The Strange Peculiar Bizarre Town Vampire Versus Arc Part Eight

 The Other Vampire

"Your mother?" She asked, baffled. "Why am I-no why am I being targeted by your mother?"

Danté wiped the red tear away.

"It probably has to do with the fact that I killed Vytuatas. And as you are-"

"Are you telling me that we have to deal with another one?!" Shouted Jaden.

"Yes." Said Danté with an apologetic tone.

"Should we expect-" she stopped herself from finishing the sentence.

"No. We should expect worse."

"Why?" She asked sternly as she flooded her arms and started tapping her finger on her arm.

He looked at her with anxiety and slightly hurt.

"Vytuatas was her favourite and I was fathers'. Who only liked him because he was just as cruel as her,  yet she never made sure he became crueler. In fact she used to use me as a subject for Vytuatas to practice his cruel acts on." He said.

"So should we make the same arrangements then?" She said sharply.

"I don't think that would be necessary. She usually works late and if there's one good thing about her, is that she's a workaholic." 

"And where does she work?"

"Please don't confront her. After all you would be no match for her. I don't even know if even I can stop her!"

"Wait, aren't you the vampire king? Doesn't that mean that you get cool powers or something?"

"Yes, but they take time to develop. Which could me from a month, if we're fortunate, to a year or two!"

"What! But that's insane!"

Danté shrugged.

"Those are the rules."

"Alright, but is there anything we can do?"

"No, not until we find out where she works now."

"You don't know?" Jaden asked accusingly.

"No. I'm not that close to her nor do I like the vampire community. Why do you think that I live in this part of town?" He pointed out.

"To get close to the prey?"


"Anyhow. I found this." She said passing the silver cross to her.

"Thank you, where did-"

"Where you left it." She said paying her pocket like in the Asda adverts.

Danté looked at her genuinely amazed.

"Well, that's a start!"

"Well, we all need something that will help us sleep. Now all of you get some sleep. We all need it,  including you Danté!"

He smirked as he nodded. They all went to their beds and slept until morning. Melinda and Jaden told Matilda what was going on. She looked at Melinda with fear and concern.

"Why do they always seem to target you?" She asked, outraged. "Is not fair!"

"Don't ask me!"

When they had breakfast they cleaned their teeth and were on their way to school. As they walked,  Melinda spotted that there was someone on their tail. Melinda was about to say something to Matilda and moved closer.

"Don't look but-"

"Yes, I see her too."

"Could it be?"

"She like that drawing you did the other night?"


"Then yes."

She had a determined look on her face, with fire in her eyes. It helped serve a reminder that she was once the twins that had captured her. She quickly looped her arm and quickly started to walk. They quickly came to school and headed straight to the classroom. They soon saw all the other students fill the classroom. Yet the teacher was still absent. They looked at each other frowning. They started to have a bad feeling in the pit of their guts. Then the headmaster came in.

"Sorry students, but your teacher is very ill today. Nothing to worry about, she just had an anemic attack. She should be up and about in a day or two!" He said as lighthearted as he could.

Alarmed Matilda broke her pencil. She glanced at Melinda horrified as they both looked at the door, knowing who was coming before she even came to the door.

"So naturally, we contacted the teachers union and they provided the perfect substitute. Children, give a warm welcome to Mrs Tapez." He introduced.

As soon as she walked in Matilda charged at her. She went to drive the broken end of the pencil into her heart, but Valli gripped her wrist. She looked directly at Matilda with an ice cold look. She then looked up at Melinda. She gave her a slight victorious smile that soon turned into one of sympathy as her eyes dropped to Matilda and let go.

"Miss Narcissa! How dare you! After school, come to my room for detention! I will have you expelled for this!"

Valli let put a light, lyrical laugh.

"It is quite alright. You need not go out of your way. I am pretty sure that one detention with you should suffice. After all I know why she did what she did and I would have done the same. However I still would not like it to affect her future. Alright?"


"I hope that you do not disapprove of how I choose to discipline my students? After all I can guarantee that one will be enough." She said as her eyes fixed upon Melinda.


"Trust me, I know the kind of child she is. I have dealt with a great number of them in other schools."

"If you insist."

"Now if you don't mind this lesson will not teach itself!" She said.

"Alright, I shall leave you to it."

He said as he left. 

"Now, Mistress Nercissa, are you going to continue being a hassle? Because if you are,  then that will reflect badly on your new family." She said.

She looked back at Melinda and then looked away subdued. She let go of her and walked to her spot and was about to sit down.

"No, I would like you and Master Cole to switch spots. And Melinda, I would like to remind you that there is a no jewelry policy in this school." She said.

She looked at Melinda feeling like she was at a funeral she walked to the front of the class. Melinda handed in her cross.

"I will be keeping that until the end of my time here if you do not mind."

"No Mrs." She lied.

"Now, could anyone tell me who Countess Elizabeth Bathory is?"

 The lesson grew on and they learnt all about the Blood Countess and other evil royals and nobles of the time. Melinda sometimes took glances at Matilda and vice versa. She could feel fangs of dread sink into her mind as the day wore on. She could see that Matilda did too. Every part of the day they spent as much together as they could, yet Valli kept the pair away from each other during class. During breaks, they would avoid Valli as much as they possibly could.

Once the dreaded moment came Matilda hugged her as tightly as she could she could even feel a tremor in this hug. It was long and filled with fear of letting go of the other. 

"Please make it home. Don't think about anything else, just get home." She said, almost like a deparete prayer.

"I will. Just focus on getting home too."

She then turned and then walked out of the building. She then noticed that she was being followed. She did not need to look back, she knew by who. She started to walk a little faster as she moved further and further away from the school. She would have broken out into a run but she was already cut off by Valli landing in front of her. 

"It seems that you did well in your lesson today." She complimented.

"Thank you." She said as she tried to move past her.

She threw out her arm.

"It seems that you are in quite a hurry, Mistress Narcissa. No, we are out of school so I hardly need to keep up the formalities. Do I Melinda?"

"Valli right?" She responded with false confidence.

"Ahh, so my son told you about me? Good!"

She shrugged.

"Yeah, though it was not your favorite though. He was too busy with other things." 

She let out that calming lyrical laugh.

"Good, good girl!" She said.

This made Melinda tense up slightly.

"Thank you. Now may you move out of the way. I need to get home."

She let that laugh out again.

"Tell me, did you honestly think that you could get home?" She asked. "Why not try?"

She felt herself gulp as she ducked and ran as fast as she cpuld across the road. Yet with one hand Valli caught her by the throat before she could set foot on the curb. She was choked as she pulled off the road as a car passed. If she had been a moment later she would have died! 

"Now, I will tell you this, did you honestly think that my son could have kept you away from me?"

She would have answered if the heel of her hand was not suppressing her voicebox.

"No? Then why try? Or did my Vytuatas scare you that much?" 

She closed her eyes so as to not give that truth away.

"Ahh! He did! What a bad, bad boy he was! Well-" she said as she pulled her close to her and leaned into her ear. "I will give you more to be scared about. Though that depends on how your sister, Danté and that other one behaves. I can say that your time might become very pleasant if they do not kick up a fuss." 

She tried to pull her neck out of her hand but she could not! In fact that earned her a tightening grip.

"Now, if you are a good, good girl, I will do my best to assure that Matilda has a good, good future and my Danté becomes the best vampire king the world has even known! I may even help that woman that had won my sons' heart be a good queen for him or leave her out of these effares and protect her too! After all, I have lost one son, I might as well ensure that this one does not die over a broken heart!" She said. "So what do you say, do we have a deal?"

 She let her go.

"Yes, just don't hurt them!" She said.

She smiled.

"You good, good girl!" She said as she wrapped her arms around her and they took off. 


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