The Strange Peculiar Bizarre Town Vampire Versus Arc Part Ten

 Dantés' Darkness

She then felt Valli grab her by the back of her neck. She was pulled back as the other vampires raced to the door. She felt herself being pulled further. She tried to kick back but Valli caught it. She then felt her long claw-like nails dig into her calves and shin. She left out a grunt as she felt the air sting her wound. She then pushed her leg away like flicking a fly. 

She then glanced back to see Danté rip the door off its hinges. He then rushed in and the other vampires raced to him. With one swipe of his claws two on the left had their throats slit. He then pulled out their hearts before they could recover from the shock. He then flicked to his right and their heads came flying off and exploded as they hit the walls. 

She was pulled further away from the fight and deeper into the mansion. She then tried to punch Valli in the gut, but she caught the fist and crushed her bones. She let out a scream at the pain. She then felt Valli spin her around and then gripped her by her throat she gave it a gentle squeeze. Enough for her to feel uncomfortable, yet not enough to choke her.

She did not say anything as her eyes met the sight of more vampires racing to him and others were there to give Valli more time to get to wherever it was that she wanted to take both her and Danté. She then felt her bare ankle drag as she was being pulled back further. She then spotted that there was almost a waterfall of blood spray out in front of him and there was a tail of blood and dust behind him.

Them she heard a ding beside her and, what looked like an ordinary door, opened to a small room with velvet covering the floor and walls. She then was thrown inside and hit her shoulder on her wall as Valli walked in and the door closed. She spotted the buttons beside the door and Valli quickly pressed the lowest one.

Before she could get up, she felt Vallis' hand enclose around her throat. She had a smile on her lips,  as if this was all part of some sadistic plan. As the lift descended she landed in and sniffed her neck. She then pinned her arms down. She soon spotted the fangs and she tried to kick but it was useless. She felt the temperature rise and she tried to make it hotter.

Valli smirked.

"Are you doing that?" She asked pleasantly surprised.

She then let out a giggle. Seeing that that was useless, Melinda tried to raise her body heat, like she did in the hospital but this did not lessen her grip.

"You are!" She laughed

She then dug her fangs deep into her neck. She then felt her force them in deeper. Yet she did not let up. She felt the fans go deeper and deeper until she could bear it no more. She then let out a scream and the light exploded. She kicked and kicked but this was all to no avail. She soon felt her head pound as the doors opened.

Valli pulled away and let the blood flow freely. She fell to the floor and then coughed. She was then pulled up and was shoved into a large chamber, lit by nothing but candles. She saw pillar upon pillar with columns up on columns of shelves, filled with what looked like bottles of red wine. Although, she knew better than to think that it was.

She looked at Valli horrified, wondering how many people were killed to have this many bottles of blood. Then she felt the sinking feeling that she was going to join them. Valli looked at her and laughed lightly.

"You catch on rather fast. Although, you need not worry Melinda Narcissa. You will not be one of them. If my son does what I want him to, you will never have to worry about all this. After all, both my sons and I like you. Not to mention, Melinda Narcissa does sound like a vampires' name. Don't you agree?" She said as she walked up to one of the bottles and smashed it.

She was about to answer but then she heard a metallic ripping sound. She looked back but before she could get her hopes up Valli grabbed her and pulled her back. She threw another bottle in front of them as she walked further and further back. They were behind a shelf and she saw Danté in between two shelves. 

Yet for a moment she saw his eyes light up with bloodlust and his entire body was covered in blood. His fans were longer and sharper and the lower canines were sharper and longer too. His hands were thinner than usual with nails that looked like daggers. He looked like a monster!

Valli laughed as she looked at him. She then pushed the shelf down over him. She then picked her up and then ran toppling shelf after shelf. They soon came to the back, where there was a table with cuffs on. She saw that there was a needle at every point. 

This must be where they bleed their victims. She deduced.

That was when they turned around. She saw Danté had already caught up with them.

"You took your sweet time, my dear son!" 

"Give Melinda back to me!" He growled.

She cocked her eyebrow apathetically.


She then pushed her to him, holding onto the back of her neck tightly. He looked at her with an enraged frown.

"It is what you wanted, is it not?" She said as she placed her tiny finer on the wound in her neck. "You might as well get it over with. After all, you are the vampire king now Danté, so it would be inevitable. After all if you refuse to do it somebody else will. After all, I know this girl is destined to be a child of the night. She even looks like one of us already."

"Mother, no. Melinda will never be a child of the night."

"Oh? Is that right? Then how about you think about it, after all, the best way to get to you is to make her into one of us. We both know that it would be beneficial to all if she does, even more so if you are her master."

"Mother let her go. Now."

"Not until she sees you for the way you truly are. The way I know you are, and to make your first vampire. Your first fang child!"

"Never! I promised Jaden that will never happen and I promised my Myra that I will never make a gang child."

He then raved to her and bit into her neck. He gripped her wrist and soon crushed it thus letting go of Melinda. He drank and drank until she turned to dust. Which fell on her causing her to shiver. He crouched to her and hugged her tightly. As if part of him was afraid to let go. Feeling that he was real,  she cried in his arms.

"Shh, shh! It's okay now! It's okay now!" He whispered in her ear like a protective father would.


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