The Strange Peculiar Bizarre Town Vampire Versus Arc Part Seven

 Sleep Drain

Melinda woke, her vampire nightmare was over. She felt finally refreshed and her mind was clear like a flat lake on a windless day. She never could quite know what a relief it would have been to see natural light and see the sun in the sky.

She sat up, she was still feeling cold and weak, but the very fact that she was out of that hell hole gave her a great strength that she just could not understand. She slipped out of bed and then felt a tear of joy as she realised she was not only alive but also the vampire thing was all over.

She saw Danté was sleeping next to her bed. He must have been here the whole night. She then looked beside him in her draws, clean and ironed and neatly folded. She smiled as she picked it up. She sniffed the scent of the laundry powder.

This quiet moment was interrupted as she was yanked back and spun. Her eyes met those of Matilda. She even heard her crying too as she pulled her in close. She hugged her tightly as if she was afraid to let go. She hugged her back.

"Mel, are you alright? We were all so worried. I'm sorry that it took so long. Whatever Vytuatas used was powerful enough to keep him out cold for over a day! But are you alright? Are you still human too?"

"Am now, and yes I am."

She pulled back. Melinda felt a smile spread across her lips.

"I hope that I haven't missed too much school."

"School? School?" She laughed. "Of all things!"

"Hey,  I ain't letting this town affect my future!" She commented.

She then went to the bathroom to change as she did not want to wake Danté. She looked at herself in the mirror and was alarmed at how aggressive Vytuatas' portions looked to Dantés'. It was all too clear that he wanted to drink from her as painfully as possible, yet Danté tried to do it as painlessly as he could. Yet she tried to keep her mind focused as she put the plaster on her neck.

When she went down the stairs she did feel tired but she knew that it would not be as much as she would have been if she was rescued a day later.

"Mel? Age you sue you're strong enough to-"

"Yes,  I think it would help."

Her features softened.

"Alright. But don't push yourself."

"Okay,  but I Ewell push myself enough. After all, I hope that it proves to be a good distraction."

"'Distraction'? After all these months, you need help!"

"Do you think that anyone would believe me?"

Her eyes became jaded as they averted her gaze.

"Hell, I didn't believe it, remember?"

"Yeah, I do. Just be careful and have a good day." She said.

"I'll do my best, but first I'll be getting my breakfast." She said. "Seriously he only gave me one or two meals."

She laughed.

"Alright, I'll do it." She said as she went to the kitchen.

She made her porridge with golden syrup. It looked fowl but the moment that it touched her mouth it treated like rich, sweet heaven and with a thick hot texture. She ate in silence and was done. It satisfied and filled her.

"That was surprisingly good."

They went to school and, during her breaks, she caught up with all her work and she was back on top of all her work. The whole day passed so fast that before they knew it they were soon back home and doing their homework. She then played video games along with Matilda. The girls were soon laughing. Melinda could not remember when, if any, she had so much fun!

So this is what it's like to have a friend! She thought.

They soon had dinner and continued playing the game until they got bored and started to play with Alice and the other dolls. So when it came time for bed they were too tired to refuse. She set her alarm and her eyes closed the moment her head tested on the pillow her eyes closed.

She was walking down a cold street. She shivered as she brushed her arm. She was seeing through the eyes of someone wearing a beautiful white velvet dress. She could feel that it had no sleeves and it was smart that it came to above her knees. She knew that she was seeing through the eyes of someone similar to her height. They were crying too.

She turned left to see the mansion that Vytuatas held her in. She then walked on at a fast pace. She turned left to see a street of mansions that were all identical to that mansion. She had seen this street was somewhere near the edge of the town. She then walked in the middle of the street, by the tears and the fast erratic walk, whoever it was must have been broken hearted and upset.

She soon saw a woman ahead. She was in a black suit with a well ironed skirt and a flamboyant silk blouse. She had long light champagne blonde hair with curly tips. Her eyes were scarlet with a cat like slit, though it was not noticeable. She had a small sharp nose and pail white skin with coral red blush and lips. She had the beauty of a modest model with a strange warm feeling about her, like a mother.

She smiled a warm and welcoming smile, revealing a pair of snow white fangs. She hummed an enchanting tune that was soothing as she approached,  her high heels echoed in the silence of the night. She placed a hand on her shoulder. She felt a strange blissful warmth. She did not mind what she was doing. In fact she liked the sensation though she knew that it was dangerous.

When she woke up she felt weak but not noticeable. Yet as she came around she felt disappointed. She wanted to see that woman again. She wanted to feel that strange warmth again.

"Are you alright?" Danté asked. 

Age looked at him with that strange bliss.

"Yeah,  you?"

"I don't know. Are you feeling strong?"

"Yeah, come on, I think while Jaden's asleep you can feed." 

"No. There's something wrong. You did not dream of another vampire did you?" He asked worried.

"Yeah, how did you know?" 

"You seem very light headed."

"Well, it was someone else that was taken. Speaking of which, you need to feed." She said.

He smiled to himself as he leaned in.

"But please, don't tell Jaden. We don't need her worrying, not unless we know I'm the target." 

He nodded and drank, yet there was no pain this time. In fact she found it strangely pleasant. When he pulled away he looked at her concerned but said nothing.

"Alright, but if you dream of that vampire again, tell me."

"I will."

She went to school the next day. Yet she could not focus on anything, even the mild weakened state that she was in. All she could think about was seeing that woman again. That was all she wanted to do. So when she got back home, she started to draw her. Yet she felt like she could fall asleep any moment. By the time it was bedtime she did not even complain and her eyes closed.

She was seeing through a smaller persons' eyes this time. She was looking up at the place. She could feel her stomach possibly rumble. When she passed the mansion she started running. She could feel the fear of a child younger than her. She looked in the window and saw that she was looking through the eyes of a small child and by the bony face and dirty torn clothes, homeless or abused one.

That was when she saw the woman again. She smiled at her and crouched to her.

"Where are your parents young one?" She asked in a posh Queen's English accent.

"They threw me out. They hate me."

"Are you hungry?" 

"Yes miss."

She smiled and held out her hand.

"I will feed you!" she said as the little girl took her hand. "And a place to rest your head."

They walked on. They had arrived at the final mansion at the end of the street. They walked in and then guided the girl in. She guided the girl up the stairs up to the top floor. She then pointed to a trap door above them and the vampiress looked at her, clearly not seeing the child, but her.

This woke her up. She felt notably weaker. She felt alright but she knew that one thing,  there was another vampire about to attack. She looked around for Danté and soon found him. She soon spored that he shared some of the facial features of that vampiress. He held the drawing that she did in his hand. Yet she had noticed that sorrowful darkness in them as he looked at it. Yet she knew that woman had a different kind of darkness about her. One that was very alluring and put people at ease even though there were very loud alarm bells going off.

He looked at her.

"Is this the vampire that you dreamed about last night?" He said with a choked up voice.

"Yes. I just dreamed about her."

"Valli Dracula."

"That her name?"


"She your sister?"

"Mother." He said as a red single tear ran down his cheek.


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