Doormaze Drage The Purple Artefacts Final Part

 The Piece 

They looked at the piec. Doormaze walked up to it. She picked it up and took a closer look at it. She felt very tired as she looked at the other two.

“Well, what are you waiting for?”

She looked up at the castle as she let out a yawn. She then looked back at them. She could tell that both of them were tired.


“We’re the only people here.”


“We’re all tired and I don’t know when the next time we will be sleeping in a good and warm bed.”


“I think that we should call it a night. Find a bed and take some time off tomorrow.”


“We all need it.”

They looked at each other and they soon found a velvet royal purple bed. They flopped into them and went to sleep the moment that their heads hit the pillows.

The following day Doormaze looked around the castle, wondering who lived in it and what they were like.

She then walked into a library filled with dusty only books of all shades of purple. She looked at the spines with writing of silver and gold. Her eyes looked at the writing. Only to find one of the books had English writing in gold writing.


That’s interesting.

She picked it up and opened it on a random page.

When you have a present vision, and and

 you know it is called that, you should 

know that you can communicate with 

 those in the dream by willing your voice

to speak to that person.

She closed the book and slipped it into her bag.

Looks like I’ll try that.

She then met up with Coalmine and Burn.

“So what do you want to do?”

She looked outside. The sky was bright purple. She walked outside and smiled as she enjoyed the gentle heat on her skin.

“Just enjoy the day and appreciate the beauty of the world.”

Coalmine nodded. She too closed her eyes as she too took in the heat of the sun. She opened and took in the dark emerald hills and mountains. They took a moment to hear the singing of birds that had returned to the sky. She saw the flapping of those birds and then the butterflies. They could feel the ambience calm their minds as they felt this moment of peace.

They walked back in and looked in the castle for the kitchens. They soon found them and Burn cooked them all a full English breakfast. The moment they noticed that it tasted good. 

“Alright, Burn’s on cooking duties from now on!” The twins said.

She smiled shyly as she too ate her meal. Soon they finished their meal. After they went into playing hide and seek. Yet when they were bored of that they played princesses and princes each taking their turn to play the princess and the prince and the knight that slayed the dragon which each of them also took turns playing.

By the end of the day they were all tired and flopped into the bed and slept vertically beside each other.

Doormaze spotted Inevitable. He slept beside Kai and Cardmorgue’s cage. He was chained to the ground. She then tried to do what it said in the book.

“D-dad?” She asked, unsure what 

to say.

He raised his head.



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