The Strange Peculiar Bizarre Town Vampire Versus Arc Part Nine

 Vampires' Den

They soon arrived in the street of creepy Victorian mansions. Valli gently landed on the ground in front of the door of her mansion. She opened the door and looked down at her. 

"Get in." 

She nodded and she walked in. She was trying her best to keep herself calm. She then saw the door close behind her, shutting out the light. 

"Now, I have to tell you of your position, as you and that sister of yours are my sons' favorite duo and his food source, it means that there will be more after you. After all, whoever has you has him too. And as he is the new king of the vampires, they will be after you even more." She explained as they walked up the stairs. They soon came to the trapdoor. She pulled the ladder down.

"Get up."

She nodded and she climbed the ladder. She could feel Vallis' breath on her skin. She suddenly became all too aware of her heartbeat. She had the creepy thought that she could hear it. Oh, how she knew that she could. This made her feel exposed and also naked.

She then pulled herself up. She was greeted by another door. Valli opened the door. She walked to the door but then she felt a hand pull her in. Soon her eyes greeted a handsome man with long black brown hair.

"Eh! I heard that your blood was to die for, but I never expected that your beauty was too!" He remarked.

"Unhand her!" Valli shouted as she threw her hand out and her nails which were now clawlike pressed through his skull. He was soon dust. 

That was when another group of vampires piled in and soon to her horror she saw Valli pierce vampire after vampire, turning them all into dust. She crouched and curled into a ball in fear so that she would not get hurt, yet she felt herself being hit again and again. She soon felt someone hit her in the hip. She felt a hand grab her hair and she was pulled back. She then felt a hand curled around her neck. She saw that there were claw-like nails brush against her cheek. Then, before she could even see the face he turned to dust with Valli next to her. Both of the cuffs of the blazer were dripping in blood.

She scoffed disgusted as she took it off. She then looked at her blouse and let out a sigh of relief as there was not a drop of blood on the silky sleeves. She then took a seat.

"Get over here!" She snapped. "Fighting always makes me thirsty."

She looked around the place and stayed where she was. She could not get over the shock of what had just happened. Her eyes were locked on the ash on the floor. She could not even follow the fight, nor did she know how many there were, here in this town.

"Melinda Narcissa, get over here right now!"

She snapped back into reality and looked up. She walked up to her as she flicked over the memories of what Vytuatas had put her through when she was being held prisoner by him. She hoped that it would not hurt as much as that. Yet she remembered what Danté had told her. This told her to expect that it would be worse! She felt herself shaking when she got to her.

"Please remember whose future I have in my hands." 

She became pale as she did and nodded daring not to reply vocaly. She then felt her bloody finger touch her chin. She gently raised it.

"Do you have something to say?"

"Yes, thank you and I am sorry. I don't know what came over me just a moment ago."

She smiled.

"Good, good, girl."

As this her body froze all over.

"Tilt your head."

 She did and soon her fangs were in her neck. It hurt yet at the same time it was not as bad as Vytuatas. She then felt her lips curl into a smirk. She dug her fangs dug deeper and she gripped the girls' arms. She soon let out a scream of pain as she felt the temperature rise. Soon the pain became worse to anything that she had experienced at the hand of Vytuatas. It soon became completely unbearable. 

"Stop! Stop! Please stop!" She croaked as her voice was being suppressed. 

Yet regardless of how much she begged she did not. She soon had a waterfall running down her cheeks. Her head became achy and light. She soon closed her eyes as she felt herself weaken and became faint. It hurt even more when she let go of her and she dropped. She then was caught and the only thing holding her up was this monster. She soon let go and dropped her like it was nothing. She hit the wood beneath her. She could feel an ice cold sweat coat her body. She was then pulled up and looked at her.

"Now, my pet, from now on, you are to follow me around everywhere in this house. You are to be seen and not heard. And please, have little fear during your time here. I will ensure that you are well kept up with your education. And you are to do and say everything that I tell you to. Do you understand?"

"Y-yes M-Mrs Dracula." She replied faintly.

"Good, good girl. I can see why he likes you, you really are like my dearly departed granddaughter." She said gently. "Now get up."

She weakly did but Valli did help her. She tried to walk but her weakened state caused her to look drunk. She heard Valli giggle behind her; she then gave her a bowl of dog biscuits.

"Here, have this." 

"But I can't eat that! It's for dogs!"

"Eat it!"

She looked at it and she had to keep all of her disgust down as she picked up and ate one. She hated it and immediately wanted to throw up but she had no choice but to continue. She forced down each one of the grim dog food. She wondered how they were able to wolf down this gruel! She threw up immediately after finishing. She smiled as she stroked her back as she did.

"Shame. Looks like the little pet could not handle her food." She cooed.


She felt anger rise within her. A bitter one. One that she knew that she had to leave unquenched. 

"Oh, I get it! You want some proper food. Tough. You better get used to that."

She soon felt the tears of anger sting her eyes. She soon felt that the temperature was rising like when she was in the hospital.

"You're not going to stop. Are you?" She scoffed bitterly.

She giggled.

"Time for your bed." She soon pulled her up another flight of stairs. 

Where there was a plain single bed, with a single plain mirror next to a plain small wardrobe. She soon spotted that it was all clean and she saw a shower that was in a small section of the room with a toilet and sink. She was guided to the shower and Valli undressed her and cleaned her. She dried her hair, all of which made her well aware of her vulnerability and where the power lied. She then put a Victorian nightgown on her. 

"There." She said as she made her sit on the bed, facing the mirror. "You know, I must say you really look like a noble lady! It gives me quite a chill."

She leaned on her shoulder and wrapped her arm around her like a mother would a child.

"Especially when you look so much like her. In fact looking at you now,  I think that you look like you belong to the world of the night, your eyes are even red!"

She felt chills face down her spine.

"W-what are you saying?"

", you would be of use to me like that. I know that I prefer you human. You are weaker like this. Forget what I had said now Melly, get into bed." 

She nodded as she saw that she did not have any other choice but to get into it. 

"Thank you." She added as she felt her stomach rumble.

Valli smiled as she sat on the bed next to her. She then started to play with her hair and started to hum a bittersweet melancholic melody. It was like a mother was cutting through all the walls and darkness and pulling out her real self and embracing her, tightly. She felt her eyes closing and she soon drifted off to sleep. She was soon looking through someone else's eyes. She was walking down into the street of the vampires. She soon was looking at Valli and then as she looked at her, then she looked surprised. She turned away and in the next moment she was being awakened by Valli. She gave her a victorious smile.

"Well, I did not realise that you were the one that defeated Mohan!" She said like a mother proud of what their child had done. "This changes things a little."

She then pulled her out of the bed and walked over to the shower. She fed upon her for a short amount of time. This was only a moment of relief, yet her heart sank as she saw the other vampires.

"I have to say this, take your turn, however I will warn you all by Tal Lens' cruelty, if any one of you kills or turns her or takes more than their fair share, I will give you over to him!" She declared. "And you know I can!"

They all looked at her completely terrorfied. They nodded and every one of them fed on her. Yet the strange part was, none of them hurt. Nor did any of them take more than just a few gulps. As the time ran on Valli looked at her as if to ensure that she was alright. After an hour they were all done. Shefelt faint and about to collapse. Valli pulled her chin and looked at her in the eyes and she suddenly felt stronger even though her body was telling her a different story. She soon felt her sleepiness yet her feet walked on. Almost like a dream. She soon was looking at a bowl of her favourite cereal. Yet as she ate it her tastebuds were telling her that it was not. In fact her tastebuds were telling her what the food really was. Yet she continued as her stomach was far too hungry to care.

When she was finished, she walked back upstairs and sat in her bed. That was when the others came in. Soon she felt herself surrounded by bugs of every kind. Yet she knew that the bugs were not there, even though her eyes were telling her that they were. She closed her eyes and the next moment they were gone.

There another came to her and soon she was losing track of time. She soon was feeling like she was in a strange dream and even her memories seemed to be slipping away. This caused her to to believe anything that they were telling her. She was soon acting like a dog and would even eat like a dog. She,  for the time that Valli was working she thought that she was a dog and even barked like one.

Then Valli came back. She looked down at her with a cruel smirk but one that did not stay on her lips. She walked up to her and then started to stroke her like a dog as she whined like a dog as she bit into her. She pulled away.

"So have you had your fun?" She said like a parent just about telling their child off.

She then clicked and she snapped out of it. She noticed that it was already night yet she could only vaguely remember the events during the day. She pulled away and was feeling the fangs of the others in her neck. She was soon left trembling as she could feel herself feeling faint. She looked at Valli in her eyes and ate whatever she gave her. After Valli then took her out of her hypnotic trance and was soon giving her all the lessons that she had missed. She taught her well into the night.

She was then back in the bed and fat asleep. She was soon walking down the street of the vampires and she did not know nor could see whose eyes she was looking at. All she knew was that whoever it was, was in distress. She was bung pinned down and held by multiple vampires. She was soon bleeding and they drained her dry. When she woke, she was far too tied and was soon sinking back into sleep. She ended up weaving in and out of sleep the entire night. So by the morning her head was so light and she was so energy drained that she might have not even had any sleep.

She felt despair flood her mind as she thought over the memories of Matilda and Jaden. She then thought about her parents too. Even her life in America was nothing as bad as the life she had led here! She wished that she was back there, back where it was safe. Back where the only thing that she would have to worry about were the bullies at her school. That was when it came to her, a single, chilling thought that made her question everything, were those memories real? What if they were put into her head to keep her going? To keep her alive.

I'm losing myself! She thought as she wanted to let out a scream but she curled up and cried. Not only incapable of stopping it but hating the scent of dog food on her breath. She then felt a hand on her back which made her jump.

"Do not cry, we have not given you a reason yet."

She looked at her feeling the fear sink into her heart. She wanted to back away but she knew that there was no point. They were stronger and faster than her.

"T-tell me, are-are Jaden and Matilda real?" She cried.

She smiled and tucked her hair behind her ear, just like a mother would. She pulled her in close and embraced her like a mother would.

"My, my. You have been such a good, good girl and we have been so bad to you. Yes they are real. Though I owe you more than that." She said

"Just get it over with." She said in a horse voice.

She smiled sympathetically as she leaned in close and kissed her forehead.

"Yes, I will, but I will make you an offer. I will let you leave and go back home, but you will once you agree to become a child of the night. After all it would be the least we can do."

She looked aside.

"No. I don't think I want that." She said as she remembered her parents. 

"Why not? It is not like the movies and books. You can walk in the sun and it hardly affects work after all, if it did then I would not even be here."

"Not the reason."

"What is?"

"My parents are dead. I don't wish to be cut off from them."

"Alright, but I will let you think about what I have said. The night suits you well." She said as she led her to be cleaned. In the shower as bit into her and was able to clean her up. She then let the others feed on her and through the whole time she held Vallis' hand for comfort. She then held it as she walked all the way down the stairs. She dated not to look up as she did not want to be hypnotized. She then saw the cereal. She felt a single tear run down her cheek.

"It's dog food isn't it?"

She smiled, pleasantly surprised.

"You are brighter than I thought!" She remarked.

She looked down longing for her eyes to be right. She then looked out of the window. Only to meet the eyes of Danté. She felt a sad smile spread on her face as this was a price of real evidence of her memories being real.


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