The Strange Peculiar Bizarre Town The Witch Part One
The Plan When Melinda walked into school, once the holidays were over, she noticed all of the other students at her in alarm. They did all that they could to avoid and they said nothing in her presence. Some ran away from her the moment that they saw her. Others screamed the moment that they set eyes upon her. Then she made her way to the classroom with Matilda beside her. She took a glance at her. She wondered if she was alright. She would have asked, if she didn't know any better. No. She wanted both of them to get through the day without any disruptions. So both girls decided to keep to themselves as the day wore on. None of them did anything that led to anything big. Which was made easier by the rest of the students as they were locked in their state of fear. Melinda went through the motions of being a model student, even though all that she could think about was what they were going to do tonight. She had declared that she was going to take down the witch Wendy Wonderl...