The Sorrowful Rebel The Yolk Of The Rebel Part One


It was early in the morning and Loc wanted a mission. Noz she needed a mission. She wanted to focus on the present and not even have to think about the past. Nor how she was treated by all around her. She also wanted to have focus in her life and a distraction from all her life until now.

She slipped out of bed and took a shower. She then put on her clothes and went immediately to Light Bringer's office.

"Do you have a mission for me?"

"No. Not at the moment. Why?"

"I want to go on one."

"Then I will call if I have one."

"But I want one now!"

He let out a deep breath.

"I'm sorry but I can't at the moment. Why don't you go to the library I'm sure-"

"But I don't want to go to the library! I want to be out there, on a mission as soon as I can. I need to be out there!" She almost begged.

He closed his mouth and looked aside to a set of drawers. She sucked his cheeks as he thought and put his hands together. He did this for a long time.

"Then I will find one for you. I'm sure that there is at least one I could find for you. In the meantime, have you had your breakfast yet?"


"Then have your breakfast and read some books. I hope that there are some more things a girl like you could find that we may not."

"'Girl like you'?"

"A girl from another world."

She nodded, feeling quite hurt by the comment. After all, it reminded her that she did not belong here.  She knew that she would never belong here. In fact she knew deep down that she did not belong anywhere since her sisters killed her parents.

"But don't see that as a negative thing, Loc. It sometimes takes an outsider's perspective in order to find what the natives will always miss. Like the fact that you have noticed that none of the books here have any description on what the Evil Emperor looks like and in the short amount of time that you have been here, you have done more and moved this rebellion further than I ever could have hoped! My, the place that you have taken us these past months we could only dream of!" He said, picking up on her hurt. "So don't see it as a bad thing. After all, I think we needed an outsider."

She nodded and smiled shyly. Feeling slightly embarrassed at the fact that she was hurt by it and the compliment.

"Alright, I will go. But I still want that mission."

"Then I will find one. I will collect you from the library later."

She nodded, feeling less restless but only slightly. She still needed a mission but she could still be patient. She could tell that she needed a mission and one given to her before lunch. She also knew that she might just find herself back here if she did not have one. She did not know why but neither could she truly describe it in words. It was like a desperation to get back on the battlefield and she felt a strange excitement to be getting back to it.

She had her three cubes and was back in the library. She tried to read the books but she found it difficult to focus on the words. Her mind was still on the battles that she was more than itching to fight. So after trying over and over again, she gave up on reading.

What's wrong with me? I love books! Then why can't I focus?

I want a mission, that's why. I need one. I want to go on one. I don't care which. I don't even care if it's so dangerous or hard that it would land me in another slave base. I just have to go on one.

I don't think that I will be able to focus on anything else.

Then what? I don't want to get addicted to this. No, I might end up becoming worse than Grasharlo if I do!

She shuddered at the prospect. She did not like that thought whatsoever. She just wanted to get it out of her head and get it out completely. She might as well have turned herself over to her sisters if she could if that was the case. Yet she could not. If there was one good thing about all of this, is that she would never have to think or worry about all that for a long time.

With this she tried again to get her head into a book. Only for Light Bringer to approach her with a file. She smiled as she felt excitement take over her heart.

"You found one?"

"Yes. Now come with me."

She followed him to his office. She sat in front of him.

"You know how you like books?"

"I love them, yeah. Why?"

He handed her a file. She opened it. She found a picture of a building that looked like it was made of metal.

"This is the Library Of the Empire. I want you and your team to secure it."

She looked at it, her eyes alight as she nodded.

"Should you do that I also want you to ensure that all the defences are down. Should this go south, then get as many books as you can and get out of there."

She nodded.

"Alright. I will do what I can."

"Alright, but don't forget your team."


She soon called her team and told them the mission.

"Do you have a plan?"

Yes. Get in and collect a few books then get all the defences down. Once they are then we ensure to let that Light Bringer know. I am sure that there will be more teams ready to get the rest of the books."

"Makes sense."

"Then after lunch we will be setting off." She said as they went to eat.

Once they were all finished they all got ready and were soon on the minibus.

"Now, if all goes south, get all the books that you can and put them there." She said, pointing to the seats at the back.


Life drove them to their destination. She looked at the map and saw that there was an entrance point at the back where there was a small car park. It was all too clear that the car park was hardly used as the grass and vines had almost covered the ground. They soon saw a gate that was almost covered by overgrowth. 

They soon walked up to it and spotted that the gate opened inside with a padlock wrapped in vines. To Break walked to the lock and picked it up with one hand and soon was picking it with the other. Meanwhile the rest turned their backs on him and raised their guns to keep an eye out for anyone who was coming. Yet they did not have to wait and keep a look out for long as he soon picked it and they were soon in.

She spotted that there were just two guards in the tunnel. She ran up to the two and they were out before they could do anything, they soon fell. She looked down to see a pad of buttons. She looked back to To Open. She raced to it and then brought out a pad and unscrewed the cover. She then put it down and cut a few wires and then typed away. She took out several metal stands and put on small metal clamps that looked like a tiny alligator head. She then tapped away at the pad. Soon there were a few beeps and flashes of green lights. 

The door opened and she packed everything away. She soon put the cover back on. They then went in. They soon came to another door. After tapping at her pad the door opened. Distant Battle soon shot at a few guards. Meanwhile Loc pulled out a few shards of firecrys and set them alight as she threw them at their heads. 

Then they soon ran on and soon came to a shelf of books and opened their bags and took as many books as they all could carry. They all had ten each, fifty in total. Loc then took To Open to the nearest computer.

"Quickly, do what you can to get as much information as you can as fast as you can."


She was soon plugging a memory stick into the computer and typed away.

"To Break, Distant Battle take these bags and get back to the bus. Then empty them and bring them back. While I will do all that I can to protect To Open and Life protect the men."


They soon collected their bags and were soon off. She looked back as she typed away. She had her hand in the pouch of firecrys. Her eyes darted about. She soon spotted more guards and she threw lit firecrys at them. Then she saw more come and raised their guns. She soon spotted that they were aiming at To Open. She ran to her as they fired. She then threw out more firecrys at them and set them alight. She saw more coming. She had to do all to not give into the pain as she set them alight and throwing them again and again.

That was when gunfire came from behind the guards coming and the three lowered their guns. They soon refilled their bags with books.

"Are you getting close to being done?"


She looked back to To Open to see that she had been shot in the arm.

"Right, now take down the defences and then let's get out of here." She shouted and she pulled out the memory stick. 

After they raced to the minibus. They soon arrived and once they were there, Life soon set off and they were back in the base before tea. They all took their showers and To Open had her wounds attended to. However, they had to operate on Loc to get the bullets out of her. Then she soon typed her report as the books came in and were delivered to the base. Then she handed in the report.

"Good work."

She smiled.

"Thank you."

"We will be sending more teams to collect the rest of the books. By the way, congratulations on getting those one hundred books."

"Thank you."

"Get on and ready the team."

She let out a chuckle.

"After tea."


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