The Sorrowful Rebel The Yolk Of The Rebel Part Three

 Breaking Point

Loc woke at no earlier than five in the morning. She got up, showered and put her clothes on. She continued to read the book that she started the day before. She looked at the clock and knew that it was too early to ask for a mission. So she just stayed there as she ignored her rumbling stomach as she read.

The Serpentine Stars were able

to locate the Nameless Emperor

but he was far too strong for them.

Oh the horror! Their bodies were all

put on display for all to see!

She noticed that there were smudges and darkened areas. She knew that it was not from age but tears. Whoever wrote this knew these Serpentine Stars.

Oh! I wish I would have spent more

time with you Ethotaar Searlette. We

may have come from two different 

worlds but I wish I could have told 

you…You have become my world.

"Wait, there were others from other worlds here?" She shouted out loud.


She shook her head and then took the book and raced to Light Bringer's office.

"Ahhh! Loc-"

"There were others."


"There were others that came here from other worlds. As in, other than Gajellidor Darcrogh."

"Oh?" He said, aloof.

She showed him the books. He looked down and his eyes widened. He looked up at her in shock.

"So there were! Look Loc, there is another facility that has more books. I want you and your team to get them. From what I gather, I can tell that even though there are less books, it will bring more knowledge. You never know, there may be a book that will reveal what the Evil Emperor looks like."

"Right. I'll get on that once I have had my breakfast." 

She soon ate her cubes as her team ate theirs.

"What? There were other people that came here?"

"Never mind that! Why did he present their bodies? That's just creepy."

"Do you think that there is any religious significance? Back in my world, there was a dark and disbanded sisterhood that would sacrifice their prisoners and would ensure that the next victims would clean their corpses and show them out of their dwelling nude. They would believe that this would display their power over them."

"Maybe…maybe you should keep looking."

They soon set off and we're at the facility. It was surprisingly small yet there were more guards. This told her that the books inside were more important than the last one. So, the moment that they drove up to the facility, she knew that they would have a fight on their hands.

She slid her hand into her pouch and gripped some firecrys. She counted twenty guards in total that were visible.

I can do this. Though it will be hard.

She soon saw the guns and she pulled out the shards and set them alight and threw them. They all fired at the shards. She then looked down at the grass. Then she noticed that it was very dry. She threw the lit shards at the grass. This caused the grass to combust. The guards looked down at the fire. She took this moment of destruction and fired at two of them. 

Yet this allerted the other guards which decided. One group was putting out the flames while the others guarded them. They soon fired at her. She would have been hot if Life hadn't pulled her back and yet, she still felt the bullet in her shoulder. She had to grit her teeth as she had to take out more shards and threw them at the guards. Yet as soon as the bullets came, she threw another row and hit three more.

She then fired at some more, yet the moment she counted, she noticed that she had whittled it down to just ten guards. 

That was when To Break and Distant Battle took out their weapons and killed five each. The rest got out and Loc looked at the flames. She then closed her eyes and then willed the fire to be put out. They then moved to the door. This one had both a lock and a pad. To Break and To Open were already on getting into them. The rest raised their guns to the door. They were soon in and, once the doors opened,they fired at all the guards that they could see. Soon they all ran in and fired at more and more guards. 

They all ran to the first floor and To Open and Life took as many books as they could as Distant Battle and To Break guarded them as they did. Meanwhile Loc ran on ahead and noticed that the roof was too short for her to be attacked from above. So she ran to the doors and opened the door to the stairs. She ran in and then she saw a group of guards on the stairs. She then fired at each and every one of them. She then ran on and combed through the levels to see that there were no more there. 

So they took the books and drove off. 

"So what's next?"

"We see your injuries."

"I meant mission."

"Seriously? We've just done one!'

"Listen to your team."

"Is there anything else I can do?"

"We will talk once you have seen to your injuries. But I think that you should rest. You look tired."

"I'm fine thank you!"

She was soon back in the office once the bullet had been removed.

"You're very persistent."

"Just give me a mission."

"Fine. Here."

He handed her a file.

"There is an abandoned lab in the East District. There is a rumour going around that there is a file on one of the old computers that identifies key scientists, other than Father Of Knowledge, that have been helping the Evil Emperor build more powerful weapons for the empire against both us and their own people."

"Right. I'll be on that."

"Oh! And one more thing. There is another saying that one of these scientists knows what the Evil Emperor looks like."

"Got it!"

She soon rounded up Life and the others. 

"Sorry, can't." Distant Battle said.


"I have a date, and I don't want to keep her waiting."

She nodded as she refrained from submitting to anger.

"Right, I know that this is important to you and you need your life. So enjoy your date."

He nodded.

They were soon off. They soon arrived at the lab and got out. The first thing that she noticed was that the place looked as if it had been falling apart for a while and it was so old that the barbed and fence had no electricity running through it. So they were all able to walk in and To Break opened the door. They then walked in and got into an old lift. To Break had to stay and pull at the metal rope so that they could descend. They then were soon at the bottom. They soon spotted the rotting and rotting deformed skeletons. Yet she noticed some looked twisted and nothing like Loc had ever seen before in this world.

"What in the world is this?"

"What? Isn't this normal for this world?"


"Just-juat what were they working on down here?"

"I don't know but we need to find that computer. The answers might be on that."


They soon did and it had a large keyboard with a monitor the size of a room. Life was soon on it.

"Found it!" She said after a few short minutes.

"Well, that is big!"

Life put the stick in.

"Life,what is that?"

"A memory stick."

"Tell me, do you have any dates planned?"

"One, next week."

"Then, I think all of you should tell me if you need time to yourself or have a date." She told them, wanting them to be able to have a life, unlike her.


Soon they all had all the files that were on the computer. 

"Life, could you teach me how to do that?"

"Sure." She said as they set off.

They soon arrived. She then walked her through the basics. After she typed her report and handed it in.

"Is there anything that I can aid another team with?" She asked.


"I want to have another mission but I do want my team to have a break."

He nodded. 

"Alright.  Wolf Raven has a mission to the West Bank. Yi can accompany him."

"Thank you."

She soon joined Wolf Raven and they soon were off. They arrived at the bank. She climbed out of the car.

"Let's get this done!"

They walked in and then looked around at the turquoise blocks. The manager walked up to them. He gave them a suitcase each, but then the man ran up to them and shot the manager and he fell. She then took her gun out and shot him. Then more men ran up to them. She shot man after man. Then she felt someone hit her.

She looked to her left to see a man with a knife. He slashed at her and she went to hit him with the side of her gun but he stabbed her in her side causing her to drop the gun. She then threw a punch and then kneed him between the legs. She then hit him in the nose with her forehead. Then dug her fist in his gut as hard as she could. He staggered back and she was able to quickly pick up the gun and fired. 

She then turned back to the others and fired shot after shot. She caught something in the corner of her eye and before she had to think, she hit the head with the barrel of the gun. She looked around and spotted that they were all dead.

"Looks like we're not going to return here."

She panted as she nodded. They soon had all the turquoise blocks and then returned to base. Loc looked at the clock and knew that it was time for lunch. She did not need the painful rumbling in her stomach to tell her that. She then ate her three cubes. She was back in the office and spotted that Wolf Raven was there too.

"By gum!" Wolf Raven exclaimed. "As he gave him a block."

Light Bringer chuckled.

"Another mission?"

"Yes please."

"How many missions have you done today?"

"Two or three."

"Then if you want more, then I have to go on another one this afternoon. Care to come?"


"Are you up for another?"


"Alright I'll take her."

"Then good luck."

They were soon back on the road.

"So what's the mission?"

"Do you like action?"


"Then you will love this one, but the first mission will lead to the next one. So can you handle that?"


She soon arrived at the base. The moment she saw the guns she scrolled down the window and then sat on the window frame. Looped her seatbelt around her leg and fired. She did not have time to aim, so she did not choose who she took out. She let the blur of bullets cloud the vision of those who she took out. She did not focus upon what she was doing. Once the returning fire ceased she dropped down and put her seatbelt back on.

"Good work!" Wolf Raven said, stroking the back of her neck and chuckling slightly.

"Thank you."

She soon felt her heartbeat increase. Yet she knew that she would have to continue. She needed to continue. They soon climbed out of the bus. She followed him out of the door. He then tapped on the buttons. Then the doors opened. They were soon met with a barrel of the gun.

"You are going to have to be careful. These are children of our rebels here."

She nodded as we took out a few shards of firecrys and fired at the guards. Their heads were set alight. She then ran on and did the same to the next guards. She did this until she saw the class of the children. 

"Wolf Raven."


He then shot the false teacher and usured them all into the hallway and then they all were in the bus. She then followed and got more and more children on the bus. Then they were back on the road. They soon spotted a car coming next to the bus. She, knowing what was about to happen, quickly rolled down the window and shot at the car and it combusted. She then fell back in.

"Don't worry, we'll get you to your parents. " Wolf Raven assured them almost like a parent.

All of them looked at him and smiled teary eyed.

"The Evil Emperor separates them. Mainly in order to weaken and tame his prisoners. Speaking of which, now onto the next mission."

They did not drive to the base. They drove to a prison. She picked up a new gun and then she did what she did earlier that afternoon. She soon mowed them down. They were soon in.

"So, how do we tell the difference between the ones that belong here and the rebels?"

"Simple, the ones that belong in a place like this would only be here to break a rebel of great will. Other than that, those kinds of people are kept in a different prison."

She nodded as she got out and Wolf Raven followed. She followed him to the door. He tapped the keyboard and the door was open. She walked on and soon spotted the multitude of guards. They fired at her instantly. She was hit again and again and again before she had the chance to fire at them. She then felt her head start to pound as it felt light.


"I'm fine."

She then forced herself on gripping her gun as the itching came as her body healed. She then followed Wolf Raven to the next hall. She openfired before they had the time or chance to fire. They soon fell. 

She was about to go on until she saw one run at her and plunged a knife into her but missing her heart but hit a lung. She found it difficult to breathe as she took out a shard of firecrys and lit it and stabbed him in the head. Yet despite knowing that she should take a break, she marched on. Yet as she did, she has to fight against the urge to scratch. She openfired again, but she became well aware of her stamina decreasing as she did. Exhaustion was starting to sink in like fangs of a snake. Yet despite this, she had to continue.

She fired again and again at more and more guards as she did, she could see her eyelids drop. She could feel her hands shaking and her gun slipped. She soon noticed this and regained her grip on the gun and ran on. She soon came to the cells that kept the prisoners and almost immediately after she made quick work of the guards, her leg slipped and she hit her head.

The next minute she was waking up in a hospital room. Her mind was calm yet she still knew that she needed more rest. So she closed her eyes and went back to sleep. She then woke up covered in sweat.

"That was reckless!" Spoke Light Bringer.

"Did we get them out?"

"You mean did Wolf Raven get them out! And the answer is yes. Even though you did faint, you did take out most of the guards. So it was significantly easier on him, but I will stay here and ensure that you recover."


"Look, just because you are immortal does not mean you can get away with being reckless. You can still get hurt and,as you have just experienced, faint. Now get your rest."


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