Charlotte Kill Part Six

 The Kill

"So, this is the place?" Kill asked.

They looked at the black pain building that had no character whatsoever. Nor did it have any interesting part of it. Almost like the architect did not have even an ounce of imagination in his or her mind! There was not even a plant to make the entrance to make it look pretty.

"Yes. Yes it is."

"Wanna say something profound?"

"How do you even have that word in your vocabulary?" She asked slightly confused. She straightened herself and regained her composure. "Anyway,  something profound."


"You wanted me to say something profound.'

" Oh yeah! Now let's get this over with. After all, I still wanna go home."

"Then by tonight, you will."

"Now that's something profound!"

She smiled proudly.

"I have my moments." She boasted. "So what will you do once you get home?"

"Get a shower, a good night's sleep and some long, overdue therapy."

She let out a mocking but friendly laugh.


"Do you think that you'll find anyone that'll believe you?"


"You're so naive!"

So they made their way in. Meanwhile, three guards were walking outside taking a cigarette break. 

"So,  do you think that the boss likes us??"


"Why not?"

"I don't think that he likes anyone."

"What about this Charlotte Kira?"

"Yeah. Heard he wanted to kill her!"

"In what way?"

He scoffed.


"But you have to remember how many times has he-"

"None. Think he's still a virgin?"

"Of come on! He's not a-"

They heard a band but were dead before they could do anything about it.

"Still don't like you killing."

"Get over it!'

"I can't."


"You are."

"How did-"

"Don't give me that look!"


"I've gotten to know you well."

"Too well…"

She looked at the girl with a harsh look. She looked as if she was about to kill her. She even pulled out a blade and pointed it at her. This made Kill suddenly afraid as she looked at the blade. Hoping that she was not going to kill her right there and then.

"Urm, what are you doing?"

"I'm sorry, I just can't have people knowing me too well. You must understand."

"Urm, no." She lied.

She then let out a chuckle. She then flicked the blade sideward. Soon the hilt was pointing to her without a scratch on her.

"You're so gullible!"

She took the blade.

"You're an assassin! How would I know when you're joking!?"

"True and don't you forget it."

They then ran down corridor after corridor and turned corner after corner. They went as fast as they could, yet when Kill thought that they were getting somewhere, there were more of the corridors and corners. She could almost feel her head spin slightly. She soon felt a slight headache. Yet they knew that even though this was a maze of a building, they knew there were more floors that were like this.

"Blime me! Can't they make their bases smaller?"

"No. Believe me. They never do. In fact I would say that this one seems quote small compared to the other ones!"

She gave her a pleading look.


"Nothing! So what you're saying is we need to get a move on?"

She nodded as they ran on and on and on and on. They soon both became tired and out of breath. So they had to take a break.

"How many do we have to go?"

"Many more. Come on!" Kira said once they had x recovered her breath and strength.

Soon they were running again. After many, many, many corridors and cornets and breaks later they came to the office.

"Finally! I don't think that I can feel my legs."

"Brilliant,  now we can finally leave this behind us. Then you can go home and I can go back to killing people. Remember, this is the day the evil organization, Evil Organization will come to an end. So, are you ready?" She said with charisma.

"I think that I'm going to puke. Did you say something?"

She let out a light sigh.

"Never mind. Let's just get this over with."

"Oh, yeah." She said as she flopped. "Can I take a break?"

"No,  get up. After all, I am not going to lose this one again!"

"Then you just go in. I'll just take a break."

"Are you even listening?"

"Are you done?" Came a voice from behind. Kill looked up and let out a scream and pointed behind her.


She looked behind to see that they were looking at none other than Roger Rogan behind them! He was standing on a small electric scooter. Upon this both girls groaned.

"After you telling me that all this time we could have gotten on one of those!" She shouted angrily.

Out of anger she threw the dagger at him but he was ankle to swipe it away. She then ran to him and picked the knife and threw it again at him. He swiped it again,  giving the girl the opportunity to land a punch on his cheek. She threw punch after punch. The thought of nothing but her anger and frustration. He caught her fist but when this did nothing and the back of his hand slammed into his nose and this was followed by a crack in his nose. She then punched up at the crack causing the bone at the top of her nose to chip and break off. It then buried itself into his head. The next moment he fell down.

"D-did you just kill him?"

She was about to answer but then she threw up the contents of her stomach.


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