Charlotte Kill Part Three

 Reluctant Training

"Do I have to do all this running?"

"Yes, you do."


"It builds up your leg muscles!"

"But I don't wanna be an assassin! I just wanna go home!"

Charlotte Kira let out a groan. She looked at the girl feeling slightly annoyed.

"Yes I know that and I have already explained. You can't go home until Evil Organization has been taken down. By the way you can-"

In that moment Charlotte Kill tripped.


She jogged up to her and saw that she was covered in muck. She screamed at the top of her lungs. At this, she slapped the girl with the back of her hand. She covered her cheek and started to cry.

By gum! She's one hell of a crybaby! Seriously, you'd think a child of her age would be far tougher than this!

Speaking of which, that crying is really annoying.

"Shut up!" She snapped hitting her again. "Seriously, even a toddler is tougher than you! No wonder they locked you up."

"I'm sorry."

"Good, and next time you cry, I will give you something to cry about. Do you understand?"

She nodded.

"Now, key me start by teaching you how to hit me. So hit me."

"W-wha- b-but I'll-"

"Hit me, and yes,  you will hurt me but you must not think about that. In a battle of life and death that should be the last thing in your mind. Now hit me."

"But I don't want to hurt you!"

"Do as I say and hit me."


"You know what, forget this!" She said as she hit her.

To her annoyance the girl started crying again. She let out a groan.

"For the sake of whatever it is you believe in, stop crying and hit me!"

She suddenly stopped and looked at her with fear and, out of fear, hit her which to her felt more like a tap.

"Was that your best? Do it again!"

She did, yet even though it was harder, it was still just a tap.


She did it again but this time it was harder.

"Blime me! Have you ever hit someone?"


"Well, this is how you hit someone!"


"Now, try again."

"Fine!" She shouted, punching her so hard in her nose that it caused it to bleed. At this she suddenly became scared. "I am so sorry!"

"N-no. It's alright." She said pinching the sides of her nose. "Blime me! You really can hit someone when you need to!"

"I'm sorry. I mean you told me to hit you yet I became so angry and I have anger issues and I've been told not to take my anger out on others."

"Well, in this case then it's alright. Now why did you not do that right at the start?"

"Because I want to be a good girl!"

Yeah, you and I will get along really well!

"Well there are tonnes when it's okay not to be a good girl."

"But I don't want to be a bad girl. Mum always says that they always end up on the streets and homeless."

She let out a long huff.

"Your mum sounds even more stupid than you are."

"But she's the smartest person I know! She even told me that I was her perfect accident!"

"That explains it!"

"What was that?"


"Did you just insult my mother?" She said with a dangerous tone.

Charlotte Kira smiled against her better judgement.

"I did."

"Nobody insults mummy and gets away with it!" She stormed as she threw punch after punch at her,  however she blocked and caught every one of them. She then gave her one punch and Charlotte Kill fell. She then got up and then sent a kick at her as she realised that her punches were not working. She caught the girl's ankle between her elbow and hip and then with the other hand pulled the girl close.


She looked up at her.

"So you can hit! This will make this-"

She suddenly realised what she had done.

"Sorry. I shouldn't have lost my temper. So please forgive me."

"No. That's fine. You ought to lose your temper more often. However it would do you a lot of good to use it and direct it in a direction of self preservation."


"Lose your temper at people who want to kill you."

"But I don't like it! It's like you're running and exploding at the same time!"

"Wow! Someone finally put it into words!" She said with a pleasantly shocked smile on her face.

"Secondly, I scare myself when I'm like that. Thirdly, it messes up your social life and you end up alone with no friends."

"Hey, I have friends!"

She looked at the woman with a raised eyebrow.


She opened her mouth however she closed her mouth.

"That aren't weapons."

She pressed her lips together as she thought about that. Then opened her mouth.

"Or money."

She stood there, thinking for a long time.

"By Jove! You're right! I am alone!"


"But I'm not lonely!"

"Yes you are!"

"No. I'm not!"



"Are too!"

"Are not!"

"Ohh yes you are!"

She scoffed.

"Are you really trying this useless pantomime nonsense to avoid your training?"

That gave her a guilty expression on her young face. She crossed her arms and looked at her like a disappointed parent or teacher.

"Thought so. Now, as punishment, do a hundred squats."



She tried to do the squats however only managed thirty.

"Oh you are the epitome of disappointment."

Seriously! When I was her age I could do three hundred squats and pushups and sit-ups and still have energy for a three mile run. And, on top of that, do it before breakfast! Then again she didn't get trained since birth to be a lean mean killing machine by a questionable top secret division of a government organization.

This thought softened her a bit.

"Alright. I'll teach you a few moves."

"Oh!" The other moaned.

There, for not a second more than an hour she taught her the basics. This she was able to learn quickly, yet she found it mentally taxing having to dumb everything down. This was why she dared not trust the girl with the advanced things. Mainly because of her outbursts of anger. Then it was time.

"Alright I want you to use all that I have taught you in this fight." She said.

"What? You mean that I have to fight you?"


"But you're an assassin! You will kill me!"

"No I won't. I never do when I spar."

Then her eyes lit.

"You mean that we're going to a spar? That's awesome, I can't wait to have my hair washed and my nails polished!"

"Not that kind of spar!"

She looked at her like a lost puppy.

"What other spars are there?"

She let out a huff.

This girl's an idiot! How does she even function?

"Well when people fight when they are training."

"Why don't they call it a training fight?"

"I don't know! I didn't invent all this!"

She then lowered herself into a fighting stance.

"What are you doing?"

"Were you not paying attention?"

"Urm… Only to the fighting stuff!"

"This is a fighting stance. Get into yours."

She did and they soon were sparring. They did this until Charlotte Kira was satisfied.


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