they spotted a knight blocking their way. It was Sir Follied. Yet even as they galloped on he blocked them where they were.

"How dare you choose him over your own mother?! Especially after what he did to your father and brother!"

"Oh please! We both know that he did not do it!"

"Shut up! You both looked down on me! You never respected me! You always thought I was a fool but you are mistaken! I knew that you would come here so I took off to arrive here before you even left."

Bounty Hunter Bash looked at him. She was far too tired for this and she could see that his mind was far too broken to even listen to a word that she had said. So you willed him off his horse, yet because of her tiredness she misjudged the power she used and he flew faster and hit a tree harder than she would have liked. He fell down and slumped over, yet she knew that they could not afford to check to see if he was alive. Yet she got off the horse nevertheless. She then knelt and checked his pulse and then turned back to Chashathrophogh.

"Tell me, can you wipe his mind?"


"And place a false memory in its stead?"

"Yes. What are you thinking?" He asked as he looked around. 

"Take the memory of seeing us and replace it with him being mugged by some thugs and seeing us take the opposite turn to us?" She asked as she took the pouch of his gold.

He smirked.

"Yes. Yes, that is a good idea!" 

He placed his hand over his eyes and closed his eyes and said something under his breath that she could not make out. Yet it was strange, she liked the sound of the words. He then pulled away.

"There, I also added the memory, having us take the muggers down and chasing them off." 

She smirked and nodded.

"Then let's go."

They then got back on the horses and then they rode on to the border of the seaside kingdom of Seagrace.


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