Charlotte Kill Final Part


Then, soon the police arrived and arrested everyone there. They both knew everything and nothing at the same time. They knew even less when they saw a girl in front of Roger Rogan dead on the floor smashing like a leaf with vomit by her feet. They were able to coax the girl with the help of the woman near her to get out. As they drove off the building exploded, due to a faulty oven that had been left on.

The Charlottes were driven to the police station, where they told them what happened from their own point of view. Leaving the two officers both confused and shocked. 

"So, le' me ge' thus straight, you were abducted, almost killed several times by the most dangerous organization, accidentally killed the most dangerous leader of that organization just because a bunch of incompetent blokes thought that you were you?" He exclaimed as the absurdity confused him.

"Pretty much. Yeah!" Kira said.

"And why are you following her?"

"She had nowhere else to go."

"Why couldn't you just go home?"

"I couldn't! They would've found me and killed everyone I know and love and me!"

They both looked shocked realizing that she was right.

"Oh! I didn't think of that."

"Well you should have."

"So can I go home now? Mum 'n' dad must be so worried!"

"Yeah, about that!"


"Sene as you have been seen by all of those in Evil Organization I'm afraid that you can never go home ever again!"

"What! But-"

He put his hands up.

"Shh, we're going to pick your parents up now but you will never be able to see your friends or family outside of your parents ever again!"

"But why?"

"Because you and your parents will be under the witness pretension program, or WPP for short."

"What does that mean?"

"Well we relocate you to a new house in a land far, far away with a new name and life."


Well, looks like I don't need to worry about clearing my head because my friends… Because I will never have friends ever again.

"Right now that the girl's been taken care of, what about me?"

"You're going to jail."

"No I'm not."

"Yes you are."

"No I'm not." She said gave him wallet. 

He looked at it with a raised eyebrow. He then looked up at her and he looked somewhat ill.

"No you're not." He said slightly indignant as he passed it back to her.

She smirked.

"Thank you."

"You're not going to kill me, are you?"

"No. No I'm not! After all I'm going home and try and forget all this happened. Then get ready for my next job." She said as she got up.

She then walked to the door but turned back.

"Kill, I don't know what you're going to be called, just note I am going to miss you. If I was to be honest, I think I did not think I was lonely until I met you. And you were almost like a little sister to me,  not that I would have known what that was like. Well,  not before I met you. So thank you."

"Thanks. Although I'm not going to miss you." She replied, trying to sound sincere. She then raised her eyebrow clearly unconvinced. "Just kidding! I will miss you too. I will never forget you! After all you made me smarter!"

"Don't know if that's a good thing." She said then left.

Soon she saw her parents and ran to them and flung her arms around them. They then wrapped their around her. She then would have cried but she didn't, she fell asleep. When she woke she was no longer Charlotte Kill anymore. She was Charlotte Cox no longer living in Blackpool but in Scarborough. As she grew the new name grew on her, yet she never had any friends or boyfriends, she did adopt three children before she moved back to Blackpool.

The End


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