The Doll And The Dolls' House


Once there was a Doll, who lived in a Victorian dolls' house. She was designed by her creators to be easily controlled by her masters, her creators that always looked in at her and admired her young growing beauty. She was raised in this dolls' house and was never allowed out. The dolls' house was the only reality that she knew of, her entire world and she knew nothing of the outside world.

Then one day she tried to cut one of the strings that was binding her to their will. Her masters did not like that so they shaped a sleeping potion and slipped it into her drink. They waited for her to fall asleep, once she was they restrung the broken string. When she woke, she spotted the new string and forgot about what she had done.

Then one night she was rescued by a man and took her far away from her evil masters. He adopted her and gave her a mother and two siblings and a new life, but her strings remained. She tried to forget about then and lived with them. Soon the memories faded and new ones developed.

She grew up independently and became strong. When the Doll became a teenager she traveled and saw more of the world and grew to love it. The more she saw out of the dolls' house the more she grew to love, but her strings remained. Soon it came time for her to settle down. When she came to her early twenties, she soon started to search for someone to settle down with. She searched and searched but could not find one. Then one day, when she was in her mid twenties she found a man that she fell deeply in love with. Yet despite this, in the dark corners of her mind, her strings remained.

Time moved on and they became husband and wife. He gave her three lovely children that were just as beautiful as she was and she grew to love them. She lived a life filled with bliss and happiness, both full and satisfying. Yet she no longer paid any attention to the strings attached to her.

Then one day they all vanished after she had finished a day of her work. She could not find them in the fields or house! She contacted her childrens' school but there was neither a reply nor was there any evidence of them getting to school in the morning! She searched and searched but it was all in vain. 

Then an old man who walked on three crooked legs approached her in the evening. He tapped her on her shoulder. When the Doll turned around she looked at him with horror and screamed. Her masters had returned.

"Sweet, sweet Doll, sweet sweet, little Doll, how much you have grown!

"This day, oh this day would inevitably come, you must have known.

"If you wish to take back oh sweet, sweet little Doll, what is yours,

"Come back to the Dolls' house your true home and settle old scores."

He then fell down and life left his lips.

The Doll knew where to go, with dread sweeping in, she made her way to the place where she was made. She said her goodbyes to her adopted family and left to return. She would have had a quick and straightforward journey had she not have come across a lone traveler along the way. He erased her memories and took her to his home. He gave her a good bed to sleep in and a good meal to fill her stomach. 

He had fallen for her perfect doll-like beauty and wanted her to be his. He married her and had her bare two of his children before she realised what he was upto. He then made one mistake, he had forgotten about her strings. When she saw them she remembered everything and left without saying goodbye, knowing that if she did he would do the same thing and she knew that their children would keep him company.

She then continued to trace her strings to her birthplace, the lab she was created in. It was time to rescue her husband and children. Then she would cut her strings, permanently. Knowing that she was expected she entered and made her way to the dolls' house.

The walls were smaller than she remembered and the house was darker too. Her lip curled as she felt a sickening sense of nostalgia sink in with the feeling of anger rising. She noticed things that, as a child, she glossed over, like the keyholes and the buttons next to the doors and the cameras at every corner and in the holes in the walls. A shiver ran down her spine as she started to wonder what perverted reason they were there. Her eyes then looked on the walls and saw photographs of her as a baby with her masters around her with their smiling faces. As she walked on, she saw the photographs of her as she grew up. Then the nausea dropped as she spotted other pictures that were clearly taken from afar. The worst part was that she knew that they were taken after she was free. Yet she knew what that meant.

Then she spotted the door that led to her bedroom. She opened it and turned on the light as a television came on. Knowing that she had no choice she leaned beside the door as she watched. She then spotted that the film was about her and watched the day that she had cut one of the strings as a todolar. She soon saw that one of her masters walked in and replaced the string. She then saw another door and opened it. She made her way to the living room. Her masters sat there, watching her as a child, playing in her old room.

"I'm here. Now bring me my family!"

One of them turned around as if he was greeting an old friend.

"Welcome home little Doll." He greeted her like a father would his young child. "Well you're not as little as I remember. I must admit that I am pleased that you have grown to be quite beautiful. Yet even though I did expect that, I never imagined just how stunning you are!"

"Doctor Detah! Where are my husband and children? That is why I came. Not to become your plaything." She snapped as she pulled at her strings. 

This caused Doctor Detah to jump out of his skin.

"Don't cut those strings!" He exclaimed as they broke. 

The strings snapped and the Doll fell. He tried to run but as he did the Dolls' eyes raised. Her glass eyes were red with malice. Her mouth spread with a wide wild and chilling glee. He took out a knife. He ran to her. The Doll jumped and dodged. Regardless of what he did he struck air. He felt pain in his chest. The beating of his heart ceased. 

She regained herself. She looked at her hand in shock. She then looked to the side. Her husband and children were looking at her with shock and horror. Her husband comforted them as they coward in fear. Yet the bounds around their wrists and mouths made this difficult. Yet she shared that fear.

She looked at what she had done and what she had become. In her shock and horror, she could feel the evil within her try to regain control and she knew who that would cause her to kill next. She knelt down and picked up the knife and raised it.

"I am sorry. Keep our children safe." She said as she dug it into her and curled it into her heart. With her dying breath, she cleaned the knife and gave it to her husband to free him and their children. 

They freed themselves as a strange man came into the room with two children in his arms. They were both her husbands yet they still mourned for her without knowing the truth. Yet the Doll was now dead but free from her strings.


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