Doormaze Drage Leaving Part Two

 Dreams And Dragons

Doormaze Drage woke up and quickly wrote her dream down. It was one of many dreams of dragons setting fire to London. She always had them, though for someone who lived in the countryside,  this did not ever make sense to her. However,  she thought little of them, nearly something entertaining to dream of.

She slid out of bed and looked at herself in the mirror. Her light brunette hair looked like it needed little brushing yet she did it anyway. Her eyes were a deep blue, which was the colour that they turned when she was in deep thought. They always changed colour to match her emotions whatever they were. They would be amber when she was happy,  red when she was angry,  a light silver blue when she was upset, a white gray when she was not emoting, green when she was ill and purple when she was having mixed emotions and whenever she was confused. She had lost count with how many times she had to explain that she was not wearing contatlenzes whenever people saw this. Another thing that she had to explain were her silver, star shaped birthmarks on her left earlobe that spiralled inward after all, everyone thought that they were tattoos. She had often wondered how they came to be that colour.

After getting dressed in a plain maroon t-shirt and black jeans she looked around and soon found her foster mother Cardmorgue. Who looked almost identical to her in every way aside from her being an adult and not farming a set of silver stars of her eyes never had the feature of changing colour with her emotions and being preeminently maroon, which always made her jealous as she knew that she would never had to explain that she was never wearing anything that she should not. Yet the only thing that was odd about her was a white strip of traumour hair that she never spoke about but made her look cool. Yet even though they had the same fashion sense, she would always ensure that hoth looked persenable.

She always seemed to take her dreams more seriously than her. She had on many occasions left in the middle of a game or two just to talk to her about them. This would last for a long time as she would always make her go into detail with every dream.

This all changed when Doormaze turned fourteen. Which all started by a new dream.

"Now, now, now, all we need to know is where your youngest daughter is. Do not worry, we will leave the other one alone!" Said a black dragon with silver tallens.

"And what stand by as you kill her?!" Scoffed a white dragon with gold tallens. "I will never allow-"

"Us to kill the child your wife died giving birth to?" Mocked an iron coloured dragon with silver tallens.

"Dark Destiny, I sure hope that you told him the truth and not another lie to torment him!"

He shook his head.

"No, but I hardly think we should tell him quite yet. No, however I think that we could come to an agreement."

"I will never agree to anything that you of all people propose! Not now, not ever! Especially after you have turned me into this!"

"Inevitable Drage, tell me, would you agree if we let your daughters live. After all, we hardly wish to kill her."

"Yes, after all, Doormaze is quite important to us. In fact, I think that she is just as important to us as she is to you. So no, we shall not kill your daughters."

"Does this include-"

"Yes! All of them."

 His eyes dropped as he thought.

"After all, all we want her for is just a little job."

"And-and is that all that she needs to do?"

"Yes! That is all."

"Then why must it be the youngest? Can't it not be Cardmorgue?"

Dark Destiny chuckled.

"Once one of the Reality Spheres is complete then you will know."

"But do you know just how dangerous that is?" 

That was when the two came close to him.

"Do you know how dangerous we are?"

At this Doormaze woke up with a scream. She felt herself shaking yet she did not know why. She soon felt the arms of her foster mother wrap her arms around her. She then felt her rock as she shushed her to help calm herself down. She felt herself calm and she soon drowned back into sleep and the next dream started.

"Tell me, are her powers growing?"

"Should be."

"Good. After all, we need that girl to be ready."

"I know."

"Make sure that her defyance becomes impossible."

"Right." Said the other with a smile.

Even though she knew that the dream would elaborate into this more, she woke and her mind became too sharp for her to fall back to sleep. She went through her morning routine. She was about to go to find Cardmorgue was sitting, sleeping beside her bed. She then sat and tried to get back to sleep but she could not as she did not wish to wake her. However her mind was too sharp so she gave up on that so she wrote down her dreams and opened the curtains.

When she finally did wake, she told her everything. She gave the girl a strange look almost as f she was waiting for this moment.

"We need a talk."


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