The Strange Peculiar Bizarre Town Vampire Versus Arc Part Four

 Food Source

Melinda was taken to a large mansion. It was black and white and silver. Yet it had the levels increasing in size as it ascended. In the centre were a set of double doors painted black. All the windows were boarded over like it was abandoned.  

She was then dropped onto the ground. This caused her to roll but she was dragged up before she could recover. He pulled her in close. He put an arm around her and gripped her shoulder tightly. He then leaned in to her closely.

"Tell me, my dear Melinda. Do you know why I kissed your sister?"

"No." She lied.

"Ah, ahh! Now, now do not lie!" He coxed.

And looked down, her lip trembled a little.

"I don't know what you mean by that."

He frowned as the grip on her shoulder was caused tightly. She one why he was doing this too. He was going to get that answer out of her even of he was going to have to torture her to get it out. She felt her throat was dry causing her to gulp.

"It was to prove that you could do anything that you wanted to her." She said, her throat so dry that her voice no longer felt like her own.


"There's nothing I can do to stop you."

He then turned her to him and leaned in close to her. He then drew his head next to her ear. She felt her heartbeat increase as she became frightened that he would feed on her right here and now.

"Now,  my little pet, if you try to escape or deny me even once,  I will do more than just kiss her. And I will make you watch until she begs for her death. If you understand,  hold my hand."

She nodded as she felt those tears rerun. She, with a shaking hand, took his hand. He smiled and patted it. 

"It's alright. You should save for all that for later." He said. "Tell me, what do you think of your new home?"

She looked at it.

"It looks beautiful."

"Good now let me show you to your room."

They walked in. She groped his hand as she felt the fear become greater as she walked in further. She could hardly make out the features of the place. They walked in further and they came to a small plain unpainted wooden door. He took out the key and unlocked the door. They entered a dark narrow corridor with a staircase. This she could barely see. She was forced to rely on Vytuatas to guide her down the staircase. She then almost fell and gripped his arm with her other hand to stop her. At this, he laughed.

"I forgot that humans can not see in the dark!" He laughed.

She felt her anger grow within her.

"No you didn't!" She spat.

He then let go and he pushed her. She let out a scream as she felt herself fall incapable of stopping herself. She then felt his hand grip the back of her neck. She could not help herself scream as her eyes were greeted by the abyss.

"Don't let go! Don't let go!" She screamed.

"Depends,  will you be making a comment like that again.?"

"No! No!"

"Good." He said as he pulled her in and gripped her as she shook in his arms. He stroked her hair. "Sh, shh. Now, now. Calm down, calm down."

He let her get herself under control before they then went on. She gripped him the whole time all the way to the bottom. He then pulled her up and he flicked her legs up and gripped them. He then broke out into a run. This was so smoother that it made it impossible for her to determine his movements. He did not put her down until he had stopped.

She heard a creak of a door. Then a flick of a switch and soon she squinted as the light came on. She soon saw a well cleaned room with red and black wallpaper with a rose floral pattern. She was a double bed with maroon and crimson velvet covers with a frilly edge and pillows to match. She then saw a white painted Victorian desk with a series of mirrors rising at the back with a few drawers underneath. She then saw the chair in front of it which matched the desk. She then saw the other chair behind it that was beside the bed. It was made of steel with brown leather cuffs with a buckle attached to it. This caused her body to tingle with fear as she knew what that was for. 

"Come in!" He sang.

She found herself almost frozen in place as she thought about all the pain that she had been put through in this room. Then her eyes locked onto the chair, she knew that she would be put through even more pain. She almost felt it as she thought about it.

"Melinda!" He said, warningly.

She remembered his threat and forced herself into the room. She felt faint as he closed the door behind her.

"Care to tell me what that was all about?" He snapped.

She opened her mouth but the words could not come out. Her jaw and lips went up and down as she tried to get the words out.

Come on! Get those words out! You just get those damn words out! He'll hurt Jaden if you don't!

She felt like she was being choked by an invisible hand.

"S-sorry. I-I just…"

He huffed.

"Alright, get in the chair."


"Get in the chair." He snapped.

"I am confident you know which one." He said with a softer voice.

She looked at the chair and walked to it. It almost felt longer than it was and one she had arrived at the chair she almost collapsed into it.

He smirked.

"Good, good girl!" He said as he walked to her. He strapped her in tightly. "I can see that you are by far smarter than the others."

She closed her mouth as she dared not open it. She knew that she would beg for him to stop. She knew that it would be useless for her to do that. No, it would only amuse him. Then he sank his teeth into her neck. She closed her eyes to stop him from seeing just how terrified she was. She bit her lip to prevent herself from crying again. She even clenched her fists until her nails dug into the palms off her hands. She then started to feel faint. She felt weaker and weaker. Soon she felt dizzy when he pulled away.

"I am done!" 

She opened her heavy eyelids. She was far too weak to even look up at him.

"Well done!' He said. "You have shown great endurance. Maybe you well last longer than the others. Maybe if you impress me, I could make you into a vampire."

She did not want to respond as her stomach growled.

"Oh! That is right! You missed your dinner!" He sang.

Her eyes tensed as she tried to hide the pain. She dared not to show anything to him. He cocked his eyebrow.

"I will get you something then." He said as he undid her cuffs. "And I want you to be in one of those dresses when I arrive."

Her eyes slid to the wardrobe that was the same make as the desk next to that was a toilet and sink. She nodded. He then closed the door. She took her time to gain her strength back. She then got to her feet and slowly walked over to the wardrobe. She opened it and looked at all the Victorian dresses. Her eyes then rested on a silk Royal blue dress with long graceful sleeves. 

She quickly cleaned her neck and then put it on. She then tightened it and then tied the back. She walked over to the mirror. She looked at herself,  she really did look like a Victorian Noble! She looked down and noticed that there was a hair brush with the initials VD on the silver back. She then put it back down. She then looked at herself in the centre mirror. She saw the blood on her neck and she could hold the treats in any longer.

She wanted help but none could come. She wanted her mother but she was dead. Her father too. She wanted Danté and Jaden to come and rescue her but she knew that they would be dead before they could even get to her. She was alone. Alone in the dark and none cold bring her into the light. Not this time.

Vytuatas came in with food. He put it in front of her on the desk.

"Eat. You need to keep as much of your strength as you can."

He gave her a heavy Victorian knife and fork. She looked at them and noticed that they were genuine Victorian utensils. She, like a zombie, ate her food. To her surprise it tasted great. She felt her eyes lit up.

"Than you!" She said once she had finished her mouthful. He smiled.

"Good, good girl!" He said. "And I do like that dress that you have chosen. You truly are like her."


He smiled as he left. She continued to eat. She mainly did this out of comfort. After all, she knew that this would be her only comfort as the days went by. That was when the thoughts went back to her parents and their coming. She did not realise just how much she missed it or them.

When she finished she knew that she felt exhausted. It had been a horrific day. She walked to the bed. Her eyes closed before her head hit the pillows. She could not even believe just how comfy it was.

Then she found herself walking down a long corridor. She knew what was going on. She tried to stop herself but she could not. She walked to the room. She, wanting to get this over with, walked in and walked up to Vytuatas.

"Did you enjoy your meal?"

"Yes I did." 


She reached out her hand. He grabbed it. She soon felt the energy drain. It lasted longer than the other times. She knew that this would be her life, yet she wanted to get away from this monster. She wanted that cross, she wanted a good night sleep feeling refreshed and well rested. 

When her eyes opened. She still felt tired. She hoped the night before was just a bad dream, yet seeing the darkness she knew that it was not. She felt the tears come as she remembered what happened was what happened. She was in a nightmare that she could not wake up from nor could she escape from, no, that she should escape from. Not if she wanted to protect her sister.

She heard a knock. She froze as Vytuatas came in. She closed her eyes hoping that if he thought that she was asleep he would leave her alone. Yet he placed a hand on her shoulder. He then slipped her out of her bed and slammed her against the chair. He then bit deep into her neck. Her eyes flicked open as she screamed in pain as she felt lightheaded. She was about to get him off her but then she remembered his threat. She stopped and it took all her will to do so. She gripped the arms of her chair. She soon found herself weeping.

"Stop it! Stop it! Stop it!" She wept. "Please!"

He pulled away and smiled.

"That must have taken all your will, did it not?"

She looked away in shame. He smiled wider as his fingertip lingered on the side of her neck. He looked at her sympathetically. He then hooked it under her chin.

"Say it."

"Yes." She said trying not to let any emotion in her voice.

"Good, good girl."

She looked at the open door. It took all her will to resist the urge to run out of it. She then looked down. She knew that this was the best thing that she could do. That way she was not looking at the open door nor Vytuatas.

"Come over here."

She got it off the chair and over to the desk. He then gently pushed her into the other chair. He pulled out the brush that she spotted the other day. He then nudged her head up.

"Tell me,  have you been told who this brush belonged to?"


"Well this is the brush or Vladamyra Dracula. Has my brother told you of her?"


He raised his eyebrows.

"Strange, I thought that he would have. I mean the two of you are a lot alike!" He said.

"Then why don't you tell me then?" She asked already knowing that he wanted to,  yet she had the underlying feeling that she was not going to like what he had to say.

"Well,  I might as well. She was Dantés' beautiful daughter. You know Danté had a good life,  he had a beautiful wife and girl. Oh he was in such good bliss. That is until I took it all away."

"So, you killed them!?" She exclaimed out disbelief.

He let out a laugh.

"Yes, I did." He boasted as he turned to her back as he started to brush her hair. Suddenly she felt even more uncomfortable than the day before. She felt chills race down her spine like a lightning strike of ice.

"Tell me, do you know why I am telling you this?"

She bit her lip as she knew that she did not want to answer that question and decided to nod instead.

"Do not move your head and answer me." He snapped as he hit her with the back of the brush.

He then let out a sigh.

"I suppose that you do not care as much as I thought about that sister of yours."

She closed her eyes in dread.

"It is to tell me that you could kill me and my family if you want to. To remind me that you could k-" she cut off as the panic came in as she realised what he was getting at.

"Good, good girl. Now you get it."

That was when she went over that moment he kissed her sister. It was all too clear he had all the power. He held her life in his hands. More than that, he had her humanity in his hands!

"Ahh! I can tell that you know what I am on about. Now tell me, what do you think Danté would feel if I took that away from you? Oh the torment would that be? Especially as I have noticed how he feels about that sister of yours!"


She looked at him confused. He looked at her sternly. Turned her head back to the mirror. He was soon finished brushing her hair.

"Really, you have not noticed? Well a child your age would not I guess. No matter, I can tell you that I have been looking at those two for a long time. Though he likes her I know the memory of what I did to his wife and child still haunts him."

So, that's why he would not act on his feelings.

"Yes. Now, tell me, how much more would it haunt him after I do what I would do to you the moment that you disobey or try to escape me?"

Despair entered her eyes as she noticed what he was getting at.

"Now, I will leave you now to think on that."

He then left and closed the door.

For the entire day she was alone in the dark. Her eyes were being used to the dark. The moment the door penned she was in the chair. She knew that it was what the monster wanted. He smiled as if he was impressed by her actions.

"Good, good, girl."

He walked up to her as he buckled her in. He then looked up at her.

"I like that you are so much like her. She too was just as agreeable. She let me feed on her as many times to keep her loved ones safe too." He said as he leaned in and bit her.

He covered her eyes so that all she could focus on was all the pain. It took all her will not to cry out in the pain. When he noticed this he jabbed her in the gut. She then remembered what he had just said. She realised that it was not her blood that he wanted. It was her screams. She felt another jab which got her to scream. He jabbed her again, she then started to cry, yet he continued. He then pulled back.

"Good, good girl."

"Stop it!" Came Dantés' voice.

"It is about time brother."


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