Charlotte Kill Part Two


One would think that an evil organisation called Evil Organisation would have better security. After all, if it was an evil organisation, one would want it to be secret and safe. However, it would have been dangerous to send out the advertisements for such a job, aster all, one would either two things would happen; one, the police would be on that like a fangirl seeing the object of what they're a fan of and arrest them within a matter of seconds, two,  people would think that it was a joke and hardly take it seriously,  or both.

Either or hardly mattered to Charlotte Kira. She was an assassin so she did not know why she would pay attention to such things. No,  she was thinking about killing people and what flavor of ice cream she would like to try after all this, interestingly enough.

Should I get rum 'n' raisin? But what if I don't like that? How should I know? I've never tried it! All the more reason why I should. Anyway, I have no time for this. Now is the time for action.

She ran across the carpark, she knew that there would be no camaras, no, Roger Rogan thought that they were scary, something about the look of them looking like one soulless eye. She had read about this once. She also knew that there were no guards surrounding the place as he thought that would draw too much attention. She had observed this once one moment when she was watching him.

"Sir, I really think that we should get camaras around the place."

"No! I have enough inside! Too much if you ask me!"

"Sir, I hardly think that here or the girls bathroom-"

"Look, would you like to have a look at it?"


"Just look at it! Its one eye looks as if it is dead and the black void in the center looks like it is looking into your very soul. Just you wait, you will lower your guard and then it would reveal it's true form and steal your soul."

Honestly, I don't know why or how people can take that guy seriously?!

She soon came to the door and took out her lock picking kit. She soon picked the lock and she was in within a minute. She silently ran into and through the corridor. She then ran down corridor after corridor. She came to a room and ran to the other end of that and ran through the door and came to another corridor and another and another.

Blime me! How many corridors does this place have? Honestly this place has more corridors than a maze! Oh goodie! Another corridor. How do-oh look a person!

"Hey! Do you know where I can get to the bathroom? I'm kind of lost? You know with all these corridors!" 

Great, not even his own people can get around in this place! However I can use this.

"Depends, can you tell me where Roger Rogan is?"

"Nah! I don't work in that department, sorry. But I did see him interrogating that little girl,  so maybe she might know."

Little girl?

Never mind, I need to get rid of this one as soon as I can.

"I think that I saw the loo at the entrance where I came in."


She waited until she knew he was fully gone until she broke out into a run. She soon found the prison aria. She saw two guards. She hardly slowed down below. She took out two small knives and they both fell before their brains had time to register that they were dead. She then opened the door and saw a small girl.

She rushed to her and pointed the knife at her throat.

"Tell me, you better know where Roger Rogan is, so do you?"

"W-what? W-who are you?"

"Charlotte Kira. You?"

"Charlie Kill."

She looked at her shocked and outraged.

"Hey,  that's my nickname! Get your own!"

"But that is my name! Wait, you're the reason I'm in this situation!"

"Why? How?"

"They thought that I was you!"

She laughed.

"Oh,  they can't be that incompetent are they?"

She then burst out laughing.

"They will kill me!"

Her laughter stopped.

"What? They are! Blime me!" 

She then saw a bunch of men running at then at full speed. She took out a gun before the other could have any time to register what was going on and all fell like flies.

What did you expect from an assassin?

Then the other Charlotte screamed or like the little girl that she was. Then she hit her.

"Shut up! You'll get us both killed."

"Bu-but you killed them!"

"In an assassin, that is what I do."

"Why did you kill them!"

"Because I'm an assassin."

"They could've had families and everything!"

"I don't care. I'm an assassin."

"What do you mean, you don't care?!"

"Are you even listening to me?"

She looked up at her with a dumb look.

"Why am I even setting all this anyway? All I wanted was to go on a walk to clear my mind after my best friend and boyfriend were arguing!"


"But why are you an assassin?"

"Because shut up. I don't have time for this. Now, does anyone here know where the hell Roger Rogan is?"

"I do." Said a big man with a muscular form and a skinhead.


"On his way to a meeting in Wales in Cardiff right now."

"What!?" She shouted and she ran to him and she was about to kill him before he dug his first in her gut. She then took out a danger and then dug it in his gut and then slashed and the other Charlotte saw his guts fall which was soon followed by her vomit. Meanwhile the other one had started to walk back the way she came.

"Hey, where are you going?"

"Cardiff! Where do you think?" 


She then looked at her, yet she had an abandoned look on her lost face.

"What? It's where I wanna go!"

"Sorry, no can do."

"But why?"

"Because you know too much. If he finds out that you escaped he will kill you and your entire family."


"Because he's evil and I kill evil people."

"Then where can I go?"

She looked at the girl. She had such a lost puppy.

Looks like this lost puppy has found her master.

Am I really thinking of taking on a liability like her and allow her to tag along?

No she will not! I'll make sure of that.

With that she turned around. Her eyes, burning brightly with passion.

"You will be coming with me! And I will train you as an assassin, just like me. Together we will take down Evil Organization and kill anyone and everyone in our way. So Charlotte Kill,  what do you say?" She said,  her voice beginning with passion and charisma.

"But I don't want to kill!"

"Tough,  you don't have a choice."

Before she said another word, she picked up the girl and ran out of the building. Then as they ran out and crossed the car park, the whole building exploded.

"Was that you?"


(It was a guard who was trying to make toast.)


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