The Nine Dragons The Dragon Of The Ground Part One

 Down The Mountain 

Loc walked off the portal pool and looked around to see that she was at the top of the mountain. The air was thin and the clouds were beneath her. She noticed that there was only one way down. She walked along the edge to see that there was a pathway far down at the bottom beside the cloud sea. 

So she flung herself over the corner and reached out her hand and grabbed hold of the rock. She climbed down further and further. She was barely down when she started to feel tired and her lungs could not get the air that they needed. Yet she pushed herself on and on and she climbed down further and further as she had to gasp for as much air as her lungs could grab yet she was able to reach the halfway point. She could feel her arms, legs and lungs aching. Yet she continued to push herself on and on further and further down. She could feel herself getting tireder and tireder. Her arms, thighs, calves and chest aches worse and worse. Yet she climbed down further and further. When she reached three quarters of the way down her body was twitching and sweaty. Yet she forced herself on and on until she felt a spasm in her leg and arm. She fell and when she hit the ground, all went black.


When Loc woke up on the path. She hurt all over. She looked all around to see her legs were all were at an odd angle and either were painful or cold and numb. She looked at her arms and saw that they needed to be straightened out too.

When she went to get up she felt pain in the side of her chest. This was followed by the itchiness that she always had when she was healing. Once she was up the first thing that she did was straighten out her arms and legs. She had to breathe in her nose and out of her mouth to calm herself down or cry out in pain. She had to do all to prevent herself from scratching her healing limbs.

Aw! She thought as the limbs fully healed.

She got up to her feet. She looked up and down the pathway to see that going right was the way to go. So she walked in that direction. She walked and walked trying to recover from the shock. Yet she had to resist running. She knew that she did not know how much energy she would need for the fight. She would for two hands before she knew that she needed a break. So she sat down to rest. After she had a good rest she jumped back up to her feet. She had barely taken a few steps when she thought that she saw a rock move. She then looked at it closer. In fact she was, what looked like a man made of rock with hollow sockets for eyes.

“Who are you one with eye dots?”


“Why are you here?”

“To kill the dragon.”

He burst out laughing, it seemed more like wind escaping in the tune of a laugh.

“Then let’s fight!”

He lounged forward. His steps sent slight tremors through the ground. She saw it go to hit her. She dived out of the way. She summoned her fire and blasted it at it, but this did nothing. She raced to it and broke her knuckles on it. It then whacked her. She flung to the rock face behind.

She spat out blood when she landed. She saw a shadow. She dived out of the way as it hit the rock face. This caused the hand and rock face to be smashed into pieces!

Her eyes widened.

That’s it!

She then picked up a rock the size of a head and threw it at the head. It dodged. It turned and ran to her. She took another rock and when it was close enough, she threw it at the head. It smashed the head. It collapsed, breaking the road.

So she moved on, trying to resist the urge to scratch her healing knuckles. She had to climb down the rocks before she came to the rest of the path.

Then her eyes caught a glimpse of another rock man. He turned to see her. She ran to the rock that was the biggest that she could carry. She threw it at the head. Yet the rock before it went anywhere near the head. 

He turned around. The moment he saw her he roared at her. She dodged out of the way before he could hit her. He picked up a rock and threw it at her. She dodged. He threw another at her. She dodged. He threw another over her head. She looked up to see that the rock face broke apart. She ran on as the rocks fell. Then she heard another crash to her left and as she ran hit her in the left. She only just dived out of the way.

She looked behind to see that there were many rocks coming at her from the path! She, knowing that they would hit her, jumped to the rock and climbed it. She climbed higher and higher. Then she felt the rock face crumble in front of her and she fell. She, gripping the rock, spun and kicked out and threw the rocks at the rock man and it hit the shoulder. Then she landed on him. She jumped off him and dived at another big rock that she could see and it took all her strength to throw it at him. It hit the main body. It smashed the chest.

She then ran to another rock as he ran to her with a gaping hole. She threw it at the leg and it fell over once it broke off. The body was nothing but debris. She saw that the head was still moving. She picked up another rock and broke it apart.

After that she took a small nap as she knew that she needed it. When she woke up she got to her feet and looked around at the rocky mess. She walked on and on. She walked slowly as her body recovered from the shock of the fight.

This one is going to be a hard one.

Yes, but it has to be done.

She then walked below the clouds and spotted several rock men. She walked on and on. She saw more and more. Then several turned to the ledges but she kept herself hidden. As she walked on and on and she ran on slightly. Then went down one ledge and then another and another. Then once she reached the lowest ledge she counted fifty.

How am I going to take them all down?!


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